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DATATEC LIMITED - Dealings in Securities by the Company

Release Date: 13/06/2024 17:00
Code(s): DTC     PDF:  
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Dealings in Securities by the Company

Datatec Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1994/005004/06)
ISIN: ZAE000017745
Share Code: DTC
("Datatec" or "the Company" or "the Group")


Datatec announces the purchase of Treasury shares by the Company in order
to meet forthcoming settlements of the Company's Conditional Share Plan:

Class of security                        :   Ordinary shares
Nature of transaction                    :   Market purchase of shares

Date of transaction                      :   11 June 2024
Number of Datatec shares                 :   700,747
Volume weighted average purchase price   :   R 38.0478
Transaction value                        :   R 26,661,882
Highest price traded                     :   R 38.10
Lowest price traded                      :   R 37.89

Date of transaction                      :   12 June 2024
Number of Datatec shares                 :   91,499
Volume weighted average purchase price   :   R 38.4348
Transaction value                        :   R 3,516,746
Highest price traded                     :   R 38.56
Lowest price traded                      :   R 38.15

Nature of interest                       :   Direct non-beneficial
Clearance obtained                       :   Yes

With these purchases, Datatec completed the purchase of 2,183,692 Datatec
shares for distribution to the participants in the Company's Conditional
Share Plan whose awards vested earlier in the month as per the SENS
announcement on 6 June 2024. Following the off-market transfer to CSP
participants the Company will have no Treasury shares.

13 June 2024

Pallidus Exchange Services Proprietary Limited

Date: 13-06-2024 05:00:00
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