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BURSTONE GROUP LIMITED - Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 15 August 2024

Release Date: 15/08/2024 16:21
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Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 15 August 2024

(Previously Investec Property Fund)
Approved as a REIT by the JSE
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration number: 2008/011366/06
Share code: BTN
Bond code: BTNI
ISIN: ZAE000180915

Results of the Annual General Meeting held on 15 August 2024

Shareholders are advised that at the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Burstone held in person and
by electronic participation on 15 August 2024, all the resolutions set out in the notice and proposed at the
meeting were passed, without modification, by the requisite majority of shareholders.

The resolutions were voted on as follows:

                                                                                % of issued         Number
                                                                              share capital

Total number of shares present/represented including proxies at                         76%    610 743 127
the meeting

                                                                  Votes in            Votes
                                                                    Favour          Against   Abstentions*

Ordinary Resolution Number 1 –
Election of PA Theodosiou as a Director                        589 854 096       19 241 709      1 647 322
                                                                    96.84%            3.16%          0.20%
Ordinary Resolution Number 2 –
Re-election of NP Riley as a Director                          608 886 994          208 811      1 647 322
                                                                    99.97%            0.03%          0.20%
Ordinary Resolution Number 3 –
Re-election of DC Moephuli as a Director                       589 845 583       19 250 222      1 647 322
                                                                    96.84%            3.16%          0.20%
Ordinary Resolution Number 4 –
Election of DC Moephuli as member of Audit and Risk            589 845 583       19 250 222      1 647 322
Committee                                                           96.84%            3.16%          0.20%

Ordinary Resolution Number 5 –
Election of RG Tomlinson as member of Audit and Risk           569 678 340       39 417 465      1 647 322
Committee                                                           93.53%            6.47%          0.20%

Ordinary Resolution Number 6 –
Election of PA Theodosiou as member of Audit and Risk          589 854 096       19 241 709      1 647 322
Committee                                                           96.84%            3.16%          0.20%

Ordinary Resolution Number 7 –
Re-appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc as                589 609 147          234 949     20 889 031
external auditors                                                   99.96%            0.04%          2.60%

Ordinary Resolution Number 8 –
Directors' and Company Secretary Authority to take             609 085 605                -      1 647 322
action in respect of the resolutions approved by                      100%            0.00%          0.20%

Ordinary Resolution Number 9 –
Specific Authority to Directors to allot and issue shares in   608 982 057          103 748      1 647 322
relation to a Dividend Re-Investment Plan                           99.98%            0.02%          0.20%

Ordinary Resolution Number 10 –
Directors' authority to allot and issue authorised but         588 726 644       20 359 161      1 647 322
unissued shares                                                     96.66%            3.34%          0.20%

Ordinary Resolution Number 11 -
Non-binding advisory vote on the Remuneration Policy of        523 856 278       85 229 527      1 647 322
the company                                                         86.01%           13.99%          0.20%

Ordinary Resolution 12 –
Non-binding advisory vote on the implementation of the         468 910 873      140 174 932      1 647 322
Remuneration policy of the company                                  76.99%           23.01%          0.20%

Special Resolution Number 1 –
Directors' authority to allot and issue shares for cash in     577 840 238       31 245 567      1 647 322
respect of 5% of the shares in issue                                94.87%            5.13%          0.20%

Special Resolution Number 2 –
Directors' general authority to acquire shares                 586 428 227       22 657 578      1 647 322
                                                                    96.28%            5.13%          0.20%
Special Resolution Number 3 –
Non-Executive Directors' remuneration                          497 655 365      111 430 440      1 647 322
                                                                    81.71%           18.29%          0.20%
Special Resolution Number 4 –
Financial assistance to subsidiaries and other related and     609 077 292            8 513      1 647 322
inter-related entities                                                100%            0.00%          0.20%

* in relation to the total issued share capital

The special resolutions, to the extent required, will be submitted for filing with the Companies and
Intellectual Property Commission in due course.

15 August 2024

Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited

Date: 15-08-2024 04:21:00
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