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OASIS CRESCENT PROPERTY FUND - Reviewed condensed consolidated interim results for the 6 months ended 30 September 2024 & distribution declaration

Release Date: 22/10/2024 17:30
Code(s): OAS     PDF:  
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Reviewed condensed consolidated interim results for the 6 months ended 30 September 2024 & distribution declaration

A property fund created under the Oasis Crescent Property
Trust Scheme registered in terms of the Collective
Investment Schemes Control Act (Act 45 of 2002) having
real estate investment trust ("REIT") status with the JSE
Share code: OAS
ISIN: ZAE000074332
("Oasis", "OCPF" or "the Fund")



The Fund is a well-diversified REIT invested in South African direct property investments and
high quality global listed REITS. The Fund invests in the best global cities and the highest
quality properties without the use of leverage. The Fund is focused on meeting the tenant
needs and maintaining world-class facilities.


Intrinsic value return (NAV growth and distribution income) of 11.4% per annum since inception
compared to inflation of 5.7% per annum.

Distribution including non-permissible income increased by 11.5% to 60.2 cents per unit relative
to 54.0 cents in the prior year corresponding period.

Net property income growth driven by higher rentals in the industrial sector and improvement in
the collection of rentals

Investment income growth driven by higher returns earned on the investment of liquid reserves
in the Oasis Crescent Income Fund

Trading at a 31% discount to NAV taking into consideration the current HY2025 dividend of 59.4
cents per unit


Total income increased by 10.8% to R71.6 million, from R64.6 million in the prior
corresponding period.

Distributable income increased by 10.8% to R39.1 million, from R35.3 million in the prior
corresponding period.

Distribution per unit ("DPU") increased by 11.7% to 59.4 cents per unit, from 53.2 cents per
unit in the prior corresponding period.

Net asset value per unit ("NAVPU") increased by 13.8% to 2,757 cents per unit, from 2,423
cents per unit in the prior corresponding period.

Headline earnings per unit ("HEPU") increased by 23.3% to 111.1 cents per unit, from 90.1
cents per unit in the prior corresponding period, due to adjustments on financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss.

Earnings per unit ("EPU") increased by 22% to 108.0 cents per unit, from 88.5 cents per unit
in the prior corresponding period, due to adjustments on financial assets at fair value through
profit or loss.


Notice is hereby given that a distribution of 5,935.79300 cents (in aggregate), after non-
permissible income, for every 100 (one hundred) units so held, has been approved and
declared by the board to unitholders recorded in the register of OCPF at close of business
on Friday, 6 December 2024, from income. Unitholders may elect to receive the distribution
in cash or to reinvest the distribution by the purchase of new units at a rate of 2.15299 units
at 2,757 cents per unit (in aggregate), for every 100 (one hundred) units so held.

Trading in the electronic Strate environment does not permit fractions and fractional
entitlements in respect of units. Accordingly, should a unitholder's entitlement to new units,
calculated in accordance with the ratio mentioned above, give rise to a fraction of a new unit,
such fraction will be rounded down to the nearest whole number, resulting in allocations of
whole units and a payment to the unitholder in respect of the remaining cash amount due to
that unitholder under the distribution.

The publication of this announcement and/or applicable documents and the right to reinvest
the distribution in jurisdictions other than South Africa may be restricted by law and failure to
comply with any of these restrictions may constitute a violation of the securities laws of any
such jurisdictions. OCPF units have not been and will not be registered for the purposes of
the election under the securities laws of the United Kingdom, European Economic Area or
EEA, Canada, United States of America, Japan or Australia and accordingly are not being
offered, sold, taken up, re-sold or delivered directly or indirectly to recipients with registered
addresses in such jurisdictions.

In respect of the distribution, unitholders who will receive the distribution are hereby informed
that, for taxation purposes, OCPF is a REIT as defined in the Income Tax Act as from 1 April
2013 and, accordingly, the tax implications of the distribution have changed as from that date.
The distribution will not be exempt from income tax in terms of section 10(1)(k) of the Income
Tax Act.

For South African tax residents, the distribution will be exempt from dividends tax in terms of
section 64F (1) of the Income Tax Act, provided that you, as unitholder, provide the transfer
secretary or your nominee, custodian or central securities depository participant ("CSDP")
with confirmation of your tax residence status in the prescribed form. If you do not provide
the required residence status, they will have no choice but to withhold dividends tax at a rate
of 20%.

