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BLUE LABEL TELECOMS LIMITED - Unaudited Results for the six months ended 30 November 2023

Release Date: 22/02/2024 07:05
Code(s): BLU     PDF:  
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Unaudited Results for the six months ended 30 November 2023

Blue Label Telecoms Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2006/022679/06)
JSE share code: BLU 
ISIN: ZAE000109088 
(Blue Label, BLT, the Company or the Group)


- Revenue of R7.6 billion*
- Increase in gross profit of 4% to R1.60 billion (2022: R1.54 billion)
- Increase in gross profit margin from 15.67% to 21.08%
- Core headline earnings of 47.15 cents per share** (2022: 3.94 cents per share)
*  On inclusion of the gross amount generated on "PINless top-ups", prepaid electricity, ticketing and 
   universal vouchers, the effective increase equated to 12% from R39.3 billion to R43.8 billion.
** Excluding the positive contributions of R65 million in the current period and the negative contributions 
   of R421 million in the prior period, primarily resulting from the recapitalisation transaction of Cell C, 
   core headline earnings per share declined by 23% to 39.90 cents per share compared to 51.72 cents per share 
   in the prior period.

Core headline earnings for the period ended 30 November 2023 amounted to R420 million, equating to core headline
earnings of 47.15 cents per share.

In the comparative period, core headline earnings amounted to R35 million, equating to core headline earnings 
of 3.94 cents per share. The predominant negative contributions to the November 2022 basic, headline and core 
headline earnings per share are primarily associated with the recapitalisation transaction of Cell C.

Excluding the positive contributions of R65 million in the current period and the negative contributions of 
R421 million in the prior period, as illustrated in the underlying tables, core headline earnings declined by 
R100 million(22%) from R455 million to R355 million and core headline earnings per share declined by 23% from 
51.72 cents per share in the prior period to 39.90 cents per share. This decline in core headline earnings was 
attributable to a decrease of R119 million in Comm Equipment Company (CEC), while the remaining entities within 
the Group increased by R19 million compared to the prior period.

The anticipated decline in CEC's core headline earnings, was a result of a decline in gross profit stemming from
increased expenditure related to the distribution agreement, as well as a significant increase in the expected 
credit loss compared to the previous period. This increase aligns with the expansion of CEC's book and the 
deteriorating macroeconomic environment in South Africa, marked by rising interest rates, power outages and a 
depreciating rand. CEC has increased its ECLs in anticipation of heightened future losses, aligning with the 
approach taken by other consumer lenders.

Earnings per share for the current and prior periods amounted to 45.67 cents and negative 8.74 cents respectively. 
On exclusion of the contributions resulting primarily from the recapitalisation transaction of Cell C from both 
the current and prior periods, earnings per share declined by 23% to 38.42 cents per share and headline earnings 
per share declined by 22% to 38.66 cents per share.

Group revenue declined by R2.2 billion (23%) to R7.6 billion. However, as only the gross profit earned on "PINless
top-ups", prepaid electricity, ticketing and universal vouchers is recognised as revenue, on imputing the gross 
revenue generated from these sources, the effective growth in revenue equated to R4.5 billion (12%), resulting 
in a total revenue of R43.8 billion compared to the prior period of R39.3 billion.

Gross profit increased by R58 million (4%) from R1.540 billion to R1.598 billion, corresponding to an increase 
in margins from 15.67% to 21.08%. This increase in margins can be partially attributed to the growth in 
"PINless top-ups", prepaid electricity, ticketing and universal vouchers, where only the gross profit earned 
thereon is recognised as revenue.

The Group remains vigilant in managing its total overhead costs.

Furthermore, load shedding continues to be a significant challenge faced by our organisation. It has negatively
impacted the sale of prepaid electricity, prepaid airtime, starter packs and our call centre operations, all of 
which are significant revenue streams for the Group.

