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DATATEC LIMITED - Results of cash dividend and scrip distribution alternative

Release Date: 22/07/2024 15:00
Code(s): DTC     PDF:  
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Results of cash dividend and scrip distribution alternative

Datatec Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1994/005004/06)
ISIN: ZAE000017745
Share Code: DTC
("Datatec" or "the Company")


Datatec shareholders ("Shareholders") are referred to the announcement regarding the Company's
audited financial results for the year ended 29 February 2024 and declaration of a cash dividend
with a scrip distribution alternative released on the Stock Exchange News Service ("SENS") of the
JSE Limited ("JSE") on Monday, 27 May 2024, in terms of which the board of directors of the
Company declared a gross cash dividend of 130 ZAR cents ("Cash Dividend") per Datatec ordinary
share ("Datatec Ordinary Share") held on the record date, being Friday, 19 July 2024 ("Record
Date"). Shareholders were advised that they would be entitled to elect to receive a scrip distribution
of new, fully paid Datatec Ordinary Shares in proportion to their ordinary shareholding in Datatec on
the Record Date instead of the Cash Dividend ("Scrip Distribution" or "Scrip Distribution

Shareholders were entitled to receive the Cash Dividend of 130 ZAR cents per Datatec Ordinary Share
in respect of their shareholding as at the close of trading on the JSE on the Record Date, in proportion
to their ordinary shareholding in Datatec and to the extent that such Shareholders had not elected to
receive the Scrip Distribution Alternative in respect of all or a part of their shareholding.

Shareholders were entitled to elect to receive that number of Scrip Distribution shares determined
in the ratio of 3.56718 Scrip Distribution shares for every 100 Datatec Ordinary Shares held on the
Record Date, instead of the Cash Dividend.

Shareholders recorded in the register of the Company at the close of business on the Record Date
holding 125 889 413 Datatec Ordinary Shares did not elect to receive the Scrip Distribution
Alternative and will therefore receive the gross Cash Dividend of 130 ZAR cents per Datatec
Ordinary Share (where applicable, 104 ZAR cents per Datatec Ordinary Share, net of applicable
Dividend Withholding Tax) resulting in a total gross Cash Dividend of ZAR 163,656,236.90 which
was paid out of the distributable retained profits of the Company.

In terms of the Scrip Distribution Alternative, 3 696 764 new Datatec Ordinary Shares were issued
today to Shareholders who elected to receive the Scrip Distribution shares in respect of all or part
of their shareholding, resulting in a capitalisation of distributable retained profits of the Company of

The Cash Dividend payments were made, and Central Securities Depository Participant/broker
accounts of dematerialised Shareholders and certificated Shareholders were credited today. No
share certificates were dispatched to certificated shareholders in respect of the Scrip Distribution.
22 July 2024

Pallidus Exchange Services Proprietary limited

Legal Advisors

Date: 22-07-2024 03:00:00
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