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Release Date: 27/05/2024 17:12
Code(s): BRT BRN     PDF:  
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Results of Annual General Meeting

Brimstone Investment Corporation Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1995/010442/06)
(ISIN code: ZAE000015277      Share code: BRT)
(ISIN code: ZAE000015285      Share code: BRN)


Shareholders are advised that the voting results for the annual general meeting ("AGM") of Brimstone, which was conducted entirely by electronic communication on Monday, 27 May 2024,
are as follows:

  Resolution                               Number of shares voted*         Percentage of shares in               For**                          Against**                 Abstained***
                                                                                   issue*                         %                                %                              %
                                       Ordinary Shares      "N" Ordinary    Ordinary            "N"   Ordinary        "N"    Total   Ordinary          "N"     Total   Ordinary            "N"
                                                                  Shares      Shares       Ordinary     Shares   Ordinary   Shares     shares     Ordinary    Shares     Shares       Ordinary
                                                                                             Shares                Shares                           Shares                              Shares
  1.  Ordinary resolution number 1:
      Re-election of directors

  1.1 MA Brey                            2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      99.91     100.00    99.91       0.09         0.00      0.09       0.08           0.04
  1.2 GG Fortuin                         2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      99.92     100.00    99.93       0.08         0.00      0.07       0.08           0.04
  1.3 LA Parker                          2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      98.30      92.31    98.00       1.70         7.69      2.00       0.08           0.04
  1.4 FD Roman                           2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      99.91      92.34    99.53       0.09         7.66      0.47       0.08           0.04

  2.  Ordinary resolution number 2:
      Appointment of members of
      the audit and risk committee

  2.1 N Khan                             2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      99.91      92.34    99.53       0.09         7.66      0.47       0.08           0.04
  2.2 PL Campher                         2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      98.30      92.31    98.00       1.70         7.69      2.00       0.08           0.04
  2.3 M Ndlovu                           2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      99.92     100.00    99.93       0.08         0.00      0.07       0.08           0.04
  2.4 LA Parker (subject to his re-
      election as a director)            2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      98.30      92.31    98.00       1.70         7.69      2.00       0.08           0.04      
  2.5 FD Roman (subject to her re-
      election as a director)            2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      98.30      92.31    98.00       1.70         7.69      2.00       0.08           0.04      
  2.6 LAD Wort                           2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      99.91     100.00    99.91       0.09         0.00      0.09       0.08           0.04

3.   Ordinary resolution number 3:
     Re-appointment of auditors          2 862 581 200       148 756 168       71.79          66.12      99.92     100.00    99.93       0.08         0.00      0.07       0.08           0.04
4.   Ordinary resolution number 4:
     To place the unissued shares        2 862 581 200       127 793 010       71.79          56.80      98.30      85.82    97.76       1.70        14.18      2.24       0.08           9.36
     under the directors' control

5.   Ordinary resolution number 5:
     Approval to issue shares for        2 862 581 200       127 212 083       71.79          56.54      96.89      90.45    96.62       3.11         9.55      3.38       0.08           9.62

6.   Ordinary resolution number 6:
     Specific authority to directors
     to offer different dividend
     alternatives                        2 862 581 200      148 756 168        71.79          66.12      98.30      99.51    98.36       1.70         0.49      1.64       0.08           0.04
7.   Non-binding advisory
     resolution 1: Remuneration          2 862 581 200      148 696 168        71.79          66.09      98.30      99.97    98.38       1.70         0.03      1.62       0.08           0.07

8.   Non-binding advisory
     resolution 2: Implementation        2 862 581 200      148 696 168        71.79          66.09      98.30      99.97    98.38       1.70         0.03      1.62       0.08           0.07

9.   Special resolution number 1:
     Non-executive directors' fees      2 862 581 200       148 756 168        71.79          66.12      99.92     100.00    99.93       0.08         0.00      0.07       0.08           0.04
10.  Special resolution number 2:
     General authority to
     repurchase Ordinary and "N"
     Ordinary shares                    2 862 581 200       148 756 168        71.79          66.12      98.30      99.97    98.38       1.70         0.03      1.62       0.08           0.04
11. Special resolution number 3:
    General authority for financial
    assistance in terms of Section
    44 of the Act                       2 862 581 200       148 756 168        71.79          66.12      98.51      99.98    98.58       1.49         0.02      1.42       0.08           0.04
12. Special resolution number 4:
    General authority for financial
    assistance in terms of Section
    45 of the Act                       2 862 581 200       148 756 168        71.79          66.12      96.89      99.95    97.05       3.11         0.05      2.95       0.08           0.04
13. Special resolution number 5:
    Authority to issue shares to
    persons falling within the          2 862 581 200       148 696 168        71.79          66.09      99.92     100.00    99.93       0.08         0.00      0.07       0.08           0.07
    ambit of Section 41(1) of the
    Act for the purpose of
    distribution reinvestment

14. Special resolution number 6:
    Specific Repurchase of
    Ordinary and "N" Ordinary
    Shares                              2 059 783 200       120 625 481        51.66          53.62      99.89     100.00    99.90       0.11         0.00      0.10       0.08          0.04

*       Based on 3 987 414 600 ordinary votes (representing 39 874 146 Ordinary Shares in issue) and 224 975 962 "N" ordinary votes (representing 224 975 962 "N" Ordinary Shares in issue)
        at the date of the AGM. Brimstone Ordinary Shares carry 100 votes per Ordinary Share and "N" ordinary shares carry 1 vote per "N" Ordinary Share.
**      In relation to the total number of Ordinary shares and "N" Ordinary shares voted at the AGM.
***     In relation to the total number of Ordinary Shares and "N" Ordinary Shares in issue at the date of the AGM.

Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of Brimstone shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at the AGM.

Cape Town
27 May 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 27-05-2024 05:12:00
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