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HYPROP INVESTMENTS LIMITED - Disposal of Sub-Saharan Africa portfolio

Release Date: 12/08/2024 07:05
Code(s): HYP HILB19 HILB20 HILB09 HILB14 HILB15 HILB16 HILB17 HILB18     PDF:  
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Disposal of Sub-Saharan Africa portfolio

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1987/005284/06)
JSE share code: HYP ISIN: ZAE000190724
JSE bond issuer code: HYPI
(Approved as a REIT by the JSE)



   1.1. Hyprop management has previously committed itself to achieving several strategic initiatives. The
        reduction of its exposure to Sub-Saharan Africa was one of the remaining initiatives to be completed.
        Further to the announcement in Hyprop's pre-close operational update published on 24 June 2024 that
        Hyprop had concluded a letter of intent for the sale of the entire sub-Saharan Africa portfolio,
        shareholders are hereby advised that on 7 August 2024, Hyprop concluded the following agreements
        with Lango Real Estate Limited* ("Lango" or the "Buyer") in respect of the disposal of Hyprop's
        interests in Ikeja City Mall in Nigeria ("Ikeja") and in Accra Mall, Kumasi City Mall and West Hills
        Mall in Ghana ("Ghanaian Properties"):

       1.1.1. a share purchase deed between Hyprop Investments (Mauritius) Limited ("Hyprop Mauritius")
              (a wholly owned subsidiary of Hyprop) and AIH International Limited ("AIHI") (a wholly owned
              subsidiary of Attacq Limited) (collectively the "Sellers") relating to the sale of the entire issued
              share capital of Hyprop Ikeja Mall Limited ("Hyprop Ikeja") and AIHI Ikeja ("AIHI Ikeja"), the
              holders of the entire issued share capital of Gruppo Investment (Nigeria) Limited ("Gruppo")
              which owns Ikeja ("Gruppo SPA"), ("Gruppo Disposal"); and

       1.1.2. a share purchase deed between the Sellers relating to the sale of the entire issued share capital of
              AttAfrica Limited ("AttAfrica") which owns the Ghanaian Properties ("AttAfrica SPA"),
              ("AttAfrica Disposal"),

       collectively the "Transaction".

   1.2. Hyprop Mauritius holds 75% of the shares in Gruppo through its wholly owned subsidiary, Hyprop Ikeja,
        and AIHI holds 25% of the shares in Gruppo through its wholly owned subsidiary, AIHI Ikeja.

   1.3. Hyprop Mauritius and AIHI each hold 50% of the shares in AttAfrica (with economic interests of 73.12%
        and 26.88% respectively). AttAfrica in turn is the holder of (i) 50% of the shares in Accra Mall
        (Mauritius) Limited ("AMML") which owns a 93.94% effective interest in Accra Mall (including the
        undeveloped land adjacent to Accra Mall); and (ii) 98.22% of the shares in Delico Property
        Developments Limited which owns a 100% effective interest in Kumasi City Mall and a 60% effective
        interest in West Hills Mall.


   2.1. Hyprop's stated strategy is to focus on its South African and Eastern European portfolios, and exit Sub-
        Sahara Africa (excluding South Africa).

   2.2. As announced in Hyprop's pre-close operational update published on 24 June 2024, the conditions
        precedent to the sale of Ikeja to a fund managed by the Actis Group, originally concluded in November
        2020, were not fulfilled by the longstop date, resulting in the termination of the agreement.

   2.3. The Gruppo Disposal realises Hyprop's intention to dispose of Ikeja. Similarly, the AttAfrica Disposal
        is in line with Hyprop's stated intention to dispose of its Sub-Saharan Africa investments.

   2.4. On implementation of the two disposals Hyprop and Hyprop Mauritius will be released from guarantees
        provided to the lenders to Gruppo and the AttAfrica group.


   3.1. Gruppo Disposal

     3.1.1. Subject to the fulfilment (or waiver) of the conditions precedent set out below, the Sellers will
            dispose of their interests in Hyprop Ikeja and AIHI Ikeja to the Buyer for an aggregate purchase
            price of US$32,010,597, net of debt ("Gruppo Purchase Consideration"), apportioned as
            US$24,108,679 in respect of Hyprop Ikeja and US$7,901,918 in respect of AIHI Ikeja.

     3.1.2. The Gruppo Purchase Consideration will be settled by the issue of class A shares in the Buyer to
            the Sellers in their respective proportions ("Gruppo Consideration Shares") calculated at an
            issue price of US$4.19 per Gruppo Consideration Share on the Completion Date (as defined

     3.1.3. 20% of the Gruppo Consideration Shares will be held in escrow until the earliest of: (i) 30 June
            2025; and (ii) six months after the Completion Date pending fulfilment by the Sellers of their
            undertaking to assist with the on-boarding of the property acquired by the Buyer.

   3.2. AttAfrica Disposal

     3.2.1. Subject to the fulfilment (or waiver) of the conditions precedent set out below, the Sellers will
            dispose of their interests in AttAfrica to the Buyer for an aggregate purchase price of
            US$27,306,002, net of debt ("AttAfrica Purchase Consideration"), apportioned as
            US$19,966,148 in respect of Hyprop Mauritius and US$7,339,854 in respect of AIHI.

     3.2.2. The AttAfrica Purchase Consideration will be settled by the issue of class A shares in the Buyer
            to the Sellers in their respective proportions ("AttAfrica Consideration Shares") calculated at an
            issue price of US$4.19 per AttAfrica Consideration Share on the Completion Date (as defined

     3.2.3. 20% of the AttAfrica Consideration Shares will be held in escrow until the earliest of: (i) 30 June
            2025; and (ii) six months after the Completion Date pending fulfilment by the Sellers of their
            undertaking to assist with the on-boarding of the properties acquired by the Buyer.

