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OCEANA GROUP LIMITED - Appointment of independent non-executive director

Release Date: 11/03/2024 10:00
Code(s): OCE     PDF:  
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Appointment of independent non-executive director

Oceana Group Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number 1939/001730/06)
JSE / A2X Share Code: OCE
NSX Share Code: OCG
ISIN Number: ZAE000025284
("Oceana" or "the Company" or "the Group")


In compliance with paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Listing Requirements, the Board is pleased
to announce the appointment of Ms Poovendhri (Pooven) Viranna as an independent non-
executive director of the Company with effect from 11th March 2024.

Pooven is a seasoned finance executive with multiple industry experience across listed,
private and public sectors. She has served as a member of the South African Institute of
Chartered Accounts ("SAICA") Accounting Practices Committee and currently is a non-
executive director and committee member of Evolution Credit Ltd.

Pooven owns and manages a strategic finance consulting company and is a qualified CA
(SA), with more than 25 years' experience in senior and executive finance roles.

She will serve as a member-elect of the Audit Committee and a member of Remuneration

The Board welcomes Pooven and looks forward to her contribution to the Group.

For and behalf of the Board
11th March 2024
Cape Town

Sponsors – Primary Listing
The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Namibia Sponsor – Secondary Listing
Old Mutual Investments Services (Namibia) Proprietary Limited

Date: 11-03-2024 10:00:00
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