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JSE LIMITED - Dealings in securities by the JSE LTIS 2018 Trust

Release Date: 12/03/2025 17:15
Code(s): JSE     PDF:  
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Dealings in securities by the JSE LTIS 2018 Trust

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2005/022939/06)
Share Code: JSE
ISIN: ZAE000079711


The JSE LTIS 2018 Trust ("Trust") has acquired 539 294 JSE ordinary shares
in the open market to settle awards of forfeitable restricted shares to
participants in the JSE's Long-Term Incentive Scheme ("LTIS 2018").

These JSE ordinary shares were acquired on-market, with prior clearance and
on a direct beneficial basis. The volume-weighted average price ("VWAP")
was R130.12554 per ordinary share. The total transaction value amounted to
R70 175 923. The daily high, low and volume-weighted average price for the
various transactions effected by the Trust were –

 Dates in 2025   Number of      Daily VWAP   Value of daily   Daily        Daily
 that JSE        JSE ordinary   of JSE       transactions     highest      lowest
 ordinary        shares         shares       (ZAR)            price paid   price paid
 shares were     acquired       acquired                      (cents per   (cents per
 acquired                       (cents per                    share)       share)

 7 March         191 211        13005.82     24 868 558.48    13050        12981
 10 March        306 572        13038.67     39 972 911.39    13110        12900
 11 March        41 511         12850.70     5 334 454.08     12900        12768

The requisite approvals have been granted by shareholders at the JSE's
annual general meeting, in respect of the acquisition of JSE ordinary shares
in the open market and in respect of specific financial assistance to the
Trust for the purpose of acquiring these ordinary shares.

12 March 2025

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 12-03-2025 05:15:00
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