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AYO TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS LIMITED - Results of Rescheduled General Meeting

Release Date: 26/06/2024 12:40
Code(s): AYO     PDF:  
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Results of Rescheduled General Meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 1996/014461/06
JSE share code: AYO
ISIN: ZAE000252441
("AYO" or "the Company")



     Shareholders are referred to the announcements released on SENS on 27 March 2024 and 27 May
     2024, and to the Supplementary Circular relating to the Initial Specific Repurchase of 17 202 756 AYO
     Shares from the GEPF for an aggregate consideration of R619 423 100 and the proposed
     amendments to the Company's MOI, as distributed to AYO shareholders on Monday, 27 May 2024.
     Terms defined in the Supplementary Circular shall, unless otherwise stated, bear the same meaning
     in this announcement.

     Shareholders are advised that, at the Rescheduled General Meeting held today, Wednesday, 26 June
     2024, all the Resolutions as set out in the Notice of Rescheduled General Meeting were passed by
     the requisite majority of Shareholders.
     The number of Shares voted in person or by proxy in respect of Special Resolution Number 1 was
     169 147 762, representing 49.15% of the total issued share capital of the same class of AYO Shares.
     The number of Shares voted in person or by proxy in respect of Special Resolution Number 2 and
     Ordinary Resolution Number 1 was 268 930 417, representing 78.15% of the total issued share
     capital of the same class of AYO Shares.
     The Resolutions proposed at the Rescheduled General Meeting, together with the percentage of
     votes carried for and against each Resolution, as well as the percentage of Shares abstained, are set
     out below:
                                                            % of votes       % of votes
                                                       carried for the      against the     % of Shares
      Resolution                                            Resolution       Resolution       abstained
      Special Resolution Number 1
      Initial Specific Repurchase*                             99.62%             0.38%             29%
      Special Resolution Number 2
      MOI Amendments                                           99.76%             0.24%              0%
      Ordinary Resolution Number 1
      Authority                                                99.76%             0.24%              0%
      * 99 782 655 Shares held by the GEPF, the PIC and their associates were taken into account in
        determining the quorum at the Rescheduled General Meeting, but their votes were not taken
        into account in determining the results of the voting at the Rescheduled General Meeting in
        respect of Special Resolution Number 1.

     The MOI Amendments will, in accordance with the Addendum, be filed with CIPC by no later than
     30 June 2024.


     The remaining salient dates and times relating to the Initial Specific Repurchase are as follows:

      Initial Specific Repurchase effected on or about                                    Monday, 1 July
      Delisting and cancellation of the Initial Repurchase Shares                         Friday, 5 July

Cape Town
26 June 2024

Sponsor and Corporate Adviser
Vunani Sponsors

Lead Sponsor
Merchantec Capital

Legal Advisor
Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Inc.

Date: 26-06-2024 12:40:00
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