SENS Headlines
Availability of integrated annual report and notice of annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2012/074392/06)
Share code: RFG
ISIN: ZAE000191979
("RFG" or "the group")


Availability of integrated annual report
RFG's integrated annual report for the year ended 1 October 2023 has today been published on the group's website
(refer to link in the table below).

The annual financial statements have previously been made available via the JSE cloudlink and RFG's website (refer
to links below).

Any investment decisions should be based on the annual financial statements as the information in this
announcement does not provide all of the details.

 RFG's weblink to 2023      2023.pdf
 integrated annual report
 RFG's weblink to 2023 annual
 financial statements
 JSE cloudlink to 2023 annual
 financial statements

Notice of annual general meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 11th annual general meeting of RFG shareholders will be held through electronic
participation only, at 09:00 on Wednesday, 13 March 2024 to transact the business as stated in the annual general
meeting notice forming part of the integrated annual report. The notice of annual general meeting was distributed to
shareholders today, 14 December 2023.

The salient details of the annual general meeting are as follows:

 Record date – to determine which shareholders are entitled to      Friday, 8 December 2023
 receive the notice of meeting
 Publication/posting date                                           14 December 2023
 Last day to trade – Last day to trade to determine eligible        Tuesday, 5 March 2024
 shareholders that may attend, speak and vote at the meeting
 Record date – Record date to determine eligible shareholders       Friday, 8 March 2024
 that may attend, speak and vote at the meeting
 Meeting deadline date (for administrative purposes, forms of       09:00 on Monday, 11 March 2024
 proxy for the meeting to be lodged)^
 Meeting date                                                       09:00 on Wednesday, 13 March 2024
 Publication of annual general meeting results                      Wednesday, 13 March 2024

^any proxies not lodged by this time must be handed to the chairperson of the annual general meeting immediately
prior to such proxy exercising his/her right
to vote at the annual general meeting.

Groot Drakenstein
14 December 2023

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 14-12-2023 05:00:00

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