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PSG FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED - Results of The Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 22/07/2024 16:15
Code(s): KST     PDF:  
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Results of The Annual General Meeting

(Previously PSG Konsult Limited)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration Number: 1993/003941/06
JSE Share Code: KST
NSX Share Code: KFS
SEM Share Code: PSGK.N0000
ISIN: ZAE000191417
LEI: 378900ECF3D86FD28194
("PSG Financial Services" or "the Company" or "the group")


Shareholders are hereby advised that at the annual general meeting of the Company held on
Monday, 22 July 2024, via electronic communication ("AGM"), all of the resolutions were
passed by the requisite majorities of the Company's shareholders.

Details of the results of the voting at the AGM are as follows:

                       Votes for     against
                       resolution    resolution
                       as a          as a                           Number of      Number of
                       percentage    percentage                     shares         shares
                       of total      of total                       voted at       abstained
                       number of     number of                      AGM as a       as a
 Resolutions           shares        shares         Number of       percentage     percentage
 proposed at the       voted at      voted at       shares voted    of shares in   of shares in
 AGM                   AGM           AGM            at AGM          issue*         issue*

 Ordinary resolution   100.00%       0.00%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 1:
 To appoint Ms L
 Lambrechts as a

 Ordinary resolution   100.00%       0.00%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 2:
 To appoint Ms JL
 Johannes as a

 Ordinary resolution   98.05%        1.95%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 3:
 To re-elect Mr W
 Theron as a

 Ordinary resolution   96.51%        3.49%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 4:
 To re-elect Mr PJ
 Mouton as a

 Ordinary resolution   99.29%        0.71%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 5:
 To re-elect Ms ZRP
 Matsau as a

 Ordinary resolution   78.65%       21.35%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 6:
 To re-appoint Mr
 PE Burton as a
 member of the
 audit committee

 Ordinary resolution   99.31%        0.69%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 7:
 To re-appoint Ms
 ZRP Matsau as a
 member of the
 audit committee

 Ordinary resolution   99.96%        0.04%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 8:
 To re-appoint Mr
 AH Sangqu as a
 member of the
 audit committee

 Ordinary resolution   99.03%          0.97%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 9:
 To re-appoint Ms B
 Mathews as a
 member of the
 audit committee

 Ordinary resolution   99.03%          0.97%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 10:
 To re-appoint Ms
 AM Hlobo as a
 member of the
 audit committee

 Ordinary resolution   100%            0.00%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 11:
 To appoint Ms L
 Lambrechts as a
 member of the
 audit committee

 Ordinary resolution   98.86%          1.14%          1 061 808 276   83.53%         0.02%
 number 12:
 To re-appoint the
 auditor, Deloitte &

 Ordinary resolution   98.13%          1.87%          1 061 823 567   83.53%         0.02%
 number 13:
 General authority to
 issue ordinary
 shares for cash

 Ordinary resolution   76.01%         23.99%          1 061 272 591   83.48%         0.06%
 number 14:
 advisory vote on
 PSG Financial
 remuneration policy

 Ordinary resolution   75.54%         24.46%          1 061 272 591   83.48%         0.06%
 number 15:
 advisory vote on
 PSG Financial
 report on the
 remuneration policy

 Special resolution    99.05%          0.95%           1 061 793 187   83.53%          0.02%
 number 1:
 Remuneration of

 Special resolution    99.85%          0.15%          1 061 823 567   83.53%          0.02%
 number 2:
 financial assistance
 in terms of section
 45 of the
 Companies Act

 Special resolution   94.35%           5.65%          1 061 808 276   83.53%          0.02%
 number 3:
 assistance for the
 acquisition of
 shares in the
 Company or in a
 related or inter-
 related company in
 terms of section 44
 of the Companies

 Special resolution   98.31%           1.69%          1 061 810 330   83.53%          0.02%
 number 4:
 Share repurchases
 by PSG Financial
 Services and its

 *Total number of shares in issue as at the date of the AGM was 1 271 221 035 of which
 10 859 498 were treasury shares, and taking into account shares repurchased in the market
 and that are in the process of being delisted.

 Shareholders are referred to the SENS announcements published on 14 July 2023 and 12
 October 2023 where the Company announced that Ms L Lambrechts will be appointed as
 independent non-executive director and Ms JL Johannes will be appointed as executive
 director of PSG Financial Services, subject to Prudential Authority approval. The Company
 can confirm that the Prudential Authority has approved their respective appointments as
 independent non-executive director and executive director.

Tyger Valley
22 July 2024

JSE Sponsor: PSG Capital Proprietary Limited
Independent Joint JSE Sponsor: Tamela Proprietary Limited
NSX Sponsor: PSG Wealth Management (Namibia) Proprietary Ltd, member of the Namibian
Stock Exchange
SEM authorised representative and SEM Sponsor: Perigeum Capital Ltd

This notice is issued pursuant to the JSE Limited Listings Requirements and the SEM Listing
Rules. The board of directors of PSG Financial Services accepts full responsibility for the
accuracy of the information contained in this communiqué.

Date: 22-07-2024 04:15:00
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The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of
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