For non-resident unitholders, for South African tax purposes, the distribution received by a
non-resident unitholder from a REIT will be subject to dividend withholding tax at 20%, unless
the rate is reduced in terms of any applicable agreement for the avoidance of double taxation
("DTA") between South Africa and the country of tax residence of the unitholder. Non-resident
unitholders that believe that a reduced rate of tax applies in respect of their applicable DTA
should contact the transfer secretaries or their nominee, custodian or CSDP for the
prescribed form to record the reduced rate of tax.

Where dividends tax is withheld at 20%:
-      the reinvestment ratio for non-resident unitholders will be 1.72239 units at 2,757 cents
       per unit, for every 100 (one hundred) units held on the record date; and
-      should such unitholders elect to receive the distribution in cash, they will receive
       4,748.63440 cents per 100 (one hundred) units held on the record date.

Kindly contact the transfer secretaries, or your nominee, custodian or CSDP for a copy of
the prescribed declaration form.

The Income Tax Act sections applicable to the distributions made are as follows:

-         Property income distribution from a REIT – section 10(1)(k) and section 64F(1)

Both resident and non-resident unitholders are encouraged to consult their professional tax
advisors with regard to their individual tax liability in this regard.

Units in issue at the date of declaration of the distribution: 64 434 461

Income tax reference number: 3354212148

A circular, together with a form of election, will be posted out to unitholders on
Friday, 8 November 2024, in respect of the unit and income distribution.

The salient dates of the distribution declaration are:

    Release of results and declaration announcement on SENS          Tuesday, 22 October
    of distribution and right of election to purchase new units or
    receive a cash payment
    Circular and form of election posted to unitholders              Friday, 8 November
    Finalisation announcement on SENS in respect of cash             Friday, 8 November
    distribution and right of election to purchase new units or
    receive a cash payment
    Last day to trade in order to be eligible for the distribution   Tuesday, 3 December
    Trading commences ex-entitlement to the distribution             Wednesday, 4 December
    Listing of maximum possible number of units that may be          Friday, 6 December
    purchased at commencement of trade
    Closing date for the election of cash distribution or to         Friday, 6 December
    reinvest at 12:00 p.m. on
    Record date for the distribution                                 Friday, 6 December
    Electronic payment and CSDP/broker accounts updated with         Monday, 9 December
    Announcement of the results of the distribution on SENS          Monday, 9 December
    Unit certificates posted and CSDP/broker accounts updated        Wednesday, 11 December
    with units
    Adjustment of number of new units listed on                      Friday, 13 December

     1.   Unitholders reinvesting their distribution in new units are alerted to the fact that
          the new units will be listed 3 business days after the last day to trade and that
          these new units can only be traded 3 business days after the last day to trade,
          due to the fact that settlement of the units will be 3 business days after the record
          date, which differs from the conventional one business day after the record date
          settlement process.
     2.   Units may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Wednesday, 4 December
          2024 and Friday, 6 December 2024, both days inclusive.
     3.   The above dates and times are subject to change. Any changes will be announced on
     4.   All times quoted above are South African times.
     5.   Dematerialised unitholders should provide their CSDP or broker with their election
          instructions by the cut-off time stipulated in terms of their custody agreement with such
          CSDP or broker.
     6.   If no election is made, the distribution accrued to the unitholder will be used to purchase
          additional units.


This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of the Fund's manager,
Oasis Crescent Property Fund Managers Limited. It contains only a summary of the
information in the reviewed condensed consolidated interim results for the six months ended
30 September 2024 ("Interim Results") and does not contain full or complete details. The
Interim Results are available on the JSE cloudlink at:

The Interim Results are also available for viewing on the Fund's website at

Any investment decisions by investors and/or shareholders should be based on consideration
of the Interim Results, as a whole.

The Interim Results have been reviewed by the Fund's auditors, Nexia SAB&T, who
expressed an unmodified review opinion thereon.

Cape Town
22 October 2024

Corporate Advisor and Designated Advisor
PSG Capital

Date: 22-10-2024 05:30:00
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