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Life Insurance

Get a life cover for peace of mind that your family and loved ones will be financially provided for in the event of your death. Life cover ensures that your financial responsibilities are taken care of in the event of your death. It replaces the income you would have earned during your working life, ensuring that your family is financially secure.

When should I consider life cover?

Benefit from more affordable cover

The younger and healthier you are when you apply for life cover, the better.

Your age and health are both factored in when determining the amount of cover you qualify for and how much your monthly premiums will be. Whilst you may be tempted to put this purchase off for a few years, the best time for you to buy life cover may well be now.

Safeguard your loved ones!

If you have people in your life who are dependent on you financially – whether that's your spouse, children, siblings, or elderly parents – it's worth thinking about what you can do to safeguard their financial futures. By taking out life cover, you can ensure that they'll be taken care of should something happen to you.

Enjoy peace of mind

With life cover in place, you can rest easy knowing that your beneficiaries will be able to maintain their standard of living even if you're no longer here to look after them. In the event of your death, they'll receive a lump sum payout which will enable them to pay off any debts, cover education costs, and even invest for the future.

Discuss the benefits of taking out life cover with a financial adviser or fill in some quick details and we will get back to you.

Disability Cover

Disability cover is a vital benefit in your life insurance portfolio. It financially protects you against the risk of permanently losing your income if you suffer an illness or injury and covers the extra costs of living with the disability. With disability cover in place, you can ensure that you and your family remain financially stable should you become permanently impaired or disabled and find yourself unable to earn an income. How? Disability Cover is an insurance solution that pays out a lump sum which you can use for daily and monthly expenses, therapies, and any changes you may need to make to your home to help you adjust to your new circumstances.

Benefit from more affordable cover

Disability cover compensates you if you cannot work and earn an income because of an illness or injury.

It provides for expenses that occur because of the disability suffered, for example, alterations to your car or home or covering medical expenses that your medical aid may not cover. It isn't just about planning for the worst to happen. It's a positive step toward protecting your financial future.

Life cover gives you peace of mind that your loved ones will be financially provided for in the event of your death. You can take out both disability cover and life cover with Sharenet.

Critical Illness Cover

Surviving a critical illness isn’t easy, and you should focus on recovery - instead of the medical bills.

Critical illness cover offers financial protection against illnesses such as heart attack, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It also covers injuries from accidents such as paraplegia, major burns, and brain damage.

If you are diagnosed with, or contract, a critical illness, there are likely to be changes to your lifestyle and the way you live your everyday life.

The lump sum pay-out is there to assist you with any expenses associated with the lifestyle changes you may need, because of the illness, or to cover any unexpected costs incurred in your treatment or recovery. These may be the hidden costs that you incur over and above your treatment costs. Depending on your needs, your cover pay-out can be used to pay for additional costs such as hiring a health carer, transport to the doctor or any modifications needed to your home or car.

Income Protection

Income protection insurance provides you with the certainty of a monthly income if you cannot work due to permanent or temporary illness, impairment, or disability, by paying you a monthly income that allows you to maintain your standard of living.

It is a comprehensive and flexible benefit that allows you to cover a portion, or all, of your after-tax income.

What's the difference between life and income protection cover?

Without an income, you would struggle to pay for your financial expenses like school fees or bond repayments. Income protection cover will give you peace of mind that your financial expenses will be taken care of.

Life cover gives you peace of mind that your loved ones will be financially provided for in the event of your death. You can take out both income protection cover and life cover with Sharenet.

Funeral Cover

Helps your loved ones manage funeral-related expenses in the event of your death.

Funeral cover is designed to pay for funeral costs and other once-off final expenses, so that your family members do not have to struggle financially at an already difficult time.

You have the flexibility to decide how much funeral cover you need and who you’d like to include in your policy.

Life cover gives you peace of mind that your loved ones will be financially provided for in the event of your death. You can take out both income protection cover and life cover with Sharenet.

Business Cover

The untimely death or disability of a business owner often has a detrimental impact on the business, its short-term cash flow, as well as its long-term sustainability. Business Assurance helps to protect the business and its employees against unforeseen interruptions.

