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ABSA GROUP LIMITED - Unaudited consolidated interim results and ordinary share dividend declaration

Release Date: 19/08/2024 07:20
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Unaudited consolidated interim results and ordinary share dividend declaration

Absa Group Limited
Registration number: 1986/003934/06
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
JSE share code: ABG, ISIN: ZAE000255915
Bond Issuer Code: ABGI, ("Absa Group", "Group" or "Company")

Unaudited consolidated interim results and ordinary share dividend declaration
for the reporting period ended 30 June 2024

Empowering Africa's tomorrow, together …one story at a time

We are a Pan-African financial services provider, inspired by our shared purpose. It is this purpose that guides us every day, helps
us create value, manage and grow our business, partner with our clients, and make an impact on the communities and
environments in which we operate.

We have a robust presence across 16 countries, with a primary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, and a secondary
listing on A2X. Our Pan-African footprint extends to banks in Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles,
South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. We have representative offices in Namibia and Nigeria, securities entities in the
United Kingdom and the United States of America, a non-banking advisory subsidiary in China and a technology support service
office in the Czech Republic.

1. Banks are wholly owned, apart from the following where we hold majority stakes: Botswana 67.8%, Kenya 68.5%,
Mozambique 98.7%, National Bank of Commerce Tanzania 55% and Seychelles 99.8%.

16 countries
1 013 outlets*
6 330 ATMs
37 082 employees
4.3 million digitally active customers
12.5 million active customers
R141.7bn market cap
*Includes branches and sales centres.

Normalised financial results as a consequence of Barclays PLC Separation

Starting from 2024, the Group will disclose financial results solely based on IFRS Accounting Standards and will no longer report
normalised results due to the separation from Barclays PLC.

Performance overview for the period ended 30 June 2024

Total income
 2024                 Change %              2023
R53 708m              Increased 3%          R51 919m

Headline earnings per ordinary share
 2024                 Change %              2023
1 228.4 cents         Decreased 5%          1 293.1 cents

Basic earnings per ordinary share
 2024                 Change %              2023
1 188.0 cents         Decreased 9%          1 302.4 cents

Net asset value per ordinary share
 2024                 Change %              2023
18 014 cents          Increased 6%          17 027 cents

Return on equity
 2024                 Change                2023
14.0%                 Decreased             15.7%

Cost-to-income ratio
 2024                Change                 2023
52.7%                 Increased            50.6%

Net interest margin
 2024                 Change               2023
4.69%                 Increased            4.62%

Dividend per ordinary share
 2024                Change %              2023
685 cents             Unchanged            685 cents

Loans and deposits growth
Gross loans and advances          Deposits
(Increased 5%)                    (Increased 5%)
R1 359.0bn                        R1 395.3bn
(2023: R1 299.6bn)                (2023: R1 323.7bn)

Risk profile
Stage 3 loans ratio to gross loans and advances
6.14% (2023: 5.82%)

Liquidity coverage ratio
126.2% (2023: 140.8%)

Sound capital
Common Equity Tier 1 ratio
12.7% (2023: 13.0%)

Short-form statement
This short-form announcement is the responsibility of the directors of Absa Group Limited. It is a summary of the information
contained in the full announcement. Shareholders should base any investment decisions on the full announcement which is
available on and on the JSE cloud link:

The full interim announcement is available on the Company's website. Copies of the full announcement can also be requested at
the Company's registered office, free of charge, during office hours on normal business days, or alternatively by sending an email

Registered office
7th Floor, Absa Towers West, 15 Troye Street, Johannesburg, 2001

Board of Directors
Independent non-executive directors
S Moloko (Group Chairman)
T Abdool-Samad, A Beck(1),
J Cummins(1), L Diogo(2), R Keanly,
P Mageza, A Mangale,
N Mjoli-Mncube (Lead Independent Director),
I Rensburg, F Tonelli, R van Wyk

Executive directors
A Rautenbach (Group Chief Executive Officer)
D Raju (Group Financial Director)

(1) British (2) Mozambican

Declaration of an interim ordinary dividend number 74
Shareholders are advised that an interim ordinary dividend of 685 cents per ordinary share was declared on 19 August 2024, for
the period ended 30 June 2024. The ordinary dividend is payable to shareholders recorded in the register of members of the
Company at the close of business on Friday, 13 September 2024. The directors of Absa Group Limited confirm that the Group
will satisfy the solvency and liquidity test immediately after completion of the dividend
distribution and for the next 12 months.

The dividend will be subject to local dividends withholding tax at a rate of 20%. In accordance with paragraphs 11.17 (a) (i) to
(ix) and 11.17 (c) of the JSE Listings Requirements, the following additional information is disclosed:
- The dividend has been declared out of income reserves.
- The local dividend tax rate is twenty per cent (20%).
- The gross local dividend amount is 685 cents per ordinary share for shareholders exempt from the dividend tax.
- The net local dividend amount is 548.0 cents per ordinary share for shareholders liable to pay the dividend tax.
- Absa Group Limited currently has 894 376 907 ordinary shares in issue (includes 65 602 863 treasury shares).
- Absa Group's income tax reference number is 9150116714.

In compliance with the requirements of Strate, the electronic settlement and custody system used by the JSE Limited, the
following salient dates for the payment of the dividend are applicable:

 Last day to trade cum dividend                                    Tuesday, 10 September 2024
 Shares commence trading ex-dividend                               Wednesday, 11 September 2024
 Record date                                                       Friday, 13 September 2024
 Payment date                                                      Monday, 16 September 2024

Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Wednesday, 11 September 2024 and Friday, 13 September
2024, both dates inclusive. On Monday, 16 September 2024, the dividend will be electronically transferred to the bank accounts of
certificated shareholders. The accounts of those shareholders who have dematerialised their shares (which are held at their
participant or broker) will also be credited on Monday, 16 September 2024.

On behalf of the Board
N R Drutman
Group Company Secretary

19 August 2024

Absa Group is a company domiciled in South Africa. Its registered office is 7th Floor, Absa Towers West, 15 Troye Street,
Johannesburg, 2001.

Lead independent sponsor
J. P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited

Joint sponsor
Absa Bank Limited (Corporate and Investment Bank)

Date: 19-08-2024 07:20:00
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