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1NVEST ETF ISSUER (RF) LIMITED - Listing of additional 1nvestGold debentures

Release Date: 21/01/2025 08:00
Code(s): ETFGLD     PDF:  
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Listing of additional 1nvestGold debentures

1nvest ETF Issuer (RF) Limited (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration No. 2013/022008/06)
Share code: ETFGLD and ENXGLD(NSX)
ISIN code: ZAE000182523

Listing of additional 1nvestGold debentures – ETFGLD and ENXGLD(NSX)

1nvest ETF has, from commencement of 21 January 2025, issued an additional 270,000 1nvestGold
debentures at an approximate issue price of R506.1885 per additional 1nvestGold debenture,
following subscriptions in respect of approximately 2,614.356 fine troy ounces of Gold Bullion.

After the additional issue, there will be 3,120,000 1nvestGold debentures in issue, referencing
approximately 30,221.330 fine troy ounces of Gold Bullion.

21 January 2025

JSE - The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, acting through its Corporate and Investment
Banking division.
NSX - IJG Securities (Pty) Ltd

Date: 21-01-2025 08:00:00
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