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ACCELERATE PROPERTY FUND LIMITED - Conclusion of Related Party Settlement Agreement and Category 1 Transaction

Release Date: 08/07/2024 16:40
Code(s): APF APF18 APF19 APF16     PDF:  
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Conclusion of Related Party Settlement Agreement and Category 1 Transaction

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 2005/015057/06)
Share code: APF ISIN: ZAE000185815
Bond code: APFE
LEI: 378900D514788C447E45
("Accelerate" or the "Company")
(Approved as a REIT by the JSE)



       As previously disclosed to shareholders in the interim financial results for the 6-month

       period ended 30 September 2023 and the SENS announcement dated 18 December

       2023, the related party settlement agreement will be amended by a series of

       transactions that will lead to balances due to and from the related party being offset

       with no cash outflow for Accelerate.

       Shareholders are advised that Accelerate, Azrapart Proprietary Limited ("Azrapart"),

       the developer of the Fourways Mall Shopping Centre (the "Mall") and Mr Michael

       Nicolas Georgiou ("Mr Georgiou") have entered into a composite settlement

       agreement ("Settlement Agreement") of the respective claims of Accelerate against

       Mr Georgiou and the entities under the control of Mr Georgiou and the claims by Mr

       Georgiou and the entities under the control of Mr Georgiou against Accelerate.

       Agreement has also been reached on the restructure of the property management

       function in respect of Accelerate's assets.

       The settlement is achieved under a number of linked and indivisible transactions (the
       "Transactions") entered into between Accelerate, Azrapart, Fourways Precinct

       Proprietary Limited, the manager of the Mall ("Fourways Precinct"), Accelerate

       Property Management Company Proprietary Limited ("AP ManCo"), the manager of

       the properties solely owned by Accelerate being its properties other than the Mall,

       Fourways Mall Managing Agent Proprietary Limited ("FMMA"), the trustees of the

       Michael Family Trust ("MFT"), the indirect shareholder of all the issued shares in

       Azrapart and Fourways Precinct and Mr Georgiou (collectively referred to as the

       "Related Parties").

       Mr Georgiou is a non-executive director of Accelerate and through companies which

       are controlled by Mr Georgiou and through MFT, a family trust of which Mr Georgiou

       is a trustee and a beneficiary, holds 15.89% of the issued ordinary shares in Accelerate.

       Azrapart, Fourways Precinct, FMMA, AP Manco, FMMA and MFT are all related parties

       in terms of the JSE Limited ("JSE") Listings Requirements (the "Listings Requirements").


       An Assignment and Assumption of Debt Agreement has been entered into, whereby

       on the Effective Date (as defined below):

            - Fourways Precinct debt in the amount of R631 783 317 owing by Fourways

              Precinct to Accelerate is ceded and delegated by Fourways Precinct to Azrapart;

            - MFT debt in the amount of R134 523 932 owing by MFT to Accelerate is ceded

              and delegated by MFT to Azrapart; and

            - a further debt of R30 400 421 owed by Azrapart to Accelerate arising from a

              Mall profit share due to Accelerate.

       The above debt in the sum of R796 707 670 owed by Azrapart to Accelerate is

       collectively referred to as the "Azrapart Debt".

       A 100% set-off to settle the Azrapart Debt and for Accelerate to acquire the assets and

       settle the Rebuilt Claim in the Transactions is detailed below in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5

       of this SENS announcement with no cash outflow from Accelerate.


3.1    As previously disclosed to shareholders in the Accelerate 2023 Integrated Annual

       Report and the SENS announcement dated 31 January 2023, Accelerate agreed that

       Accelerate will settle the Rebuilt Claim by making a payment of R300 000 000 to

       Azrapart. Shareholders were notified that the Company had liquidity constraints at

       that time and would therefore explore the possibility of settling the Rebuilt Claim via

       the allocation of Accelerate shares to Azrapart.

