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BALWIN PROPERTIES LIMITED - Results of Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 21/08/2024 15:25
Code(s): BWN     PDF:  
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Results of Annual General Meeting

Balwin Properties Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 2003/028851/06
Share code: BWN
ISIN: ZAE000209532
("Balwin" or "the Company")


Balwin shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on
Wednesday, 21 August 2024 at 09h00 ("AGM"), all ordinary and special resolutions as set out in the
notice of AGM dated Monday, 20 May 2024, were approved by the requisite majority of
shareholders present or represented by proxy.

In this regard, Balwin confirms the voting statistics from the AGM as follows:

                                                                                      %           Number
Total number of shares that could be voted at the AGM ("Total Shares")             100%      519,411,852
Total number of shares present/represented including proxies at the              80.62%      418,755,363
AGM ("Voted Shares")
Total number of members present/represented including proxies                                         18

                                        Votes in                    Votes
                                                         %                         %      Abstentions **           %
                                        favour *                against *
Ordinary resolution 1: Re-
election of Arnold Shapiro
as an independent non-               360,840,236    86.18%     57,865,097     13.82%              50,030       0.01%
executive director

Ordinary resolution 2: Re-
election     of     Thoko
Mokgosi-Mwantembe as
                                     336,031,239    80.25%     82,674,094     19.75%              50,030       0.01%
an independent non-
executive director

Ordinary resolution 3: Re-
election    of     Reggie
Kukama     as    a   non-            281,928,333    77.32%     82,674,094     22.68%          54,152,936      10.43%
executive director

Ordinary resolution 4: Re-
appointment       of   the
auditors   (BDO      South
Africa Incorporated and              418,560,121    99.97%        145,212      0.03%              50,030       0.01%
designated audit partner,
Vianca Pretorius)

Ordinary resolution 5: Re-
election of Tomi Amosun
as a member of the audit             364,950,731    87.16%     53,745,085     12.84%              59,547       0.01%
and risk committee

Ordinary resolution 6: Re-
election of Arnold Shapiro
as a member of the audit             360,749,536    86.16%     57,955,797     13.84%              50,030       0.01%
and risk committee

Ordinary resolution 7: Re-
election   of    Keneilwe
Moloko as a member of
                                     418,560,248    99.97%        145,085      0.03%              50,030       0.01%
the    audit   and     risk

Ordinary resolution      8.1
Endorsement    of       the
                                     328,867,785    78.54%     89,837,421     21.46%              50,157       0.01%
remuneration policy

Ordinary resolution 8.2
Endorsement     of    the
                                     357,811,794    85.46%     60,893,412     14.54%              50,157       0.01%
implementation report

Ordinary   resolution   9:
Authority to directors to
                                     418,560,248    99.97%        145,085      0.03%              50,030       0.01%
implement resolutions

Ordinary resolution 10:
General authority to issue
                                     360,161,294    86.02%     58,543,912     13.98%              50,157       0.01%
shares for cash

Special   resolution 1:
Remuneration of non-
                                     331,805,527    79.25%     86,899,679     20.75%              50,157       0.01%
executive directors

Special   resolution    2:
Financial assistance to
related and inter-related            389,631,112    93.06%     29,074,094      6.94%              50,157       0.01%

Special    resolution 3:
Authority to repurchase
                                     415,713,079    99.29%      2,992,127      0.71%              50,157       0.01%
shares by the Company

*    Votes cast disclosed as a percentage of the total number of shares voted at the meeting.
**   Abstentions are represented as a percentage of total issued ordinary shares.

Corlett Drive
21 August 2024

Investec Bank Limited

Date: 21-08-2024 03:25:00
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