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EXXARO RESOURCES LIMITED - Exxaro - Share Transactions

Release Date: 29/09/2021 17:05
Code(s): EXX EXX04 EXX05     PDF:  
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Exxaro - Share Transactions

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration Number: 2000/011076/06)
JSE share code: EXX
ISIN code: ZAE000084992
Bond Code: EXX04
ISIN No: ZAG000160326
Bond Code: EXX05
ISIN No: ZAG000160334


In terms of paragraphs 3.63 to 3.65 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, notice is hereby
given that the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer (designate), directors and
prescribed officers of Exxaro and major subsidiaries of Exxaro exercised awards granted in
terms of the Long-Term Incentive Plan Scheme (LTIP Scheme) and sold Exxaro ordinary
shares, after having received clearance to do so in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Limited
Listings Requirements.

 Class of shares:                         Ordinary
 Nature of transaction:                   Exercise awards vested and released and on
                                          market sale in terms of the LTIP Schemes
                                          targets over a period of 3 years (01/04/2018 to
 Nature of interest:                      Direct Beneficial
 Date of transaction:                     23 September 2021
 LTIP vesting date                        21 September 2021
 Vesting period:                          3 years

 Name:                                    V Balgobind
 Position:                                Prescribed officer: Exxaro Resources Limited
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        695
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R123,432.00

 Name:                                    E Cockrell
 Position:                                Director: Exxaro International Trading AG
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        157
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R27,883.20

 Name:                                    A De Angelis
 Position:                                Prescribed officer: Exxaro Resources Limited
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        323
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R57,364.80

 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        422
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R74,947.20

 Name:                                    AW Diedericks
 Position:                                Prescribed officer: Exxaro Resources Limited
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        837
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R148,651.20

 Name:                                    PA Koppeschaar
 Position:                                Director: Exxaro Resources Limited; Exxaro
                                          International Trading AG
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        1,643
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R291,796.80

 Name:                                    JG Meyer
 Position:                                Prescribed officer: Exxaro Resources Limited
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        859
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R152,558.40

 Name:                                    MDM Mgojo
 Position:                                Chief Executive Officer: Exxaro Resources Limited
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        3,499
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R621,422.40

 Name:                                    MI Mthenjane
 Position:                                Prescribed officer: Exxaro Resources Limited
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        821
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R145,809.60

 Name:                                    N Tsengwa
 Position:                                Chief Executive Officer designate and Director:
                                          Exxaro Coal Proprietary Limited
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        1,270
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R225,552.00

 Name:                                    M Veti
 Position:                                Director: Exxaro Resources Limited
 Total LTIP shares vested and sold        810
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R143,856.00
 Name:                                    MR Walker
 Position:                                Director: Exxaro Coal Proprietary Limited; Exxaro
                                          International Trading AG
 Total LTIP shares vested                 391
 Sale price per share                     R177.60
 Value of shares sold                     R69,441.60

AK MARé on behalf of Inlexso Proprietary Limited

29 September 2021

Lead Equity and Debt Sponsor                        Joint Equity Sponsor
Absa Corporate and Investment Bank, a               Tamela Holdings Proprietary Limited
division of Absa Bank Limited

Date: 29-09-2021 05:05:00
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