3.2    Shareholders are advised that in terms of the Settlement Agreement, Azrapart accepts

       payment of the sum of R300 000 000, plus a payment of R71 063 320 to take into

       account the time value of the money due to the delay in the settlement, in full and

       final settlement of the Rebuilt Claim, to be set off in a like amount against the Azrapart

       Debt. No interest will accrue on the Rebuilt Claim amount from 1 April 2024 until the

       Effective Date (as defined below).


4.1    Purchase of the Bulk Transaction

       Prior to the listing of Accelerate's securities on the main board of the JSE, Fourways

       Precinct had sold an undivided 50% share in Mall and the letting enterprise conducted

       thereon to Accelerate. As part of such sale, Fourways Precinct retained the right to

       develop the Mall utilising bulk of 100 000 square meters. An amount of 81 353 square

       meters of bulk was used in the redevelopment of the Mall, leaving a remainder of

       18 647 square meters of bulk for further development. Accelerate will purchase an

       undivided share of 50% of the remaining bulk, i.e. 9 325,5 square meters from Azrapart

       (the "Remaining Bulk") to develop the Mall for a consideration of R74 650 830, which

       is to be settled by set off in a like amount against the Azrapart Debt.

4.2    Equalisation transactions

       At the time of the equalisation of Azrapart and Accelerate's respective holdings

       in the combined letting enterprises of the old Mall and new Mall (the

       "Equalisation"), Accelerate acquired the bare dominium of an undivided share

       of 50% of 2 929 parking bays constructed by Azrapart and situated on the

       upper parking floors of the Mall (the "Parking Bays"). At that time of

       Equalisation, it was not possible to put a value on the future income of the

       Parking Bays and as a result Azrapart retained 100% of the economic interest

       in the Parking Bays.

       In order to finalise the Equalisation process of the Parking Bays, Accelerate and

       Azrapart have agreed in terms of the Sale of Bulk Agreement, that the purchase

       consideration for an undivided 50% share of the economic interest of the

       Parking Bays, i.e. to obtain the right to receive 50% of the future income from

       the Parking Bays ("Economic Interest") is R241 513 208.

       The economic rationale for the purchase of a 50% undivided share of the

       Economic Interest in the Parking Bays and the Remaining Bulk is to ensure a

       50/50 economic ownership percentage of the Mall going forward.


5.1    AP Manco Proprietary Limited ("AP Manco") manages all the properties of Accelerate,

       other than the Mall, in terms of the AP Manco Management Agreement dated 19

       November 2013. Fourways Precinct manages the Mall and certain adjoining properties

       in terms of the Fourways Precinct Property Management Agreement dated 20

       November 2013.

5.2    Accelerate intends to formalise the internalisation of the management of the

       Accelerate properties. Accordingly Accelerate, AP Manco and FMMA have entered into

       a series of transactions whereby:

            - Accelerate will purchase 50% of the issued share capital of FMMA from

              Azrapart in terms of the FMMA Share Purchase Agreement for a nominal

              purchase consideration of R60.

            - Azrapart, Accelerate and FMMA will enter into the FMMA Shareholders'

              Agreement, to regulate Accelerate and Azrapart's rights and obligations as

              equal shareholders of FMMA.

            - Accelerate and Azrapart as co-owners of the Mall will jointly appoint FMMA as

              its property, asset and development manager of the Mall and the property

              letting enterprise conducted therein to perform the property, asset and

              development management services for Accelerate and Azrapart in terms of the

              FMMA Property and Asset Management Agreement.

            - Accelerate, Azrapart and Fourways Precinct will agree to terminate the

              Fourways Precinct Property Management Agreement in terms of the Fourways

              Precinct Property Management Termination Agreement for a consideration of

              R50 233 867. Fourways Precinct will cede the right to receive the consideration

              for agreeing to the termination of the Fourways Precinct Property

              Management Agreement to Azrapart.

            - Accelerate and Azrapart will enter into the AP Manco Property Management

              Termination Agreement to terminate the AP Manco Management Agreement

              dated 19 November 2013 for a consideration of R59 246 443. In terms of this

              agreement, Accelerate will take over the rights and obligations owed to the

              employees of AP Manco. AP Manco will cede to Azrapart, AP Manco's right to

              receive payment of this consideration.