   3.3. In line with the AMML shareholders agreement, an independent expert will determine any potential
        recoupment of tax allowances triggered by a potential indirect change in ownership of AMML in the
        future. AttAfrica's 50% share of such potential tax recoupment will be placed in cash in an escrow
        account by the Sellers until the statutory window period of such change in ownership has expired.

   3.4. The AttAfrica SPA and the Gruppo SPA provide for undertakings, warranties and indemnities which are
        normal for transactions of this nature.

   3.5. In line with Hyprop's strategy to exit Sub-Saharan Africa, it is not a long-term holder of the Gruppo
        Consideration Shares or the AttAfrica Consideration Shares.

   3.6. Conditions precedent

    3.6.1. The Gruppo Disposal is subject to the fulfilment or waiver of the following conditions precedent by
          31 December 2024 ("Longstop Date"):

 obtaining unconditional written consents from the lenders to Gruppo in relation to the
                   Gruppo Disposal;

 execution by the Sellers of the subscription agreement and shareholder's agreement to be
                   concluded between Lango and the Sellers relating to the issue of the Gruppo Consideration

 receipt of an approval letter issued by the Federal Competition and Consumer Protection
                   Commission in Nigeria in relation to the indirect change of control constituted by the Gruppo
                   Disposal; and

 to the extent required, receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals required for the
                   implementation of the Gruppo Disposal.

     3.6.2. The AttAfrica Disposal is subject to the fulfilment or waiver of the following conditions precedent
            by the Longstop Date:

 the Sellers having entered into an escrow agreement in respect of the disposal of their
                   respective shareholdings in AMML in accordance with the escrow obligations detailed in
                   3.3 above, including obtaining the approval of the Financial Surveillance Department of the
                   South Africa Reserve Bank (to the extent required and which the parties will use their best
                   efforts to obtain).

 obtaining unconditional written consents from the lenders to the AttAfrica group in relation
                   to the AttAfrica Disposal;

 execution by the Sellers of the subscription agreement and shareholder's agreement to be
                   concluded between Lango and the Sellers relating to the issue of the AttAfrica Consideration
                   Shares; and

 to the extent required, receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals required for the
                   implementation of the AttAfrica Disposal.

     3.6.3. The AttAfrica Disposal and the Gruppo Disposal are not inter-dependent or inter-conditional.

     3.6.4. If the conditions precedent of each transaction have not been satisfied or waived by the Longstop
            Date, the Longstop Date for that transaction shall continue indefinitely until either the Sellers or
            the Buyer notifies the other in writing that it wishes for the Longstop Date to no longer be
            indefinite, in which case the date of that notice shall become the Longstop Date for that transaction.

     3.6.5. The effective date of each Transaction shall be the 5th business day after the last of the conditions
            precedent have been satisfied (or waived) ("Completion Date").


   4.1. The following information relates to Ikeja:

       Property name      Location           Sector            Gross       Weighted              External
                                                            lettable    average net             valuation
                                                                area     rental per                 (US$)1
                                                                (m2)          month
       Ikeja City Mall    Lagos, Nigeria     Retail           22 223             43           117 406 000
   4.2. The following information relates to the Ghanaian Properties:

       Property name      Location           Sector            Gross       Weighted              External
                                                            lettable    average net             valuation
                                                                area     rental per                 (US$)2
                                                                (m2)          month 

       Accra Mall and     Accra, Ghana       Retail           21 311             26            94 473 000
       the adjacent 

       Kumasi City        Kumasi,  Ghana     Retail           18 534             22            42 144 000

       West Hills Mall    Accra, Ghana       Retail           28 272             15            42 947 000

        1. Ikeja City Mall was valued at 31 December 2023 by Tom Bates, an independent valuer registered without
           restriction in terms of Section 19 of the Property Valuers Profession Act No. 47 of 2000.
        2. Accra Mall, Kumasi City Mall and West Hills Mall were valued at 31 December 2023 by Tom Bates, an
           independent valuer registered without restriction in terms of Section 19 of the Property Valuers Profession Act
           No. 47 of 2000.

   4.3. The profits of Gruppo, Hyprop Ikeja and AttAfrica attributable to Hyprop, as reported in Hyprop's
        unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2023, were:

        4.3.1. In respect of Gruppo and Hyprop Ikeja:

    A loss of R644 million (including the change/decrease in the fair value of investment
                      property and foreign exchange losses)

    A profit of R14.5 million (excluding the change/decrease in the fair value of investment
                      property and foreign exchange losses); and

        4.3.2. In respect of AttAfrica, an equity accounted loss of R33.5 million.


   The Transaction is classified as a category 2 transaction in terms of the JSE Listings Requirements and is not
   subject to shareholder approval.

12 August 2024

Java Capital

  Lango's ordinary shares are beneficially held by Lango Real Estate Management Limited and its class A shares are beneficially held
by the following shareholders, none of whom are related parties to Hyprop: Blue Sky Trust, Eskom Pension and Provident Fund, FNB
Stockbroking & Portfolio Management (Pty) Ltd, Government Institutions Pension Fund, Lango Co-Invest LP, Growthpoint Properties
Limited, International Finance Corporation, K Khimji, The Pivotal Fund (Pty) Ltd, N Price, PSPIB-SDL Inc., RMB Property Holdco 1
(Pty) Ltd, SA Investment Holdings 7 Ltd, SCHF (M) PV, L.P., Stanhope Investments, Thuraya Investments Limited, VFF Investments
III LLC and W.I Cook Foundation Inc.

Date: 12-08-2024 07:05:00
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