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AVENG LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting

Release Date: 01/12/2023 13:33
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Results of annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1944/018119/06)
ISIN: ZAE000302618
("Aveng" or "the Group")


Shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting held today, 1 December 2023, the
requisite majority of shareholders approved all of the ordinary and special resolutions. There were
127 135 041 ordinary voteable shares in issue as at the date of the annual general meeting. The
total number of ordinary shares present/represented, including proxies, at the meeting was 67 041 281 
being 53% of the ordinary shares in issue.

The results of the ordinary and special resolutions were as follows:

1. Ordinary resolution 1.1: Election of director – Mr David Noko

        For²                      Against²                    Abstain¹                 Shares voted¹

     67 005 873                    23 516                      11 892                   67 029 389

      99.96%                       0.04%                       0.01%                      52.72%

2. Ordinary resolution 1.2: Election of director – Mr Nicholas Bowen

        For²                      Against²                    Abstain¹                 Shares voted¹

     67 016 093                    13 296                      11 892                   67 029 389

      99.98%                       0.02%                       0.01%                      52.72%

3. Ordinary resolution 2.1: Re-election of director - Mr Philip Hourquebie

        For²                      Against²                    Abstain¹                 Shares voted¹

     66 827 519                   201 870                      11 892                   67 029 389

      99.70%                       0.30%                       0.01%                      52.72%

4. Ordinary resolution 2.2: Re-election of director – Ms Bridgette Modise

        For²                      Against²                    Abstain¹                 Shares voted¹

     67 005 678                    23 711                      11 892                   67 029 389

      99.96%                       0.04%                       0.01%                      52,72%

5. Ordinary Resolution 3.1: Election of audit committee member - Ms Bridgette Modise

        For²                      Against²                    Abstain¹                 Shares voted¹

     66 151 765                   877 624                      11 892                    67 029 389

      98.69%                       1.31%                       0.01%                       52.72%

6. Ordinary resolution 3.2: Election of audit committee member – Mr Bradley Meyer

        For²                      Against²                    Abstain¹                 Shares voted¹

     66 290 026                   739 363                      11 892                    67 029 389

      98.90%                      1.10%                        0.01%                      52.72%

7. Ordinary Resolution 3.3: Election of audit committee member – Mr Nicholas Bowen

        For²                      Against²                     Abstain¹                Shares voted¹

     66 134 609                   894 780                       11 892                   67 029 389

      98.67%                       1.33%                        0.01%                      52.72%

8. Ordinary resolution 4: Appointment of external auditors

        For²                      Against²                     Abstain¹                 Shares voted¹

     66 881 807                   141 582                       17 892                    67 023 389

      99.79%                       0.21%                        0.01%                      52.72%

9. Ordinary resolution 5: Non-binding advisory vote to approve the remuneration policy.

        For²                      Against²                     Abstain¹                  Shares voted¹

     59 226 753                   7 796 636                     17 892                    67 023 389

      88.37%                       11.63%                       0.01%                       52.72%

10. Ordinary resolution 6: Approval of remuneration implementation report

        For²                      Against²                     Abstain¹                   Shares voted¹

     65 408 810                   1 614 579                     17 892                     67 023 389

      97.59%                        2.41%                       0.01%                       52.72%

11. Special resolution 1: General authority to repurchase shares

        For²                       Against²                    Abstain¹                  Shares voted¹

     65 891 956                   1 131 433                     17 892                    67 023 389

       98.31%                       1.69%                       0.01%                      52.72%

12. Special resolution 2: Non-executive directors' remuneration

        For²                        Against²                   Abstain¹                  Shares voted¹

     60 463 253                    6 560 136                    17 892                    67 023 389

       90.21%                        9.79%                      0.01%                      52.72%

13. Special resolution 3: Financial assistance to related and inter-related companies

        For²                        Against²                   Abstain¹                  Shares voted¹

     60 571 322                    6 452 067                    17 892                    67 023 389

       90.37%                        9.63%                      0.01%                      52.72%

14. Ordinary resolution 7: Signing authority

        For²                        Against²                   Abstain¹                  Shares voted¹

     67 010 054                      13 335                     17 892                    67 023 389

       99.98%                        0.02%                      0.01%                      52.72%
   1. Disclosed as a percentage of the voteable shares
   2. Disclosed as a percentage of the total number of shares voted

1 December 2023
Melrose Arch

JSE Sponsor
Valeo Capital (Pty) Ltd

Edinah Mandizha
Group Company Secretary
Tel: 011 779 2800

Date: 01-12-2023 01:33:00
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