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THE SPAR GROUP LIMITED - Trading update and trading statement for the six months ended 31 March 2023

Release Date: 31/05/2023 15:21
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(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1967/001572/06)
ISIN: ZAE000058517
('SPAR' or the 'Group')

The following information pertains to the Group's trading for the six months ended 31 March 2023 (the 'period').
SPAR increased turnover by 7.9% to approximately R72.9 billion. SPAR Southern Africa ' Total turnover growth of 5.6%
o Combined core grocery and liquor turnover growth of 6.5%, with grocery and liquor sales both impacted by the SAP software go-live challenges experienced at the KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) distribution centre (DC) - SPAR grocery wholesale business increased sales by 7.9% - TOPS at SPAR liquor sales declined by 1.9%, primarily impacted by the high level of sales experienced in the prior comparative period, due to the easing of COVID-19 liquor trading restrictions in September 2021
o Despite the continued slowdown in the building sector, Build it continues to lead the market and delivered a credible performance with turnover declining by 3.8% BWG Group (Ireland and South West England)
' Both markets continued to record strong performances with turnover increasing by 8.8% (EUR-denominated) SPAR Switzerland
' Delivered a decline in turnover of 4.3% (CHF-denominated), due to the continued decline in volumes across the market, exaggerated by the loss of retail sales due to the transfer of a group of corporate stores to independent retailers during 2022 SPAR Poland
' Turnover increased by 4.9% (PLN-denominated), despite this business having terminated contracts with 58 retailers in July 2022
The table below summarises the sales growth by business segment (ZAR-denominated):
Six months 18 weeks Six months ended ended ended 31 March 2023 28 January 31 March (% change) 2023 2022 (% change)* (% change) Wholesale grocery business 7.9 9.7 4.6 TOPS/Liquor sales (1.9) 1.6 41.6 Combined grocery and liquor 6.5 8.5 8.5 Build it (3.8) (2.8) 1.4 S Buys - pharmaceutical business 20.0 18.1 6.8 Southern Africa 5.6 7.4 7.6 BWG Group (Ireland and South West 15.1 11.1 2.9 England)
Switzerland 6.9 4.4 (2.8) Poland 9.3 4.6 (0.7) Total Group 7.9 7.8 5.2
*Per the trading update for the 18 weeks ended 28 January 2023 published on SENS on 14 February 2023 ('February Trading Update') SPAR SOUTHERN AFRICA
Total turnover in Southern Africa increased by 5.6%, adversely impacted by a challenging consumer environment, the high base effect of liquor sales in the prior comparative period, the loss of turnover arising from the SAP software go-live challenges experienced at the KZN DC, as well as a weaker trading performance from Build it. SPAR wholesale grocery
Against a backdrop of increasing pressure for South African consumers, exacerbated by higher inflation, the SPAR wholesale grocery business reported sales growth of 7.9% against internally measured price inflation of 10.8% and turnover growth of 4.6% in the prior comparative period. This performance is encouraging, despite the loss of turnover due to the SAP implementation challenges during the months of February and March 2023. TOPS at SPAR liquor
TOPS at SPAR liquor business reported a decline in wholesale turnover of 1.9% for the period, as liquor volumes began to normalise from the 41.6% growth seen post the lifting of the COVID-19 liquor trading restrictions in September 2021. Build it
Build it reported a decline in turnover of 3.8%, which is reflective of the intense slowdown in the building sector, with the manufacturing of building materials severely impacted by the increased levels of electricity loadshedding. Despite the decline, Build it continues to lead the market as the leading building materials business in Southern Africa. SPAR Pharmaceutical
The pharmaceutical business, S Buys Pharmacy at SPAR, continued to deliver excellent sales performances from both Pharmacy at SPAR and Scriptwise (specialised pharmacy), delivering 20.0% turnover growth for the period. The strong performance was driven by growing rates of retailer loyalty and an increase in the number of high-value prescriptions. Impact of loadshedding
South Africa experienced unprecedented levels of electricity loadshedding during the period. This had a direct impact on the trading performance and profitability of our retailers. Higher levels of loadshedding are expected to impact retailer profitability due to the additional energy costs associated with back-up solutions required during loadshedding hours. Our retailers have experienced a significant increase in operating costs, primarily driven by the increased cost of diesel required to run generators during the higher levels of loadshedding, coupled with higher repairs and maintenance costs, and product wastage, as generators occasionally fail under extended periods of usage. SPAR estimates the added cost of diesel incurred by our retailers required to run generators during the period, amounted to more than R700 million. The SPAR retailers have access to funding for generators, batteries and other machinery through the SPAR Guild development fund and other SPAR arranged funding.
