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ACCELERATE PROPERTY FUND LIMITED - Distribution of circular and notice of general meeting

Release Date: 22/12/2021 16:30
Code(s): APF     PDF:  
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Distribution of circular and notice of general meeting

Accelerate Property Fund Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2005/015057/06)
ISIN: ZAE000185815
Share Code: APF
(Approved as a REIT by the JSE)
("Accelerate" or the "Company")


Distribution of Circular

Accelerate Shareholders ("Shareholders") are referred to the terms announcement released on the
Stock Exchange News Service ("SENS") on 22 November 2021. Using the terms defined therein,
Shareholders are advised that the Circular containing the details of the Disposal of the European
Property Portfolio (the "Disposal") and incorporating a notice of the General Meeting and form of proxy,
has been distributed today, 22 December 2021.

Shareholders are further advised to obtain a copy of the Circular as follows:
   - by accessing an electronic copy of the Circular on the Company’s website, available at; or
   - by obtaining a printed copy of the Circular during normal business hours at the companies
     registered office Cedar Square Shopping Centre, Management Office, 1st Floor, Corner Willow
     Avenue and Cedar Road, Fourways, Johannesburg
   - by contracting the Company Secretary, Ms Margi Pinto, at to request
     an electronic copy of the Circular

Notice of General Meeting

Shareholders are advised that the General Meeting in respect of ordinary resolutions necessary to
approve and implement the Disposal, to be held at 10:00 on Thursday, 20 January 2022, will be held
at Accelerate’s registered office in the main board room Cedar Square Shopping Centre, Management
Office, 1st Floor, Corner Willow Avenue and Cedar Road, Fourways, Johannesburg, as well as in
electronic format, as permitted in terms of the provisions of section 63(2)(a) of the Companies Act and
the Company’s memorandum of incorporation.

The salient dates and times relating to the General Meeting, also contained in the Circular, are set out

 Action                                                                                    2021 / 2022
 Record date in order to determine which Accelerate Shareholders
 are eligible receive the circular and Notice of General Meeting                   Friday, 17 December
 Circular and Notice of General Meeting posted to shareholders and
 notice convening the General Meeting released on SENS                          Wednesday, 22 December
 Last day to trade in order to be eligible to attend and vote at the
 General Meeting                                                                   Tuesday, 11 January                                                 
 Record date in order to be eligible to attend and vote at the General
 Meeting                                                                            Friday, 14 January
 Last day to lodge forms of proxy for the General Meeting with the
 transfer secretaries, for administrative purposes, by 10:00 (forms of
 proxy not lodged with the transfer secretaries in time may be handed              Tuesday, 18 January
 to the chairperson of the General Meeting immediately before the
 commencement thereof)
 General Meeting held at 10:00 at the registered offices of Accelerate
 at Cedar Square Shopping Centre, Management Office, 1st Floor,                  Thursday, 20 January
 Corner Willow Avenue and Cedar Road, Fourways, 2055
 Results of the General Meeting released on SENS                                 Thursday, 20 January
1. All dates and times given in this SENS are local dates and times in South Africa.
2. The above dates and times are subject to such changes as may be agreed to by Accelerate and
   approved by the JSE, if required.
3. In the event that a Shareholder lodges a Form of Proxy with the Transfer Secretaries less than 48
   hours (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and official public holidays) before the General Meeting,
   such Shareholder may submit a Form of Proxy at any time before the commencement of the
   General Meeting (or any adjournment of the General Meeting) or hand it to the chairman of the
   General Meeting before the appointed proxy exercises any of the relevant Shareholder’s rights at
   the General Meeting (or any adjournment of the General Meeting).
4. If the General Meeting is adjourned or postponed, Forms of Proxy submitted for the initial General
   Meeting will remain valid in respect of any adjournment or postponement of the General Meeting.

Electronic participation

Shareholders wishing to participate electronically in the General Meeting are required to pre-register by
either sending a request to or registering at


Shareholders connecting to the General Meeting will be able to participate in the General Meeting but
will not be able to cast their votes electronically at the General Meeting. Shareholders are encouraged
to complete their Forms of Proxy and to lodge them using the following methods:

    -    deposit at Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited, Rosebank Towers, 15
         Biermann Avenue, Rosebank, 2196;
    -    email to; or
    -    post to Private Bag X9000, Saxonwold 2132

Accordingly, and in order for their votes to be recorded, Certificated Shareholders and Dematerialised
Shareholders with ‘own name’ registration making use of the electronic participation facility must submit
their duly completed Forms of Proxy to the Company’s Transfer Secretaries as soon as possible and
as indicated in the Circular.

Those Certificated Shareholders and Dematerialised Shareholders with ‘own name’ registration, who
wish to be classified as attending the General Meeting in person, must pre-register by providing the                                                 
Transfer Secretaries with their details as well as an email address, upon which they will be given further
instructions. These Shareholders must also connect to the General Meeting electronically, as explained

Dematerialised Shareholders, other than those with ‘own name’ registration, making use of the
electronic participation facility must provide instructions to their duly appointed CSDP or Broker, as soon
as possible and as indicated in the Circular.

Those Dematerialised Shareholders, other than those with ‘own name’ registration, who wish to be
classified as attending in person, must obtain letters of representation from their CSDP or Broker and
a copy together with an email address must be submitted to the Company’s Transfer Secretaries, who
will provide further instructions. These Shareholders must also connect to the General Meeting
electronically as explained above.

Shareholders are further encouraged to submit any questions to These
questions will be addressed at the General Meeting and will be responded to through email.

By order of the Accelerate Board

22 December 2021

Financial Advisor and Transaction Sponsor
Rand Merchant Bank (a division of FirstRand Bank Limited)


Date: 22-12-2021 04:30:00
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