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HUGE GROUP LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting

Release Date: 11/07/2024 15:45
Code(s): HUG     PDF:  
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Results of annual general meeting

(Registration number 2006/023587/06)
Share code: HUG ISIN: ZAE000102042
("Huge" or "the Company")


Shareholders are advised that at the Annual General Meeting of Huge Group Limited's
shareholders ("AGM") held today, 11 July 2024, all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed
thereat were approved by the requisite majority of votes.

-   The Company's total issued share capital as at the Voting Record Date, being Friday, 5 July
    2024 was 172 561 721 ordinary shares.
-   The total number of shares that could have been voted at the AGM (being 172 561 721
    ordinary shares in issue excluding 6 914 516 treasury shares) were 165 647 205.
-   The number of the Company's shares present / represented (including proxies) at the AGM
    was 123 718 897.
-   The total percentage of the Company's shares present / represented (including proxies) at the
    AGM in relation to the total issued share capital of the Company was 74.69%

The voting results are set out hereunder:

Resolutions:                                Shares voted          Abstained  Votes For     Votes
                                            Number        %(1)         %(1)       %(2)      %(2)
Ordinary resolution number 1
Re-appointment of the
independent auditor                   123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     95,43%     4,57%
Ordinary resolution number 2
Appointment of T van Tonder           123 708 417      71,69%         0,01%     99,95%     0,05%
Ordinary resolution number 3.1
Re-election VHT Kathan                123 708 417      71,69%         0,01%     99,95%     0,05%
Ordinary resolution number 3.2
Re-election MR Beamish                123 708 417      71,69%         0,01%     95,43%     4,57%
Ordinary resolution number 4.1
Election of Audit Committee
member and Chairperson: DR
Gammie                                123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     92,92%     7,08%
Ordinary resolution number 4.2
Election of Audit Committee
member: VHT Kathan                    123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     95,43%     4,57%
Ordinary resolution number 4.3
Election of Audit Committee
member: CIJ Williams                  123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     99,95%     0,05%
Ordinary resolution number 4.4
Election of Audit Committee
member: MAA Boakye                    123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     99,95%     0,05%
Advisory Endorsement number
Approval of the Company's
Remuneration Policy                   123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     92,92%     7,08%
Advisory Endorsement number
Approval of the Company's
Remuneration Implementation
Report                                123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     92,92%     7,08%
Special resolution number 1
Approval of the remuneration
of non-executive directors            123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     99,95%     0,05%
Special resolution number 2
General authority to
repurchase (acquire) securities
(including ordinary shares)           123 705 627      71,69%         0,01%     95,43%     4,57%

1. As a percentage of ordinary shares in issue.
2. As a percentage of shares voted.

11 July 2024

Questco Corporate Advisory (Pty) Ltd

Date: 11-07-2024 03:45:00
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