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WESIZWE PLATINUM LIMITED - Results of the annual general meeting

Release Date: 31/05/2023 17:00
Code(s): WEZ     PDF:  
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Results of the annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 2003/020161/06
Share code: WEZ
ISIN number: ZAE000075859
(“Wesizwe” or “the Company”)


Shareholders are hereby advised that at the annual general meeting of the Company held via
video conference at 09:00 today, 31 May 2023 (“AGM”), all of the resolutions were passed by
the requisite majorities of the Company’s shareholders.

Details of the results of the voting at the AGM are as follows:

                       Votes for        against
                      resolution     resolution
                            as a           as a                     Number of      Number of
                      percentage     percentage                        shares         shares
                        of total       of total                      voted at      abstained
                       number of      number of       Number of      AGM as a           as a
 Resolutions              shares         shares          shares    percentage     percentage
 proposed at the        voted at       voted at        voted at  of shares in   of shares in
 AGM                         AGM            AGM             AGM        issue*         issue*
 Special resolution       99,95%          0,05%     853 902 209       52,46%           0,02%
 number 1:
 Remuneration of
 Special resolution       99,96%          0,04%     854 017 485       52,46%           0,01%
 number 2:
 Share repurchases
 by the Company
 and its subsidiaries
 Ordinary resolution      99,97%          0,03%     853 516 485       52,43%           0,04%
 number 1:
 Acceptance of
 Ordinary resolution      99,94%          0,06%     853 517 485       52,43%           0,04%
 number 2:
 Re-election of Mr
 Lincoln Vumile
 James Ngculu as
 Independent Non-
 executive Director
 Ordinary resolution      99,96%          0,04%     854 017 485       52,46%           0,01%
 number 3:
 Re-election of Mr
 Thembinkosi Victor
 Mabuza as
 Independent Non-
 executive Director
 Ordinary resolution      99,96%          0,04%     854 017 485       52,46%           0,01%
 number 4:
 Re-election of Ms
 Dawn Nonceba
 Merle Mokhobo as
 Independent Non-
 executive Director
 Ordinary resolution      99,97%          0,03%     853 517 485       52,43%           0,04%
 number 5:
 Confirmation of the
 appointment of Ms
 Qing Yu as Non-
 executive Director
 Ordinary resolution      99,96%          0,04%     853 517 485       52,43%           0,04%
 number 6:
 Confirmation of the
 appointment of Mr
 Long Zou as
 Executive Director
 Ordinary resolution      99,99%          0,01%     756 155 202       46,45%           6,02%
 number 7:
 Confirmation of the
 re-appointment of
 the auditor
 Ordinary resolution      99,96%          0,04%     854 017 485       52,46%           0,01%
 number 8:
 Reappointment of
 Mr Thembinkosi
 Victor Mabuza to
 the Audit and Risk
 Committee of the
 Ordinary resolution      99,96%          0,04%     854 017 485       52,46%           0,01%
 number 9:
 Reappointment of
 Ms Dawn Nonceba
 Merle Mokhobo to
 the Audit and Risk
 Committee of the
 Ordinary resolution      99,94%          0,06%     853 517 485       52,43%           0,04%
 number 10:
 Reappointment of
 Mr Lincoln Vumile
 James Ngculu to
 the Audit and Risk
 Committee of the
 Ordinary resolution      99,88%          0,12%     853 917 485       52,46%           0,02%
 number 11:
 General authority to
 issue shares for
 Ordinary resolution      99,97%          0,03%     853 447 392       52,43%           0,05%
 number 12:
 Authority to action
 Non-binding              99,96%          0,04%     853 329 165       52,42%           0,05%
 advisory vote
 number 1:
 Endorsement of the
 remuneration policy
 Non-binding              99,96%          0,04%     852 759 072       52,39%           0,09%
 advisory vote
 number 2:
 Endorsement of the

*Total number of shares in issue as at the date of the AGM was 1,627,827,058.

31 May 2023

PSG Capital

Date: 31-05-2023 05:00:00
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