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CLICKS GROUP LIMITED - Unaudited interim group results for the six months ended 28 February 2022 and cash dividend declaration

Release Date: 28/04/2022 08:00
Code(s): CLS     PDF:  
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Unaudited interim group results for the six months ended 28 February 2022 and cash dividend declaration

Clicks Group Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 1996/000645/06
JSE share code: CLS
ISIN: ZAE000134854 
CUSIP: 18682W205
LEI: 378900E967958A677472
("Clicks Group" or "the group")




-  Group turnover up 9.0%*
-  Retail turnover up 13.6%*
-  Group diluted HEPS up 26.0%
-  Interim dividend up 26.3% to 180 cents per share
-  Continuing diluted HEPS up 20.1%*
-  Continuing adjusted diluted HEPS up 10.2%*
-  Return on equity increased to 47.2%
-  R1.3 billion returned to shareholders in dividends and buy-backs

* Continuing operations.

Shareholders are advised that the group is reporting financial information separately for continuing 
and discontinued operations following the closure of Musica in May 2021. The civil unrest in 
KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in July 2021 had a significant impact on the group's financial results. 
The disclosure of certain figures in continuing operations has been adjusted for the second interim 
insurance payment received from the South African Special Risks Insurance Association (SASRIA) to 
present a normalised view of the group's underlying business performance.  

Clicks Group has once again delivered a resilient performance for the first half of the 
2022 financial year, highlighting the continued defensiveness of the group's business model in 
the ongoing tough trading environment.

Clicks performed well, gaining market share and continuing to expand its store and pharmacy 
network as well as benefiting from the national Covid-19 vaccination programme. As the largest 
vaccination provider in the private sector, Clicks has administered over 3 million vaccinations 
since the start of the programme. UPD reported muted growth as the impact of the Omicron fourth 
wave of Covid-19 was less severe than the Beta variant second wave in the prior period.

The group's performance translated into an increase of 10.2% in adjusted diluted headline earnings 
per share from continuing operations. The interim dividend was increased by 26.3% to 180 cents per 
share, in line with group diluted HEPS which was up 26%. The group's return on equity increased 
from 37.4% to 47.2%, well within the medium-term target range of 40% - 50%.

The group's total SASRIA settlement for damages from the KZN civil unrest amounted to R710 million 
(excluding VAT). The first interim payment of R217 million was accounted for in the 2021 financial 
year. The second interim payment of R217 million has been included in the current reporting period. 
The final payment of R276 million, which was received after the end of the current reporting period, 
will be accounted for in the 2022 full-year results.

Group turnover increased by 9.0% to R19.6 billion. Retail sales grew by 13.6%, with selling price 
inflation of 3.7%. Distribution turnover increased by 0.6%, with price inflation of 1.9% for the 
first half. 

Adjusted total income grew by 10.6% to R5.3 billion with the total income margin expanding by 
40 basis points to 27.3%. The retail margin was 40 basis points lower owing to the impact of the 
low margin vaccinations. The distribution margin improved by 20 basis points due to the growth in 
the bulk distribution business. 

Retail costs were held below turnover growth and increased by 12.2%, with comparable costs 
contained to a growth of 6.5%. Distribution costs increased by 8.4% owing to the impact of new 
bulk distribution clients as well as higher fuel, security, insurance and electricity costs.

Adjusted group operating profit increased by 7.5% to R1.5 billion. The group's adjusted operating 
margin was 20 basis points lower at 7.8% as a result of the low margin vaccinations in retail and 
the cost pressures and lower wholesale turnover in UPD. 

Headline earnings from continuing operations grew by 18.3% to R1.1 billion. Earnings per share 
from continuing operations increased by 27.0% to 493 cents with HEPS from continuing operations 
increasing by 20.1% to 467 cents. 

Adjusting for the impact of the second SASRIA insurance payment, headline earnings from continuing 
operations grew by 8.6% and diluted HEPS by 10.2%.

Inventory levels were well managed and group inventory days reduced to 78 days (H1 2021: 83 days). 
Retail inventory days improved from 85 to 81 days and UPD from 56 to 49 days.  

Cash generated from operating activities before dividends paid totalled R590 million. Capital 
expenditure of R352 million (H1 2021: R269 million) was invested mainly in new stores and 
pharmacies, store refurbishments, supply chain and information technology. 

