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BRIMSTONE INVESTMENT CORPORATION LIMITED - Voluntary Quarterly Intrinsic Net Asset Value disclosure

Release Date: 24/05/2024 12:00
Code(s): BRT BRN     PDF:  
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Voluntary Quarterly Intrinsic Net Asset Value disclosure

Brimstone Investment Corporation Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number 1995/010442/06
Share Code: BRT ISIN: ZAE000015277
Share Code: BRN ISIN: ZAE000015285
("Brimstone" or the "Company")

Voluntary Quarterly Intrinsic Net Asset Value ("NAV") disclosure

A full analysis of the Intrinsic NAV, together with applicable explanations for the quarter ended 31 March 2024 is set out below.

Summary                                              Change Dec 2023 to              31 Mar 24              31 Dec 23                31 Dec 22   31 Dec 21   31 Dec 20
                                                               Mar 2024

Intrinsic NAV of Brimstone (Rm)                                   (7.3%)                2 762.1               2 978.9                 3 287.2      3 255.6     3 284.8
Intrinsic NAV per share (cents) ¹                                 (6.7%)                1 132.0               1 213.3                 1 325.0      1 314.0     1 299.3
Fully diluted Intrinsic NAV per share (cents) ¹                   (6.7%)                1 107.9               1 187.7                 1 301.5      1 292.6     1 282.7
Market price per share (cents)
   Ordinary shares                                                (2.2%)                    500                   511                     526          630         581
   'N' Ordinary shares                                            (1.0%)                    480                   485                     563          649         650
Discount to Intrinsic NAV
  Ordinary shares                                                                         55.8%                 57.9%                   60.3%        52.1%       55.3%
  'N' Ordinary shares                                                                     57.6%                 60.0%                   57.5%        50.6%       50.0%
Intrinsic NAV analysis by asset

An analysis of the Intrinsic NAV of Brimstone as at 31 March 2024 is set out below, including the valuation basis of each asset. Where applicable, Intrinsic NAV is net of ring-fenced
debt and potential CGT relating to that asset.

Asset                       %                                Closing
                          held                                  share                                Gross                                              Mar 2024        Mar 2024         Gross       Dec 2023      Dec 2023
                                         share price                                                                      Debt              CGT                                                                                        Increase /
                                                             price at       Valuation Basis          Value                                              INAV            INAV/share       portfolio   INAV          INAV/share
                                           at 31 Mar                                                                     (R'000)           (R'000)                                                                                    (Decrease)
                                                               31 Dec                                (R'000)                                           (R'000)          (cents)          weighting   (R'000)       (cents)
                        25.10%                 70.50            70.67       Market value per share      2 307 756                -                -      2 307 756          945.8          48.1%    2 313 321          942.2           0.4%
Sea Harvest ²
                         53.4%                  8.60             9.45       Market value per share      1 372 206                -                -      1 372 206          562.4          28.6%    1 507 831          614.2          (8.4%)
                          0.7%                 12.76            13.95       Market value per share         65 334                -                -         65 334           26.8           1.4%      192 107           78.2         (65.7%)
Phuthuma Nathi
                          1.3%                 98.00            93.00       Market value per share         87 752                -                -         87 752           36.0           1.8%      176 275           71.8         (49.9%)
                          5.1%                  4.85             5.22       Market value per share        211 291                -         (12 987)        198 304           81.3           4.4%      210 941           85.9          (5.4%)
MTN Zakhele Futhi
                          1.5%                 14.60            17.17       Market value per share         26 554                -                -         26 554           10.9           0.6%       31 229           12.7         (14.2%)

                         12.8%                     -               -        Market approach                        -             -                -              -              -           0.0%       94 224           38.4        (100.0%)
FPG Property Fund
                         10.1%                     -               -        Book value                    362 625                -         (43 806)         318 819         130.7           7.6%      318 819          129.9           0.6%
Aon Re Africa
                         18.0%                     -               -        PE valuation                   78 089                -         (15 143)          62 946          25.8           1.6%       62 946           25.6           0.8%

Obsidian                 70.0%                     -               -        Book value                     71 947                -          (7 440)          64 507          26.4           1.5%       64 507           26.3           0.4%
                         25.0%                     -               -        Book value                     70 932                -               -           70 932          29.1           1.5%       70 932           28.9           0.7%
Other investments,
assets & liabilities    Various                    -               -        Valuation                      34 192                -          29 531           63 723          26.1           0.7%       63 723           26.0           0.4%
Cash / (Net debt)
                        100.0%                     -               -        Book value                    109 105      (1 985 816)               -      (1 876 711)        (769.1)          2.2%   (2 127 992)        (866.8)        (11.3%)

                                                                                                        4 797 783      (1 985 816)        (49 845)        2 762 122         1 132         100.0%     2 978 863          1 213         (6.7%)

Intrinsic NAV per share (cents)                                                                          1 966        (814)              (20)          1 132
Fully diluted Intrinsic NAV per share (cents)                                                            1 924        (797)              (20)          1 108


 1. Based on 244 million shares (December 2023: 246 million shares) in issue, net of treasury shares as calculated below:

                                                                                                        Number of shares in issue     Fully diluted number of shares
   Gross number of shares in issue                                                                                   264 850 108                        264 850 108
   Treasury shares (fully diluted number is net of notionally realised unvested FSPs)                                (20 850 627)                       (15 548 687)
   Net shares in issue for Intrinsic NAV purposes                                                                    243 999 481                        249 301 421

 2. No CGT provided on shareholding in Oceana and Sea Harvest due to potential use of the corporate relief provisions of the Income Tax Act.

The Intrinsic NAV information presented has been prepared on a basis consistent with that used in the integrated report for the year ended 31 December 2023, which is available
on the Company's website at

The above information is the responsibility of the directors and has not been reviewed or reported on by the Company's auditors.

24 May 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

Date: 24-05-2024 12:00:00
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