For the six months ended 30 November 2023
                                            Extraneous                             Extraneous                
                                    Group       income^  Remaining         Group          cost^^   Remaining       Growth      Growth
                                 Nov 2023     Nov 2023    Nov 2023      Nov 2022      Nov 2022      Nov 2022    remaining   remaining
                                    R'000        R'000       R'000         R'000         R'000         R'000        R'000           %
Revenue                         7 581 356            -   7 581 356     9 823 143             -     9 823 143   (2 241 787)        (23)
Gross profit                    1 597 881            -   1 597 881     1 539 635             -     1 539 635       58 246           4
Other income                       26 197            -      26 197        15 071             -        15 071       11 126          74
Bad debts, expected                                                                                            
credit losses and                                                                                              
fair-value movements             (157 039)      (2 717)   (154 322)     (124 058)      (44 589)      (79 469)     (74 853)        (94)
Gain/(loss) on modification                                                                                    
of financial instrument            10 989       10 989           -       (64 500)      (64 500)            -            -
EBITDA                            697 003        8 272     688 731       609 405      (109 089)      718 494      (29 763)         (4)
Finance costs                    (459 311)    (177 685)   (281 626)     (247 765)      (89 747)     (158 018)    (123 608)        (78)
Finance income                    352 592      273 142      79 450       131 402        57 906        73 496        5 954           8
Reversal of impairments in                                                                                     
associates                              -            -           -       962 531       962 531             -            -
Share of (losses)/profits from                                                                                 
associates and joint ventures       6 639            -       6 639    (1 320 127)   (1 328 767)        8 640       (2 001)        (23)
Net profit/(loss) after tax       406 423       64 498     341 925       (76 934)     (514 315)      437 381      (95 456)        (22)
Core headline earnings            419 575       64 498     355 077        34 700      (420 784)      455 484     (100 407)        (22)
Gross profit margin (%)             21.08                    21.08         15.67                       15.67   
EBITDA margin (%)                    9.19                     9.08          6.20                        7.31   
Weighted average shares ('000)    889 918                  889 918       880 749                     880 749   
Share performance                                                                                              
EPS (cents)                         45.67                    38.42         (8.74)                      49.66       (11.24)        (23)
HEPS (cents)                        45.91                    38.66          2.09                       49.86       (11.20)        (22)
Core HEPS (cents)                   47.15                    39.90          3.94                       51.72       (11.82)        (23)

^ The positive contributions to Group earnings in the current period were attributable to:
- the accounting treatment relating to the recapitalisation transaction of Cell C(1), emanating from:
  - expected credit losses and fair value movements of R3 million;
  - gain on modification of the Class A Preference Shares amounting to R11 million;
  - finance costs of R178 million resulting from increased borrowings related to airtime sale and repurchase obligations,
    as well as the issuance of Class A Preference Shares; and
  - finance income of R273 million resulting from the loan to Cell C for its debt funding requirements.

                                        Extraneous      Recap of
                                            income^       Cell C(1)
                                          Nov 2023      Nov 2023
                                             R'000         R'000
Bad debts, expected credit                              
losses and fair value movements             (2 717)       (2 717)
Gain on modification of financial                       
instrument                                  10 989        10 989
EBITDA                                       8 272         8 272
Finance costs                             (177 685)     (177 685)
Finance income                             273 142       273 142
Net profit after tax                        64 498        64 498
Core headline earnings                      64 498        64 498
^^ The negative contributions to Group earnings in the prior period were primarily attributable to:
- the accounting treatment relating to the recapitalisation transaction of Cell C(2), emanating from:
  - expected credit losses and fair value movements of R67 million;
  - loss on modification of a financial instrument of R65 million due to the renegotiation and reclassification 
    of the CEC deferral amount of R1.1 billion, owed by Cell C, from 'trade and other receivables' to 'loans to 
    associates and joint ventures';
  - finance costs of R90 million resulting from increased borrowings related to airtime sale and repurchase 
    obligations, as well as the issuance of Class A Preference Shares;
  - finance income of R58 million resulting from a loan to Cell C for its debt funding requirements;
  - a partial reversal of R962.5 million relating to the initial impairment of R2.5 billion of Blue Label's investment 
    in Cell C as at 31 May 2019, in line with an improvement in its equity valuation; and
  - recognition of the Group's share of Cell C's net accumulated losses for the period from 1 June 2019 to 30 November
    2022, limited to R1.329 billion, being the aggregate of the partial reversal of the initial impairment of R962.5
    million of Blue Label's investment in Cell C, as well as additional investments therein amounting to R366 million.
- the accounting implications of the termination of the Airvantage put option obligation for the acquisition of up 
  to 40% of the shares therein resulted in a fair value gain of R22 million(3).

