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CAPITEC BANK HOLDINGS LIMITED - Quarterly disclosure in terms of Regulation 43 of the regulations relating to banks

Release Date: 12/07/2024 12:05
Code(s): CPI CPIP CBL31 CBL32 CBL30     PDF:  
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Quarterly disclosure in terms of Regulation 43 of the regulations relating to banks

Capitec Bank Holdings Limited
Registration number 1999/025903/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registered bank controlling company
Ordinary Share Code: CPI ISIN Number: ZAE000035861
Preference Share Code: CPIP ISIN Number: ZAE000083838

Capitec Bank Limited
Registration number 1980/003695/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registered bank
Company code: BICAP
("Capitec Bank")

Quarterly disclosure in terms of Regulation 43 of the regulations relating to

Capitec and its subsidiaries ("Capitec Group") have complied with Regulation 43
of the Regulations relating to banks, which incorporates the requirements of

In terms of Pillar 3 of the Basel rules, the consolidated group is required to
disclose quantitative information on its capital adequacy, leverage and
liquidity ratios on a quarterly basis.

The Capitec group consolidated and Capitec Bank capital and liquidity positions
at the end of the first quarter of the 28 February 2025 financial year end are
set out below:

Capital Adequacy              Capitec Group                 Capitec Bank
                         1st Quarter   4th Quarter      1st Quarter   4th Quarter
                                2025          2024             2025          2024
                              31 May   29 February           31 May   29 February
                                2024          2024             2024          2024
                           R'000 / %     R'000 / %        R'000 / %     R'000 / %
Common Equity Tier 1
capital (CET1)            40 111 852    39 298 719       35 706 175    34 649 992
Additional Tier 1
capital (AT1)                      -             -                -             -
CET1 %                          36.1          35.5             34.1          32.9
Tier 1 capital (T1)       40 111 852    39 298 719       35 706 175    34 649 992
T1 %                            36.1          35.5             34.1          32.9
General allowance for
credit impairment            955 784          910 614      942 299         913 165
Tier 2 capital (T2)          955 784          910 614      942 299         913 165
T2 %                            36.9             36.3         35.0            33.8
Total qualifying
regulatory capital        41 067 636    40 209 333       36 648 474    35 563 157
Total qualifying
regulatory capital %            36.9            36.3          35.0           33.8
Required regulatory
capital(1)                13 342 588    13 296 122       12 571 708    12 625 430

(1)This value is currently 12% of risk-weighted assets, being the Basel global
minimum requirement of 8%, the Pillar 2A South African country-specific buffer
of 1%, the Capital Conservation Buffer of 2.5% and the Domestic Systemically
Important Bank ("D-SIB") capital add-on of 0.5%.

 Liquidity Coverage            Capitec Group                Capitec Bank
 Ratio ("LCR")
                          1st Quarter   4th Quarter   1st Quarter    4th Quarter
                                 2025          2024          2025           2024
                               31 May   29 February        31 May    29 February
                                 2024          2024          2024           2024
                            R'000 / %     R'000 / %     R'000 / %      R'000 / %
 High-quality liquid
 assets ("HQLA")           82 334 115    85 894 917     82 334 115    85 894 917
 Net cash outflows(1)       3 480 794     3 582 532      3 442 256     3 630 781
 Actual LCR %                   2 365         2 398          2 392         2 366
 Required LCR %                   100           100            100           100

(1)The total net weighted cash outflows are calculated as the total cash outflows,
less the minimum of either the cash inflows, or 75% of total outflows.

 Net Stable Funding            Capitec Group                Capitec Bank
 Ratio ("NSFR")
                          1st Quarter   4th Quarter   1st Quarter    4th Quarter
                                 2025          2024          2025           2024
                               31 May   29 February        31 May    29 February
                                 2024          2024          2024           2024
                            R'000 / %     R'000 / %     R'000 / %      R'000 / %
 Total available
 stable funding           196 611 804   184 553 361   190 246 087    180 136 930
 Total required
 stable funding            89 996 421    85 311 405     85 214 090    82 262 591
 Actual NSFR %                  218.5         216.3          223.3         219.0
 Required NSFR %                  100           100            100           100

 Leverage ratio                Capitec Group               Capitec Bank
                          1st Quarter   4th Quarter   1st Quarter  4th Quarter
                                 2025          2024          2025          2024
                               31 May   29 February        31 May  29 February
                                 2024          2024          2024          2024
                            R'000 / %     R'000 / %     R'000 / %     R'000 / %
 Tier 1 capital            40 111 852    39 298 719    35 706 175     34 649 992
 Total exposures          214 893 053   208 346 500   209 276 989    204 504 920
 Leverage ratio %                18.7          18.9          17.1           16.9

For the detailed LCR, NSFR and leverage ratio calculations refer to the "Banks
Act Public Disclosure" section on our website at

Shareholders are referred to the announcement on the JSE Stock Exchange News
Service on 12 March 2024. Capitec has successfully increased its shareholding
in Avafin Holding Limited ("Avafin"), an international online consumer
lending group, from 40.66% to 97.69%, effective from 1 May 2024. Avafin has
been consolidated on 1 May 2024, during the current quarter.

By order of the Board

12 July 2024

Capitec Equity Sponsor: PSG Capital Proprietary Limited
Capitec Bank Debt Sponsor: PSG Capital Proprietary Limited

Date: 12-07-2024 12:05:00
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