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CILO CYBIN HOLDINGS LIMITED - Results of the 2nd Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 29/08/2024 17:15
Code(s): CCC     PDF:  
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Results of the 2nd Annual General Meeting

(Incorporated in South Africa on
23 February 2022)
(Registration number 2022/320351/06)
JSE Share code: CCC ISIN: ZAE000310397
("the Company" or "Cilo Cybin")


Results of the 2nd Annual General Meeting

The shareholders of Cilo Cybin Holdings ("Shareholders") are advised that at the annual general meeting of
Shareholders ("Annual General Meeting") held on Thursday, 29 August 2024, in terms of the notice of Annual
General Meeting distributed to Shareholders on 31 July 2024, all of the resolutions tabled were unaltered from
that reflected in the notice of the Annual General Meeting and were approved by the requisite majority of votes
cast by Shareholders present in person or represented by proxy.

As at Friday, 23 August 2024, being the voting record date ("Voting Record Date"), the total issued share
capital of Cilo Cybin was 71 017 906 ("Issued Shares") and the total number of votable shares was
71 017 906 ("Votable Shares"). The number of Cilo Cybin shares voted in person or by proxy at the Annual
General Meeting was 61 209 440 shares, representing 86,19% of the Issued Shares and Votable Shares,

The voting results were as follows:

                                                                                 Shares voted               as a
                                                                                  disclosed as     percentage
                                                        Shares                   a percentage       of the total
                                            Shares       voted      Number of       of the total         issued
                                           voted for    against       Shares             issued          shares
                                               (%) *      (%) *        Voted        shares (%)               (%)
 Ordinary Resolution 1.1: Re-election
 of S Baduza as director of the
 Company                                   100,00%       0,00%     61 209 440          86,19%           0,00%
 Ordinary Resolution 1.2: Re-election
 of J Moodley-Theron as director of
 the Company                               100,00%       0,00%     61 209 440          86,19%           0,00%
 Ordinary Resolution 2: Election of
 director RM Ledwaba appointed to
 the Board during the year                 100,00%       0,00%     61 209 440          86,19%           0,00%
 Ordinary Resolution 3.1: Re-election
 of S Baduza as member and
 Chairperson of the audit Committee        100,00%       0,00%     61 209 440          86,19%           0,00%
 Ordinary Resolution 3.2: Re-election
 of MRB Abdullah as member of the
 audit Committee                           100,00%       0,00%     61 209 440          86,19%           0,00%
 Ordinary Resolution 3.3: Re-election
 of WS Low as member of the audit
 Committee                                 100,00%       0,00%     61 209 440          86,19%           0,00%
 Ordinary Resolution 4:
 Reappointment of Nexia SAB&T as
 external auditors for the ensuing year
 and Mr. Johandré Engelbrecht as the
 designated auditor for the ensuing
 year                                      100,00%       0,00%     61 209 440          86,19%           0,00%
 Ordinary Resolution 5: Authorisation
 to implement resolutions                  100,00%       0,00%     61 209 440          86,19%           0,00%
                                                                                       Shares voted        disclosed
                                                                                        disclosed as              as a
 Resolution                                                                            a percentage      percentage
                                                            Shares                        of the total    of the total
                                               Shares        voted     Number of               issued          issued
                                              voted for     against    Shares                  shares          shares
                                                  (%) *       (%) *    Voted                      (%)              (%)
 Ordinary Resolution 6: Non-binding
 advisory vote on the remuneration
 policy as set out in the remuneration
 report of the Company                        100,00%        0,00%     61 209 440            86,19%           0,00%
 Ordinary Resolution 7: Non-binding
 advisory vote on the implementation
 report as set out in the remuneration
 report of the Company                        100,00%        0,00%     61 209 440            86,19%           0,00%
 Special Resolution 1: Non-executive
 directors' emoluments for 2025               100,00%        0,00%     61 209 440            86,19%           0,00%
* Expressed as a percentage of the number of shares voted per resolution (rounded to the nearest two decimals).

29 August 2024

Designated advisor


Date: 29-08-2024 05:15:00
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