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AFRICAN EQUITY EMPOWERMENT INVESTMENTS LIMITED - Distribution of Circular and Notice of General Meeting

Release Date: 31/01/2024 16:48
Code(s): AEE     PDF:  
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Distribution of Circular and Notice of General Meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(RegistraHon number 1996/006093/06)
ISIN: ZAE000195731
Share code: AEE
("AEEI" or "the Company")



     Shareholders are referred to the Firm IntenHon Announcement released on SENS on Monday,
     16 October 2023 and published in the South African press on Tuesday, 17 October 2023 and to
     the updates thereto released on SENS on 1 December 2023 and 5 January 2024 and published in
     the South African press on 4 December 2023 and 8 January 2024, respecHvely wherein
     Shareholders were advised (and using the terms defined therein unless otherwise stated) that the
     Board had resolved to propose a TransacHon to Shareholders incorporaHng:

     -   an o?er by AEEI to all Eligible Shareholders, being all Shareholders other than Sekunjalo and
         certain directors being, Willem Raubenheimer, Aziza Amod and Carin-Lee Geuking-Cohausz
         (collecHvely, the "Concert Par@es"), to acquire AEEI Shares (other than those Shares held by
         the Concert ParHes) by way of a scheme of arrangement between AEEI and Eligible
         Shareholders ("Scheme") in terms of secHon 114(1)(e) of the Companies Act, read with
         secHon 115 thereof, in terms of which such Shareholders will be enHtled to elect that all or
         some of the Shares held by them are repurchased for a cash consideraHon of R1.15 per Share,
         or that they elect to retain all or some of the Shares held by them and, failing such elecHon,
         shall be deemed to have elected that all of their Shares are repurchased for a cash
         consideraHon of R1.15 per Share; and

     -   the subsequent DelisHng of all AEEI Shares from the JSE.


     Shareholders are hereby advised that the circular containing full details of the Scheme and the
     DelisHng and incorporaHng, inter alia, a noHce convening a general meeHng of Shareholders
     ("General Mee@ng") ("Circular"), has been distributed to Shareholders today, 31 January 2024.

     Copies of the Circular may be obtained during normal business hours from the registered o?ce
     of AEEI and from the o?ce of Vunani Sponsors, whose addresses are set out in the "Corporate
     InformaHon and Advisors" secHon of the Circular. The Circular is also available on AEEI'S website
     at hlps://


     NoHce is hereby given that the General MeeHng will be held at 10:00 on Wednesday, 28 February
     2024 to be conducted by and accessible to Shareholders, through electronic communicaHon as
     envisaged in secHon 63(2)(a) of the Companies Act, the JSE LisHngs Requirements and clause 21
     of the memorandum of incorporaHon of the Company, in order to consider and, if deemed fit,
     approve with or without modificaHon, the resoluHons set out in the NoHce of General MeeHng.

     Shareholders are referred to the "AcHon required by AEEI Shareholders in relaHon to the Scheme"
     secHon of the Circular, commencing on page 4 thereof, which sets out the details regarding
     electronic parHcipaHon at the General MeeHng.


     Shareholders are referred to the table below semng out the salient dates and Hmes in relaHon to
     the Scheme.

     Capitalised terms set out in this paragraph 4 that are not otherwise defined, bear the meanings
     ascribed to them in the Circular.
      Record date for AEEI Shareholders to be recorded in the Register              Friday, 26 January
      in order to receive the Circular
      Circular distributed to AEEI Shareholders and notice convening the         Wednesday, 31 January
      General Meeting released on SENS on 
      Notice convening the General Meeting published in the South                 Thursday, 1 February
      African press on
      Last day to trade in AEEI Shares in order to be recorded in the             Tuesday, 20 February
      Register to vote at the General Meeting on
      Record date for AEEI Shareholders to be recorded in the Register             Friday, 23 February
      in order to be eligible to attend and participate in the General
      Meeting and to vote thereat, by close of trade on
      For administrative purposes, Forms of Proxy (yellow) in respect of           Monday, 26 February
      the General Meeting to be lodged at the Transfer Secretaries by
      10:00 on
      Last date and time for Shareholders to deliver a written notice to        Wednesday, 28 February
      AEEI objecting, in terms of section 164(3) of the Companies Act, to
      the Scheme Resolution to be able to invoke Appraisal Rights by
      10:00 on
      General Meeting to be held at 10:00 on                                    Wednesday, 28 February
      Elections open on                                                         Wednesday, 28 February
      Results of the General Meeting released on SENS on                        Wednesday, 28 February
      Results of the General Meeting published in the South African press        Thursday, 29 February