SPAR's distribution centres continue to benefit from modern solar energy installations. This equipment has assisted in the management of energy costs, however it is not sufficient to deal with the full impact of loadshedding. During the period, SPAR's costs for diesel, to run generators, more than tripled when measured against the prior comparative period, albeit nowhere near the costs borne at retail. Whilst the SPAR retailers carry the majority of the loadshedding-related costs, the wholesale business is impacted by the resulting financial pressure experienced by our retailers. BWG GROUP (IRELAND AND SOUTH WEST ENGLAND)
The BWG Group delivered turnover growth of 8.8% for the period in EUR terms, and 15.1% in ZAR terms. This is another excellent trading performance for the group. The strength in Irish business performance was driven by strong performances across all retail brands, a full recovery of the hospitality sector, which was restricted for parts of the prior comparative period, and the successful integration of recently acquired small wholesale businesses. In the United Kingdom, Appleby Westward reported solid growth across its wholesale business, and the corporate retail division benefitted from the acquisition of stores during the period. SPAR SWITZERLAND
Turnover for the Swiss business declined by 4.3% in CHF terms (increased by 6.9% in ZAR terms) against the prior comparative period. Food retailers across Switzerland remain under pressure due to the ongoing loss of volumes relative to the extraordinary gains experienced during the pandemic when the Swiss borders were closed. The decline in turnover was also impacted by the transfer of a group of petro-convenience corporate stores to independent retailers over the course of 2022 and subsequent loss of retail turnover from these stores in the period versus the prior comparative period. Wholesale turnover increased by 2.0% (in CHF terms), partly in response to the transfer of this business. Turnover from the TopCC cash and carry business declined by 2.6% (in CHF terms), due to the contraction of the local restaurant industry. SPAR POLAND
SPAR Poland delivered turnover growth of 4.9% in PLN terms (9.3% in ZAR terms), compared to the prior comparative period. This trading performance should be viewed against the loss of 58 retailers whose contracts were terminated in July 2022. Although these retailers had relatively low levels of loyalty, they represented 11.7% of SPAR Poland's turnover for the six months ended 31 March 2022. SPAR Poland's corporate stores delivered turnover growth of 8.9% in local currency. SPAR's strategy to invest in price, thereby improving wholesale pricing for its retailers, has been well received against the backdrop of very high inflation which continues to place pressure on consumer disposable income. TRADING STATEMENT
In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements, issuers are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they are satisfied that, with a reasonable degree of certainty, the financial results for the current reporting period will differ by at least 20.0% from the financial results of the previous corresponding period.
SPAR is currently in the process of finalising its financial results for the period ('Results') and shareholders are advised that the Group expects to report lower earnings per share ('EPS') and headline earnings per share ('HEPS'), falling within the ranges provided below.
Six months Six months Six months ended 31 ended 31 March ended 31 Reported earnings March 2023 2023 March 2022
Expected range Expected range Cents per % cents per share share HEPS -35 to -25 417.7 to 482.0 642.6 Diluted HEPS -35 to -25 416.7 to 480.8 641.1 EPS -35 to -25 393.6 to 454.1 605.5 Diluted EPS -35 to -25 392.7 to 453.1 604.1
Shareholders are referred to the February Trading Update wherein the Group announced that, inter alia, all its markets continued to experience inflationary cost pressures.
The following factors impacted profitability during the period:
' Across all regions, cost increases could not be restricted in line with lower-than- expected turnover growth
' In Southern Africa, fuel and distribution costs increased by 27%. Due to the execution of strategic imperatives, IT costs increased by 52% and marketing costs increased by 19%
' Profitability in the European regions has been negatively impacted by increases in fuel, labour and energy costs
' Rising interest rates have caused a significant increase in net finance costs in all businesses
' The launch of SPAR's new ERP IT system (SAP), at the KZN DC resulted in lost sales during the period. This also resulted in higher warehouse labour and IT consultancy costs, as every effort was made to keep the supply chain operational and to address the issues identified from the new system deployment
The SAP implementation challenges are being urgently addressed and are limited to SPAR's KZN region only. The roll out of SAP has been delayed in other regions until all issues at the KZN DC have been completely and satisfactorily resolved. In the interim, SPAR's Eastern Cape, South Rand and North Rand regions will continue to assist with the fulfilment of orders to impacted stores within the KZN region.
Shareholders are advised that this announcement does not constitute an earnings forecast, that the financial information provided herein is the responsibility of the directors, and that such information has neither been reviewed nor reported on by the Group's auditors. RESULTS PRESENTATION
The Results are expected to be published on SENS by 08h00 on Wednesday, 14 June 2023. The Results webcast presentation, hosted by SPAR management, will follow at 09h30 on the same day. Please refer to SPAR's corporate website for more information - By order of the Board Pinetown 31 May 2023 Sponsor One Capital Corporate Broker
Rand Merchant Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Ltd Date: 31-05-2023 03:21:00
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