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Results of annual general meeting
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 1967/003680/06)
JSE code: OMN
ISIN: ZAE000005153
("Omnia" or the "Company")
Shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on Wednesday, 11 September 2024 (in
terms of the notice of annual general meeting published on Friday, 19 July 2024), all of the resolutions tabled thereat were
passed by the requisite majority of Omnia shareholders.
Details of the results of voting at the annual general meeting are as follows:
- total number of Omnia shares in issue at the date of the annual general meeting and that could have been voted at
the annual general meeting: 164 366 033;
- total number of Omnia shares that were present/represented at the annual general meeting: 139 891 301, being
85.11% of the total number of Omnia shares that could have been voted at the annual general meeting.
Ordinary resolution 1: Appointment of external auditor
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 827 444, being 85.07% 137 504 506, being 98.34% 2 322 938, being 1.66% 63 857, being 0.04%
Ordinary resolution 2: Re-election of director: Mr S Mncwango
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 808 813, being 85.06% 114 509 479, being 81.90% 25 299 334, being 18.10% 82 488, being 0.05%
Ordinary resolution 3: Re-election of director: Mr R Bowen
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 808 813, being 85.06% 133 380 694, being 95.40% 6 428 119, being 4.60% 82 488, being 0.05%
Ordinary resolution 4: Re-election of director: Ms R Van Dijk
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 808 813, being 85.06% 139 678 616, being 99.91% 130 197, being 0.09% 82 488, being 0.05%
Ordinary resolution 5: Re-election of director: Mr W Plaizier
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 806 413, being 85.06% 139 805 498, being 99.99% 915, being 0.01% 84 888, being 0.05%
Ordinary resolution 6.1: Appointment of Mr G Cavaleros as member and chair of the audit and risk committee
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 806 413, being 85.06% 139 158 936, being 99.54% 647 477, being 0.46% 84 888, being 0.05%
Ordinary resolution 6.2: Appointment of Mr R Bowen as member of the audit and risk committee
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 806 413, being 85.06% 128 228 790, being 91.72% 11 577 623, being 8.28% 84 888, being 0.05%
Ordinary resolution 6.3: Appointment of Ms R van Dijk as member of the audit and risk committee
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 806 413, being 85.06% 139 674 183, being 99.91% 132 230, being 0.09% 84 888, being 0.05%
Ordinary resolution 6.4: Appointment of Mr W Plaizier as member of the audit and risk committee
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 806 413, being 85.06% 137 481 442, being 98.34% 2 324 971, being 1.66% 84 888, being 0.05%
Ordinary resolution 7: Authorisation to sign documents giving effect to resolutions
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 816 908, being 85.06% 139 815 993, being 99.99% 915, being 0.01% 74 393, being 0.05%
Non-binding resolution 8.1: Non-binding advisory vote to support the remuneration policy
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 680 896, being 84.98% 118 788 716, being 85.04% 20 892 180, being 14.96% 210 405, being 0.13%
Non-binding resolution 8.2: Non-binding advisory vote to support the remuneration implementation report
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 550 905, being 84.90% 107 565 728, being 77.08% 31 985 177, being 22.92% 340 396, being 0.21%
Special resolution 1.1: Approval of non-executive directors' fees
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 750 787, being 85.02% 139 147 817, being 99.57% 602 970, being 0.43% 140 514, being 0.09%
Special resolution 1.2: Approval of chair's fees
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 750 787, being 85.02% 139 620 160, being 99.91% 130 627, being 0.09% 140 514, being 0.09%
Special resolution 2.1: Financial assistance in terms of section 44 of the Companies Act
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 744 095, being 85.02% 116 975 780, being 83.71% 22 768 315, being 16.29% 147 206, being 0.09%
Special resolution 2.2: Financial assistance in terms of section 45 of the Companies Act
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 770 499, being 85.04% 120 846 275, being 86.46% 18 924 224, being 13.54% 120 802, being 0.07%
Special resolution 3: General authority to repurchase shares
Shares voted* For Against Abstentions^
139 750 411, being 85.02% 139 261 479, being 99.65% 488 932, being 0.35% 140 890, being 0.09%
* shares voted (excluding abstentions) in relation to total shares in issue
^ in relation to total shares is issue
11 September 2024
Java Capital
Date: 11-09-2024 04:00:00
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