      If the Scheme is approved by Shareholders at the General

      Last date for Shareholders who voted against the Scheme                       Wednesday, 6 March
      Resolution to require AEEI to seek Court approval for the Scheme
      Resolution in terms of section 115(3)(a) of the Companies Act, if the
      Scheme Resolution was opposed by at least 15% (fifteen percent)
      of the total voting rights that were exercised thereon
      Last day for Shareholders who voted against the Scheme                        Wednesday, 6 March
      Resolution to apply to Court for leave to apply for a review of the
      Scheme Resolution in terms of section 115(3)(b) of the Companies
      Act on
      Last date for AEEI to send objecting Shareholders notices of                 Wednesday, 13 March
      adoption of the Scheme Resolution in accordance with section
      164(4) of the Companies Act
      Last day for Dissenting Shareholders, by reason of the adoption of            Thursday, 28 March
      the Scheme Resolution to make a demand to AEEI that AEEI pay
      such Dissenting Shareholders the fair value of all AEEI Shares held
      by them, in terms of section 164(7) of the Companies Act on
      The following dates assume that all the Scheme Conditions are
      fulfilled or, where applicable, waived and that neither Court
      approval nor the review of the Scheme Resolution is required
      and will be confirmed in the finalisation announcement:
      Expected date on which the Scheme is declared wholly                           Tuesday, 9 April
      unconditional and TRP clearance certificate received
      Scheme Finalisation Date announcement expected to be released                 Tuesday, 16 April
      on SENS by 11:00
      Scheme Finalisation Date announcement expected to be published              Wednesday, 17 April
      in the South African press on
      Scheme Last Day to Trade expected to be on                                    Tuesday, 23 April
      Trading in AEEI Shares on the JSE suspended from                            Wednesday, 24 April
      commencement of trade expected to be on
      Scheme Consideration Record Date, being the date on which                      Friday, 26 April
      Scheme Participants must be recorded in the Register in order to
      be eligible to receive the Scheme Consideration, by close of
      business on
      Elections to be received by 12:00 on                                           Friday, 26 April
      Expected Operative Date                                                        Monday, 29 April
      Scheme Consideration to be settled by electronic funds transfer to             Monday, 29 April
      Scheme Participants who hold Certificated Exit Election Shares
      who have lodged their Form of Surrender and Transfer (white) with
      the Transfer Secretaries on or prior to 12:00 on the Scheme
      Consideration Record Date
      Scheme Participants who hold Dematerialised Exit Election Shares               Monday, 29 April
      will have their accounts with their CSDP or Broker credited with the
      Scheme Consideration on
      Expected termination of listing of AEEI Shares on the JSE at                  Tuesday, 30 April
      commencement of trade expected to be on

1.   The above dates and times are subject to such changes as may be agreed to and approved
     by the TRP and/or the JSE, if required. Any such amendment will be released on SENS.

2.   Completed Forms of Proxy and the authority (if any) under which they are signed must be (i)
     lodged with, posted or emailed to JSE Investor Services at 2 Gwen Lane, Sandown, Sandton,
     2196 (PO Box 4844, Johannesburg, 2000 or at, to be
     received by them no later than 10:00 on Wednesday, 31 January 2024 or (ii) thereaqer
     emailed to JSE Investor Services at the aforemenHoned email address (for the alenHon of
     the chairperson of the General MeeHng) at any Hme before the proxy exercises any rights of
     the AEEI Shareholder at such General MeeHng.

3.   AEEI Shareholders should note that, as trade in AEEI Shares on the JSE is selled in the
     electronic sellement system used by Strate, sellement of trades takes place three Business
     Days aqer the date of such trades. Therefore, AEEI Shareholders who acquire AEEI Shares on
     the JSE aqer close of trade on Tuesday, 20 February 2024, will not be enHtled to vote at the
     General MeeHng.

4.   AEEI Shareholders who wish to exercise their Appraisal Rights are referred to Annexure 5 to
     the Circular for purposes of determining the relevant Hming for the exercise of their Appraisal

5.   The exercise of Appraisal Rights may result in changes to the above salient dates and Hmes
     and AEEI Shareholders will be noHfied separately of the applicable dates and Hmes resulHng
     from any such changes.

6.   AEEI Shareholders who wish to exercise their right in terms of secHon 115(3) of the
     Companies Act, to require the approval of a Court for the Scheme should refer to Annexure
     4 to the Circular which includes an extract of secHon 115 of the Companies Act. Should
     Shareholders exercise their rights in terms of secHon 115(3) of the Companies Act, the dates
     and Hmes set out above may change, in which case an updated Hmetable will be released on

7.   Dematerialised Shareholders, other than those with Own-Name RegistraHon, must provide
     their CSDP or Broker with their instrucHons for voHng at the General MeeHng by the cut-o?
     Hme and date sHpulated by their CSDP or Broker in terms of their respecHve Custody
     Agreements between them and their CSDP or Broker.

8.   No dematerialisaHon or rematerialisaHon of AEEI Shares may take place from the
     commencement of business on the Business Day following the Scheme Last Day to Trade.
     The Scheme Last Day to Trade is expected to be on Tuesday, 23 April 2024.

9.   If the General MeeHng is adjourned or postponed, the above dates and Hmes will change,
     but the Forms of Proxy (yellow) submiled in respect of the iniHal General MeeHng will
     remain valid in respect of any adjournment or postponement thereof.

10. Although the salient dates and Hmes are stated to be subject to change, such statement shall
     not be regarded as consent or dispensaHon for any change to Hme periods which may be
     required in terms of the Companies Act, the Companies RegulaHons and the LisHngs
     Requirements, where applicable, and any such consents or dispensations must be specifically
     applied for and granted.

11. All times referred to in the Circular are references to South African Standard Time.


     The Independent Board and the Board, individually and collectively, accept responsibility for the
     information contained in this announcement which relates to AEEI, the Scheme and Delisting, and
     certify that to the best of their knowledge and belief, such information contained in this
     announcement is true and nothing has been omitted which is likely to affect the importance of
     such information.

Cape Town
31 January 2023

Legal adviser to AEEI
Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes Inc.

Sponsor to AEEI
Vunani Sponsors

Joint Sponsor to AEEI
Merchantec Capital

Date: 31-01-2024 04:48:00
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