The group returned R1.3 billion to shareholders in dividend payments (R848 million) and share 
buy-backs (R446 million). At period-end the group held cash resources of R838 million.

Management expects trading conditions to remain constrained in the second half of the year owing 
to the increasing pressures on consumer disposable income in the current low growth environment. 
This will be compounded by the trading disruption from ongoing electricity load shedding.

Growth in Clicks will be supported by the ongoing Covid-19 vaccination programme and the opening 
of a further 28 stores for the year, while the first-half recovery in the beauty category is 
expected to continue. 

UPD secured an additional bulk distribution contract which commenced in March. The normalisation 
of activity and the opening up of the economy in a post-Covid environment will be positive for 
major customers, Clicks and the private hospital groups, which is expected to benefit UPD's 
wholesale turnover. 

The group's business model remains resilient, with a proven ability to adapt to changing market 
dynamics, and management is confident in the group's ability to achieve its medium-term financial 
and operating targets.

Capital investment of R876 million is planned for the full financial year, comprising R565 million 
on stores and R311 million on IT systems and supply chain infrastructure, including solar 
installations on all Clicks and UPD distribution centres. 

The directors forecast that earnings for the financial year ending 31 August 2022 will increase 
over the 2021 financial year as follows:

Diluted headline earnings per share:
-  Group: Increase of 30% to 35% (FY2021: 773.6 cents)
-  Continuing operations: Increase of 25% to 30% (FY2021: 793.7 cents)

Diluted adjusted headline earnings per share:
-  Group: Increase of 10% to 15% (FY2021: 816.7 cents)
-  Continuing operations: Increase of 8% to 13% (FY2021: 836.8 cents)

This forecast is based on the assumption that the trading environment will remain constrained in 
the second half of the 2022 financial year, with continued uncertainty on the impact of Covid-19 
despite the recent lifting of the country's state of disaster, and ongoing trading disruption 
caused by electricity load shedding. This forecast does not include any potential impact from the 
recent floods on the KZN economy. 

Shareholders are advised that this forecast is the responsibility of the board of directors and has 
not been reviewed or reported on by the group's independent auditor.

The board of directors has approved an interim gross ordinary dividend for the period ended 
28 February 2022 of 180.0 cents per share (2021: 142.5 cents per share). The source of the 
dividend will be from distributable reserves and paid in cash. 

Dividends Tax (DT) of 20% amounting to 36.0 cents per ordinary share will be withheld in terms of 
the Income Tax Act.  Ordinary shareholders who are not exempt from DT will therefore receive a 
dividend of 144.0 cents net of DT.  

The company has 243 969 611 ordinary shares. Its income tax reference number is 9061/745/71/8.

Shareholders are advised of the following salient dates in respect of the interim dividend:

Last day to trade "cum" the dividend                                          Tuesday, 28 June 2022
Shares trade "ex" the dividend                                              Wednesday, 29 June 2022
Record date                                                                     Friday, 1 July 2022
Payment to shareholders                                                         Monday, 4 July 2022

Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Wednesday, 29 June 2022 and 
Friday, 1 July 2022, both days inclusive.

David Nurek               Bertina Engelbrecht               Michael Fleming
Chairman                  Chief executive officer           Chief financial officer

Cape Town
28 April 2022

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the Clicks Group board of directors 
and is a summary of the information in the detailed interim results announcement and does 
not contain full or complete details. The full announcement can be downloaded from or on the group's website 
at The announcement is available for inspection, at no charge, at the 
company's registered office during business hours for a period of 30 calendar days following 
the date of this announcement. Any investment decision in relation to the company's shares should 
be based on the full announcement.

Directors: DM Nurek* (Chairman), F Abrahams*, JA Bester*, BD Engelbrecht (Chief Executive Officer), 
M Fleming (Chief Financial Officer), PM Moumakwa*, MJN Njeke*, SS Ntsaluba*^, M Rosen*
*  Independent non-executive
^ Appointed 1 September 2021

Registered office: Cnr Searle and Pontac Streets, Cape Town 8001

Transfer secretaries: Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited

Investec Bank Limited

Date: 28-04-2022 08:00:00
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