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HARMONY GOLD MINING COMPANY LIMITED - Harmony regrets to report the loss of life of an employee injured in the Mponeng accident

Release Date: 26/02/2025 15:09
Code(s): HAR     PDF:  
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Harmony regrets to report the loss of life of an employee injured in the Mponeng accident

Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited
Registration number 1950/038232/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
ISIN: ZAE000015228
JSE share code: HAR

Harmony regrets to report the loss of life of an employee injured in the Mponeng
accident on 20 February 2025

Johannesburg, Wednesday, 26 February 2025. Harmony Gold Mining Company Limited
("Harmony" and/or "the Company") is deeply saddened to announce the loss of life
of one of our employees who sustained injuries in the previously communicated
fall-of-ground incident which occurred at Mponeng mine on 20 February 2025.

Despite receiving the best possible post-incident care at a top medical centre,
our colleague tragically succumbed to his injuries. During this difficult time,
our thoughts and heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, and

As communicated in the SENS release on 21 February 2025, the Department of Mineral
and Petroleum Resources (DMPR), with the full support of Harmony management and
organised labour, is conducting a thorough investigation into the incident.


For more details contact:

Chipo Morapedi-Mrara
Head of Communications
+27 (0)60 571 0797


Jared Coetzer
Head of Investor Relations
+27 (0)82 746 4120


Mashego Mashego
Executive Director
+27 (0)82 767 1072

26 February 2025

J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited.

Date: 26-02-2025 03:09:00
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