       The estimated purchase price for Accelerate's purchase of a 12.1% share in the newly

       developed Mall and the combined property letting enterprises conducted therein, the

       sum of R907 800 000 was to be adjusted either upwards or downwards with reference

       to certain income adjustments, expense adjustments and recovery adjustments by

       means of a purchase price adjustment account (the "Sale Adjustment Account") as

       set out in the Accelerate Option Undivided Share Sale Agreement entered into

       between Accelerate and Azrapart on 14 October 2019. Azrapart and Accelerate have

       agreed that no amounts are due to either of them from the other under the

       Sale Adjustment Account.


       In terms of the Headlease Termination Agreement, with effect from the Effective Date,

       the head lease agreement entered into on 14 October 2019 between Accelerate and

       Azrapart as landlords and Fourways Precinct as tenant agreeing the lease by Fourways

       Precinct of the vacant premises in the Mall will terminate against payment of a

       consideration of R395 482 613, being the arrear rental and other amounts due by

       Fourways Precinct to Accelerate (the "Headlease Consideration").

       On the Effective Date, the Headlease Consideration, will be delegated by Fourways

       Precinct to Azrapart and assumed by Azrapart in terms of the Assignment and

       Assumption of Debt Agreement and will be set off in a like amount against amounts

       payable by Accelerate to Azrapart under the Transactions.


       The proposed related party Settlement Agreement will result in the continued

       alignment between the Mall co-owners, each holding 50% of the Mall and the property

       letting enterprise conducted at the Mall. It will further result in the set off of

       outstanding amounts owed to Accelerate by Mr Georgiou, Azrapart, Fourways Precinct

       and MFT being related parties to Accelerate. In line with the Company's stated

       intention, the Accelerate board remain committed to settling all historic related party

       matters and balances in an attempt to clean up the Company's balance sheet.


       The effective date for the Settlement Agreement will be the first business day following

       the date upon which all the suspensive conditions have been fulfilled ("Effective



       The Settlement Agreement is subject to the following suspensive conditions:

            - The entering into of all the agreements agreeing the Transactions and these

              agreements becoming unconditional as to their terms;

            - Accelerate shareholder approval in respect of the entering into of the

              Settlement Agreement and each of the Transactions in accordance with the

              Listing Requirements; and

            - Investec Bank Limited, FirstRand Bank Limited in its Rand Merchant Bank

              Division and Sawindu 12 (RF) Proprietary Limited approving of the: Assignment

              and Assumption of Debt Agreement, Sale of Bulk Agreement and the FMMA

              Share Purchase Agreement.


11.1   Accelerate warrants and undertakes in favour of Azrapart, Fourways Precinct

       and MFT that Azrapart, Fourways Precinct and MFT have no liability owed to

       Accelerate other than the Azrapart Debt.

11.2   Azrapart warrants and undertakes in favour of Accelerate:

            - that it has no claims against Accelerate other than the claims noted in

              paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of this SENS Announcement;

            - that Accelerate has no liability owed to Azrapart other than the Rebuilt


            - that it is the owner of the Economic Interest and the Remaining Bulk

              and no party has previously purchased the Economic Interest and the

              Remaining Bulk and no party currently, other than Accelerate, has any

              other rights to acquire the Economic Interest and the Remaining Bulk;


            - that on the Effective Date it has the right to enter into the Fourways

              Precinct Property Management Termination Agreement and the AP

              Manco Property Management Termination Agreement.


       In terms of the Listings Requirements, the transaction is classified as a Category 1

       transaction for Accelerate and will require shareholder approval. A circular including a 

       fairness opinion will be provided to shareholders. A further announcement setting out 

       the salient dates of the posting of the Category 1 transaction circular as well as the 

       salient times and dates for the general meeting of Accelerate shareholders to approve 

       the transaction, will be published in due course.

8 July 2024

Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor: Bravura Capital (Pty) Ltd

Legal Advisor: Brian Frank Inc.

Date: 08-07-2024 04:40:00
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