Classification in the General Segment of the Main Board of the JSE Limited Crookes Brothers Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1913/000290/06) Share code: CKS ISIN: ZAE000001434 Main Board – General Segment ("Crookes Brothers" or "the Company') CLASSIFICATION IN THE GENERAL SEGMENT OF THE MAIN BOARD OF THE JSE LIMITED 1. Introduction The board of directors of Crookes Brothers is pleased to announce that the Company's application to transfer its listing to the General Segment of the Main Board of the JSE Limited ("JSE") has been approved by the JSE with effect from Wednesday, 4 December 2024. Consequently, Crookes Brothers will now be classified as being a primary issuer listed in the General Segment of the JSE list. 2. Application of Listings Requirements – General Segment In terms of paragraph 4.59 of the listings requirements of the JSE ("Requirements") classification in the General Segment allows Crookes Brothers to apply the following: • Shareholder approval is not required for a general authority to repurchase shares in terms of paragraph 5.72 of the Requirements; • Shareholder approval is not required for a specific authority to repurchase shares in terms of paragraph 5.69 of the Requirements, subject thereto that no related parties are involved and the repurchase does not exceed 20% of shares in issue in any one financial year; • Fairness opinions are not required for related party corporate actions and transactions, with more focus being placed on governance arrangements and transparency and the exclusion from voting of related parties and their associates; • Issuers are only required to prepare annual reports within four months of their financial year end, with no obligation to release results announcements within three months; • The preparation of pro forma financial information is not required for transaction/corporate actions, but rather a detailed narrative on the impact of the transaction/corporate action on the financial statements must be provided; • The percentage ratio (consideration measured against market capitalisation or dilution) for category 1 transactions is 50% or more. Category 2 Requirements will be applicable for transactions with percentage ratios of between 5% and 50%; • Shareholder approval and a circular is not required for transactions by a subsidiary that is listed on the JSE; • Only two years' audited historical financial information is required to be disclosed on the subject of a category 1 transaction; • The percentage ratio to determine small-related party transactions is 3% and less than or equal to 10%; • A material shareholder for related party classification purposes is a shareholder holding 20% or more of the issued shares of the company; and • A pre-listing statement is required only for share issuances exceeding 100% of a company's shares in issue over a three-month period. Shareholders are reminded that the provisions applicable to companies in the General Segment only have the specified different application as stated and the remainder of the provisions of the Requirements continue to apply. 3. Issues of shares for cash In terms of its Memorandum of Incorporation Crookes Brothers is prohibited from applying the provisions of paragraph 4.59(b) of the JSE Listings Requirements that provides for an automatic annual rolling general authority to issue shares for cash, representing up to 10% of the issuer's issued share capital, without shareholder approval. 3 December 2024 Umhlanga Ridge Sponsor Questco Corporate Advisory Propriety Limited Date: 03-12-2024 09:00:00 Produced by the JSE SENS Department. The SENS service is an information dissemination service administered by the JSE Limited ('JSE'). The JSE does not, whether expressly, tacitly or implicitly, represent, warrant or in any way guarantee the truth, accuracy or completeness of the information published on SENS. The JSE, their officers, employees and agents accept no liability for (or in respect of) any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature, howsoever arising, from the use of SENS or the use of, or reliance on, information disseminated through SENS.