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LEWIS GROUP LIMITED - Dealings in securities

Release Date: 18/07/2024 16:52
Code(s): LEW     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities

Lewis Group Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 2004/009817/06
JSE share code LEW
ISIN: ZAE000058236
Bond Code: LEWI


In compliance with the requirements of Schedule 14.9(d) and sections
3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Listings Requirements, the following should be

Share Trust               :   The Lewis Employee Share Incentive Scheme
Company                   :   Lewis Group Ltd
Date of Transaction       :   12 July 2024
No. of Shares             :   126 217
Class                     :   Ordinary shares
Average price of shares
bought                    :   R 55.66 per share
Highest price paid for
shares bought             :   R 55.80 per share
Lowest price paid for
shares bought             :   R 55.50 per share
Value of transaction      :   R 7 025 566
Extent of interest and
nature of transaction     :   Purchase of shares on the open market to
                              meet its future obligations in terms of
                              awards already granted to participants in
                              terms of existing share schemes.

Share Trust               :   The Lewis Employee Share Incentive Scheme
Company                   :   Lewis Group Ltd
Date of Transaction       :   16 July 2024
No. of Shares             :   101 498
Class                     :   Ordinary shares
Average price of shares
bought                    :   R 56.12 per share
Highest price paid for
shares bought             :   R 57.35 per share
Lowest price paid for
shares bought             :   R 55.85 per share
Value of transaction      :   R 5 695 763
Extent of interest and
nature of transaction     :   Purchase of shares on the open market to
                              meet its future obligations in terms of
                              awards already granted to participants in
                              terms of existing share schemes.
Share Trust               :   The Lewis Employee Share Incentive Scheme
Company                   :   Lewis Group Ltd
Date of Transaction       :   17 July 2024
No. of Shares             :   172 285
Class                     :   Ordinary shares
Average price of shares
bought                    :   R 55.99 per share
Highest price paid for
shares bought             :   R 56.00 per share
Lowest price paid for
shares bought             :   R 55.56 per share
Value of transaction      :   R 9 645 548
Extent of interest and
nature of transaction     :   Purchase of shares on the open market to
                              meet its future obligations in terms of
                              awards already granted to participants in
                              terms of existing share schemes.

The requisite clearance was obtained.

Cape Town
18 July 2024

Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Debt Sponsor
Absa Bank Limited, acting through its Corporate and Investment
Banking division

Date: 18-07-2024 04:52:00
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