                                           Extraneous     Recap of
                                                costs^^     Cell C(2)  Once-offs(3)
                                             Nov 2022     Nov 2022      Nov 2022
                                                R'000        R'000         R'000
Bad debts, expected credit                                          
losses and fair-value movements               (44 589)     (66 589)       22 000
Loss on modification of financial                                   
instrument                                    (64 500)     (64 500)            -
EBITDA                                       (109 089)    (131 089)       22 000
Finance costs                                 (89 747)     (89 747)            -
Finance income                                 57 906       57 906             -
Reversal of impairments in associates         962 531      962 531             -
Share of losses from associates and                                 
joint ventures                             (1 328 767)  (1 328 767)            -
Net loss after tax                           (514 315)    (536 315)       22 000
Core headline earnings                       (420 784)    (442 784)       22 000

EBITDA declined by R30 million (4%) from R718 million to R689 million, excluding the positive contributions of 
R8 million in the current period and negative contributions of R109 million in the prior period. Of this decline, 
CEC showed a negative impact of R186 million, while the remaining Group operations contributed an additional
R156 million compared to the previous period.

Excluding the R55 million costs attributable to learnership initiatives in the current period and R70 million 
in the prior period, EBITDA declined by R44 million (6%) from R788 million to R744 million. The benefit thereof 
is realised through income tax savings resulting from the section 12H allowances claimed for these learnerships.

In December 2023, Comm Equipment Company (CEC) concluded a new facility arrangement with African Bank Limited 
for an amount of up to R1.9 billion (The Facility). The Facility was utilised to repay the total amount owed 
to African Bank Limited as at 30 November 2023 amounting to R1.327 billion. The Facility is structured as a 
revolving facility for the first 12 months until 30 November 2024, followed by 36 equal monthly instalments 
commencing on 1 December 2024, with a final instalment of R215 million payable on 30 November 2027. 
The facility attracts a floating interest rate at prime plus 3% and is collateralised by a portion of CEC's 
subscriber receivables. The parent guarantee of R250 million provided by Blue Label Telecoms remains intact.

The Blue Label Board would like to extend its gratitude to the staff, suppliers, customers and business partners 
for their ongoing support and dedication to the Group.

This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of the Company. This short-form announcement 
is based on an extract of the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the half-year ended 
30 November 2023 released on SENS on 22 February 2024 and does not contain full or complete details.

Any investment decision by investors and/or shareholders should be based on consideration of the full SENS announcement
and unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the half-year ended 30 November 2023. These may be
requested by contacting Investor Relations by e-mail at and are available for inspection at 
the registered offices of the Company during office hours and on the Company's website ( 
at no charge.

The JSE link is as follows:

For and on behalf of the Board

LM Nestadt       BM Levy                               MS Levy DA Suntup* CA(SA)
Chairman         Joint Chief Executive Officers        Financial Director

22 February 2024

* Supervised the preparation of the Group's unaudited six-month period ended results.

Directors: LM Nestadt (Chairman)*, BM Levy, MS Levy, H Masondo*, NP Mnxasana*, JS Mthimunye*, 
LE Mthimunye*, DA Suntup, SJ Vilakazi* 
*Independent Non-Executive

Company Secretary: J van Eden 
Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited
Auditor: SizweNtsalubaGobodo Grant Thornton Inc.
Date: 22-02-2024 07:05:00
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