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ORION MINERALS LIMITED - Release of Flat Mines DFS delayed to end-March 2025

Release Date: 14/03/2025 07:13
Code(s): ORN     PDF:  
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Release of Flat Mines DFS delayed to end-March 2025

Orion Minerals Limited
Incorporated in the Commonwealth of Australia
Australian Company Number 098 939 274
ASX share code: ORN
JSE share code: ORN
ISIN: AU000000ORN1

Release of Flat Mines DFS delayed to end-March 2025

Orion Minerals Limited (ASX/JSE: ORN) (Orion or the Company) provides an update on the timing of the release of
the Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) on the Flat Mines Project, part of the Okiep Copper Project.

The Orion Board and partners are currently progressing the internal review process following the sign off by the
independent experts. It is anticipated that the results of the Okiep DFS will be released during the last week of
March 2025, concurrent with the release of Orion's flagship Prieska Copper Zinc Mine DFS.

For and on behalf of the Board.

Errol Smart
Managing Director & CEO

14 March 2025


Investors                                    Media                                     JSE Sponsor
Errol Smart – Managing Director & CEO        Nicholas Read                             Monique Martinez
Denis Waddell – Chairman                     Read Corporate, Australia                 Merchantec Capital
T: +61 (0) 3 8080 7170                       T: +61 (0) 419 929 046                    T: +27 (0) 11 325 6363
E:                 E:          E:


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Date: 14-03-2025 07:13:00
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