There is a comprehensive range of solutions to assist you, the start-up entrepreneur, the business owner and the self-employed professional to ensure the certainty of your business’ financial well-being despite life’s uncertainties.

Buy & Sell Solution

Who will be your new business partner in the event of your current partner’s death? Take Control - don't let it be a surprise.

When a co-owner in a business dies, the affected owner’s estate can be left severely exposed, but the remaining owners could also face potential problems.

The purpose of a buy-and-sell agreement is to provide the surviving co-owners with cash to purchase the interest of a deceased co-owner.

According to the agreement, each co-owner takes out life cover on the other co-owners’ lives. The life cover pays out on the death of a co-owner, which funds the purchase of his/her interest by the surviving co-owner(s).

Disability cover can also be included to fund the buyout of a disabled owner’s share of the business.

Key Person Insurance

Effective and well- trained staff, especially those with specialist skills or knowledge, are vital to a business’s success.

A key person is someone whose absence through death or disability will have a material effect on the future of the business. Losing a key person could mean increased costs for recruiting and up-skilling, a slowdown in turnover, and stricter terms from suppliers.

Key person insurance is a simple, cost-effective solution that provides financial security and certainty for a business in the event of the death or disability of a key person.

The business can take out a policy on the life of a key person to cover the business against the expensive replacement costs, or to provide cover against a potential loss.

The business has the option to insure itself against this risk in a tax-effective manner.

Business Risk Protection

Benefit from more affordable cover

Are your assets insured against any potential loss or damage?

Your assets should be well protected to ensure a secure and stable operating environment for your business. You cannot afford to lose a strategic resource that creates wealth and security for you and your dependants.

Protection of Credit Loan Accounts

The capital structure of a business usually includes loans from its owners. The problem is that these loans are usually assets that diminish in value and usually remain unrecovered in the event of the death of such owners.

The business may not be able to repay the loans, or to refinance the loans, leaving it in distress. Funds that will enable the business to repay the loans can be created relatively easily. These loans can be covered with a life insurance policy.

Loan account assurance covers the life of the owner of the business. Therefore, in the event of the owner’s death, it pays out an amount of capital which will, after estate duty, be equal to the loan account. This cover will enable the business to repay the loan and thus protect the capital structure of the business.

Business Overhead Protection

When a co-owner dies, the business normally faces a turbulent time. Remaining owners, employees and clients need to come to grips with the fact that one of the main drivers of the business is no longer there. Normally, in spite of their best efforts, the business feels the impact during the critical 6 to 12 months after the death of a co-owner.

Business operations may be temporarily impeded to such an extent that the business will not be able to pay its overheads.

If the business closes down due to the lack of succession planning the business can be seriously exposed with regard to overheads. The liability in the business may in some cases flow straight into the affected owner’s estate.

The overhead protector protects a business against turbulent times directly after an owner dies. It creates funding to secure at least the overheads of the business for six to 12 months. This is done by insuring the lives of the owners. In the event of the death of an owner or a co-owner, the proceeds of the policies will be paid to the business.

Cover Options


Income Protection

Sharenet Income Protection protects you and your family against temporary and permanent illness or disability with a monthly payout that helps to support your current lifestyle.


Life Insurance

Sharenet Life Insurance eases the burden on your family should you die unexpectedly, by paying out a tax-free lump-sum amount that can be used to cover their expenses now and in years to come.


Funeral Cover

Is your family in a position to cover the costs of a funeral? Sharenet Funeral Cover offers up to R100 000 cover for you and up to 21 beneficiaries, with most claims paid out within hours.


Critical Illness Cover

Would you be financially stable if you were suddenly diagnosed with a serious illness or suffered a heart attack? Sharenet Severe Illness Cover helps you cover everyday expenses as well the costs associated with a dread disease.


Disability Cover

Disability cover is a vital benefit in your life insurance portfolio. It financially protects you against the risk of permanently losing your income if you suffer an illness or injury and covers the extra costs of living with the disability.