SENS Headlines
Report on proceedings at the annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2012/074392/06
Share code: RFG
ISIN: ZAE000191979
("RFG" or "the Company")


At the 12th annual general meeting ("Annual General Meeting" or "the meeting") of the shareholders of RFG Holdings Limited held yesterday, Wednesday, 19 March 2025,
the resolutions proposed at the meeting were unaltered from that reflected in the Notice of Annual General Meeting and were approved by the requisite majority of votes.

In this regard, RFG confirms the voting statistics from the Annual General Meeting as follows:

 Total number of shares in issue                                                                                 262 762 018
 Treasury shares (excluded from voting)                                                                            1 125 000
 Total number of voteable shares                                                                                 261 637 018
 Total number of shares represented (including proxies) at the General Meeting                                   214 436 196
 Proportion of total voteable shares represented at the General Meeting                                               81,96%

                                                                  Votes cast disclosed as
                                                                    a percentage of the
                                                                  total number of shares                    Shares voted       Shares abstained
                                                                    voted at the meeting                    disclosed as a     disclosed as a
                                                                                                            percentage of the  percentage of the
                                                                                            Number of       total issued       total issued
Resolution                                                       For           Against      shares voted    shares             shares

Ordinary resolution 1: Election of Tom Blok as a director        100,00%       0,00%        214 363 566     81,58%             0,03%
Ordinary resolution 2: Election of Zeyn Rashid Angamia as        98,99%        1,01%        214 321 890     81,57%             0,04%
Ordinary resolution 3: Re-election of Yvonne Gladys Muthien      95,18%        4,82%        214 414 996     81,60%             0,01%
as a director
Ordinary resolution 4: Re-election of Garth John Henry Willis    96,83%        3,17%        214 414 996     81,60%             0,01%
as a director
Ordinary resolution 5: Re-election of Sharron Venessa            100,00%       0,00%        214 414 996     81,60%             0,01%
Naidoo as a director
Ordinary resolution 6: Re-election of Bongiwe Nomandi            100,00%       0,00%        214 414 996     81,60%             0,01%
Njobe as a director
Ordinary resolution 7: Appointment of Sharron Venessa            100,00%       0,00%        214 363 566     81,58%             0,03%
Naidoo to the audit, risk and information technology
Ordinary resolution 8: Appointment of Tom Blok to the audit,     99,98%        0,02%        214 363 566     81,58%             0,03%
risk and information technology committee
Ordinary resolution 9: Appointment of Selomane Maitisa to        99,94%        0,06%        214 321 890     81,57%             0,04%
the audit, risk and information technology committee
Ordinary resolution 10: Appointment of Bongiwe Nomandi           100,00%       0,00%        214 321 890     81,57%             0,04%
Njobe to the social and ethics committee
Ordinary resolution 11: Appointment of Tom Blok to the           100,00%       0,00%        214 363 566     81,58%             0,03%
social and ethics committee
Ordinary resolution 12: Appointment of Zeyn Rashid               99,16%        0,84%        214 321 890     81,57%             0,04%
Angamia to the social and ethics committee
Ordinary resolution 13: Re-appointment of the independent        100,00%       0,00%        214 414 996     81,60%             0,01%
registered auditor
Ordinary resolution 14: General authority to place 1% of the     90,41%        9,59%        214 371 566     81,58%             0,02%
unissued ordinary shares under control of the directors
Ordinary resolution 15: Authority to issue ordinary shares for   87,14%        12,86%       214 363 566     81,58%             0,03%
Ordinary resolution 16: Signature of documents                   100,00%       0,00%        214 321 890     81,57%             0,04%
Ordinary resolution 17: Approval of amendments to the rules      99,99%        0,01%        213 995 739     81,44%             0,01%
of the RFG Holdings Limited 2021 share plan
Non-binding advisory resolution 1: Approval of the               92,60%        7,40%        214 360 066     81,58%             0,03%
remuneration policy
Non-binding advisory resolution 2: Approval of the               95,70%        4,30%        214 360 066     81,58%             0,03%
implementation report
Special resolution 1: Non-executive directors' fees              98,85%        1,15%        214 363 566     81,58%             0,03%
Special resolution 2: General authority to repurchase shares     98,38%        1,62%        214 363 566     81,58%             0,03%
Special resolution 3: Loans or other financial assistance to     86,41%        13,59%       214 321 890     81,57%             0,04%
related companies

The special resolution/s will, where necessary, be filed with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission in due course.

Groot Drakenstein
20 March 2025

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Prepared by: The Meeting Specialist (Pty) Ltd

Date: 20-03-2025 11:11:00

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