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ELLIES HOLDINGS LIMITED - Renewal of cautionary announcement

Release Date: 29/04/2024 17:00
Code(s): ELI     PDF:  
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Renewal of cautionary announcement

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2007/007084/06)
JSE share code: ELI ISIN: ZAE000103081
("Ellies Holdings" or the "Company")


Shareholders are referred to the announcement released by the Company on 31 January 2024, together
with the SENS announcements released on 10 April 2024 and 22 April 2024 detailing, inter alia:
- the fact that the board of directors of Ellies Holdings had resolved to place the Company into
  voluntary business rescue in terms of section 129 of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008 ("Companies
- the fact that the business rescue practitioner had concluded that there is no reasonable prospect of
  Ellies Holdings being rescued, and that therefore, in accordance with section 141(2)(a)(ii) of the
  Companies Act application would be made to the court for an order discontinuing the business
  rescue proceedings and placing Ellies Holdings into liquidation (the "court application"); and
- the application to the JSE for the voluntary suspension of trading of Ellies Holdings shares in terms
  of paragraph 1.10 of the JSE Listings Requirements, which request was approved by the JSE.

Shareholders are further referred to the previous cautionary announcement and renewal thereof, the
last of which was released on 13 March 2024. The court application process is still underway, and
shareholders are therefore advised to continue to exercise caution in relation to the Company's shares,
which remain suspended on the JSE, until such time as a further announcement is made.

This announcement relates only to Ellies Holdings Limited, the listed holding company of the Ellies
group of companies.

Notice to Affected Persons of Ellies Electronics (Pty) Limited ("Ellies Electronics")

The operating entity Ellies Electronics remains in business rescue and is continuing to trade. In this
regard it is continuing to acquire services and goods from suppliers for installation or sale to its
customers. The proposed business rescue plan for Ellies Electronics is due to be published on or before
10 May 2024. The business rescue practitioner of Ellies Electronics continues to believe that there is
a reasonable prospect that Ellies Electronics can be rescued.

29 April 2024

Java Capital

Date: 29-04-2024 05:00:00
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