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GROWTHPOINT PROPERTIES LIMITED - Results of the Annual General Meeting of Growthpoint Properties Limited

Release Date: 29/11/2023 07:45
Code(s): GRT     PDF:  
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Results of the Annual General Meeting of Growthpoint Properties Limited

Growthpoint Properties Limited
Approved as a REIT by the JSE
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1987/004988/06)
Share code: GRT
ISIN: ZAE000179420
("Growthpoint" or "the Company")


Growthpoint's AGM was held on 28 November 2023. All resolutions proposed at the AGM were decided on
a poll, the results of which are reflected in the table below. The non-binding advisory resolution relating to
the Company's Remuneration Implementation Report was not endorsed by shareholders.

On the record date for the AGM 17 November 2023, Growthpoint had 3 430 787 066 ordinary shares in
issue and 3 386 428 576 shares (excluding Treasury Shares) were eligible for voting.

During the year, Growthpoint engaged extensively with shareholders on both remuneration and general
AGM matters.

Resolutions                         No of Issued     % of  Votes in Favour   % in          Votes        %         Votes       Result
                                    Shares Voted   issued                  favour        Against  Against     Abstained
                                                   shares                                                  (% of issued
1.1   Re-election     of   Non-
      executive Directors who
      retire at the meeting and
      hold themselves available
      for re-election
1.1.1 Mr R Gasant                  2,633,472,367    76.76   2,488,153,183   94.48   145, 319,184     5.52          0.10       Passed
1.1.2 Mrs KP Lebina                2,633,475,041    76.76   2,577,243,484   97.86     56,231,557     2.14          0.10       Passed
1.1.3 Mr AH Sangqu                 2,633,475,038    76.76   2,593,069,081   98.47     40,405,957     1.53          0.10       Passed

1.2   Election   of    audit
      committee members
1.2.1 Mr M Hamman                  2,633,472,370    76.76   2,627,528,857   99.77      5,943,513     0.23          0.10       Passed
1.2.2 Mr FM Berkeley               2,633,472,367    76.76   2,607,880,367   99.03    25, 591 991     0.97          0.10       Passed
1.2.3 Mrs KP Lebina                2,633,475,041    76.76   2,626,525,762   99.74      6,949,279     0.26          0.10       Passed
1.2.4 Mr CD Raphiri                2,630,175,041    76.66   2,469,218,215   93.88    160,956,826     6.12          0.20       Passed
1.2.5 Mr AH Sangqu                 2,633,475,041    76.76   2,615,157,846   99.30     18,317,195     0.70          0.10       Passed

1.3   Re-appointment of EY         2,633,472,367    76.76   2,612,104,540   99.19     21,367,827     0.81          0.10       Passed
      Inc. as auditor and Ms J
      Fitton as engagement

1.4.1 Advisory, non-binding        2,633,413,088    76.76   2,231,564,791   84.74    401,848,927    15.26          0.11       Passed
      approval            of
      remuneration policy
1.4.2 Advisory, non-binding        2,633,413,088    76.76   1,851,582,032   70.31     781,831086    29.69          0.11      Consult
      approval of
      remuneration policy

1.5   To place the unissued        2,633,210,257    76.75   2,265,513,109   86.04    367,697,148    13.96          0.11       Passed
      authorised ordinary
      shares under the control
      of the directors

1.6   Specific and exclusive       2,633,207,586    76.75   2,610,418,050   99.13     22,789,536     0.87          0.11       Passed
      authority    to   issue
      ordinary shares to
      afford shareholders

1.7   General but restricted        2,633,214,279   76.75   2,286,517,396   86.83    346,696,883    13.17          0.11       Passed
      authority to issue
      shares for cash

1.8   Proposed amendments           2,633,148,304   76.75   2,609,002,438   99.08    24,145,8661     0.92          0.11       Passed
      to the Growthpoint
      Staff Incentive Scheme
      Deed and Rules

1.9   To receive and accept         2,632,441,732   76.73   2,629,805,652   99.90      2,636,080     0.10          0.13       Passed
      the report of the Social,
      Ethics and

2.1   Special resolution:           2,633,367,732   76.76   2,453,723,902   93.18    179,643,830     6.82          0.11       Passed
      directors' fees:
      financial year ending
      30 June 2024

2.2   Special resolution:           2,633,415,834   76.76   2,001,181,728   75.99    632,234,106    24.01          0.11       Passed
      Financial assistance
      in terms of Section 44
      of the Companies Act

2.3   Special resolution:           2,633,475,016   76.76   2,012,800,205   76.43    620,674,811    23.57          0.10       Passed
      Financial assistance
      in terms of Section 45
      of the Companies Act

2.4   Special resolution:           2,633,334,612   76.76   2,359,916,542   89.62    273,418,070    10.38          0.11       Passed
      Authority to
      repurchase ordinary

Resolution 1.4.2 "Advisory non-binding approval of the implementation of the remuneration policy has not
obtained the required 75% vote and therefore the company will be engaging dissenting shareholders in the near
future to ascertain their concerns. In this regard we also invite dissenting shareholders to contact Lauren Turner,
Head of Investor Relations, ESG and Strategy at or 011 944 6346.

Date: 29 November 2023

Investec Bank Limited
Sponsor to Growthpoint

Date: 29-11-2023 07:45:00
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