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Report on proceedings at the annual general meeting
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2003/002733/06)
ISIN: ZAE000145892
JSE and A2X share code: LHC
("Life Healthcare" or "the Company" or the "Group")
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa with limited liability)
Registration number: 2016/273566/06
Bond company code: LHFI
("Life Healthcare Funding")
At the 20th annual general meeting ("AGM") of the shareholders of Life Healthcare held today, 20 February 2025,
all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed at the meeting were approved by the requisite majority of votes.
In this regard, Life Healthcare confirms the voting statistics from the AGM as follows:
Votes cast are
disclosed as a Shares voted Shares
percentage in disclosed as abstained
relation to the total a percentage disclosed as a
Resolutions number of shares in relation to percentage in
voted at the meeting the total relation to the
For Against Number of issued total issued
shares voted shares* shares*
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.1: 98,51% 1,49% 1 178 414 219 80,31% 0,01%
Re-appointment of Deloitte as the
independent external auditor
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.2: 98,57% 1,43% 1 178 122 456 80,29% 0,03%
Re-appointment of James Andrew Robb
Welch as the individual designated
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 2.1: 99,85% 0,15% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Confirmation of director – F Abdullah
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 2.2: 99,80% 0,20% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Confirmation of director – R Campbell
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 2.3: 98,63% 1,37% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Re-election of director – M Sello
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 2.4: 100,00% 0,00% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Re-election of director – P Wharton-Hood
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 2.5: 99,30% 0,70% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Re-election of director – M Jacobs
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 3.1: 98,69% 1,31% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Re-election of Audit and Risk Committee
member – F Tonelli (Chairman)
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 3.2: 99,90% 0,10% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Re-election of Audit and Risk Committee
member – C Henry
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 3.3: 98,58% 1,42% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Election of Audit and Risk Committee
member – A Mothupi
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 3.4: 98,73% 1,27% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Election of Audit and Risk Committee
member – P Moeketsi
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 4.1: 98,74% 1,26% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Election of Social, Ethics and
Transformation Committee member – M
Sello (Chairman) (subject to re-election as
per 2.3)
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 4.2: 99,90% 0,10% 1 178 403 923 80,31% 0,01%
Election of Social, Ethics and
Transformation Committee member –
C Henry
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 4.3: 98,74% 1,26% 1 178 005 181 80,28% 0,03%
Election of Social, Ethics and
Transformation Committee member –
A Mothupi
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 4.4: 99,58% 0,42% 1 178 005 181 80,28% 0,03%
Election of Social, Ethics and
Transformation Committee member –
M Jacobs (subject to re-election as per
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 4.5: 100,00% 0,00% 1 178 005 181 80,28% 0,03%
Election of Social, Ethics and
Transformation Committee member –
P Wharton-Hood (subject to re-election
as per 2.4)
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 5: 100,00% 0,00% 1 178 015 477 80,28% 0,03%
Authority to sign documents to give
effect to resolutions
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 6.1: 78,48% 21,52% 1 178 389 142 80,31% 0,01%
Non-binding advisory vote on the
Remuneration Policy
ORDINARY RESOLUTION NUMBER 6.2: 78,50% 21,50% 1 177 032 724 80,21% 0,10%
Non-binding advisory vote on the
Implementation Report
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.1: 99,78% 0,22% 1 178 010 026 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the Chairman's board fees
and the Board members' fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.2: 99,78% 0,22% 1 178 010 026 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the Lead Independent Board
member fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.3: 99,78% 0,22% 1 178 010 026 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the Audit and Risk
Committee Chairman's fees and the
Committee members' fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.4: 99,78% 0,22% 1 178 010 026 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the Human Resources and
Remuneration Committee Chairman's
fees and the Committee members' fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.5: 99,78% 0,22% 1 178 010 026 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the Nominations and
Governance Committee Chairman's fees
and the Committee members' fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.6: 99,78% 0,22% 1 177 987 962 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the Investment Committee
Chairman's fees and the Committee
members' fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.7: 99,78% 0,22% 1 178 010 026 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the Clinical Committee
Chairman's fees and the Committee
members' fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.8: 99,78% 0,22% 1 177 987 962 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the Social, Ethics and
Transformation Committee Chairman's
fees and the Committee members' fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.9: 99,78% 0,22% 1 177 987 962 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the ad hoc material Board
and Committee meeting fees
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 1.10: 99,78% 0,22% 1 178 010 026 80,28% 0,03%
Approval of the committee meeting fees
for International Board member
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 2: 95,52% 4,48% 1 178 010 026 80,28% 0,03%
General authority to provide financial
assistance in terms of sections 44 and 45
SPECIAL RESOLUTION NUMBER 3: 99,78% 0,22% 1 178 000 938 80,28% 0,03%
General authority to repurchase
Company shares
*Total issued shares is 1 467 349 162
Changes to the board of directors
Shareholders are advised that in accordance with paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Listings Requirements, Joel
Netshitenzhe and Lars Holmqvist will be retiring from the Life Healthcare Board with effect from the date of the
AGM. While on the Company's Board, Joel served on the Risk, Compliance and IT Governance Committee as the
Chairman, which later dissolved into the Audit and Risk Committee, of which he was a member. Joel was also a
member of the Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee and the Nominations and Governance Committee.
Lars served on the Audit and Risk, and Investment Committees. The Board wishes to thank them both for their
invaluable contributions over the years.
20 February 2025
Equity Sponsor
RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)
Debt Sponsor
Questco Corporate Advisory
Date: 20-02-2025 04:15:00
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