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QUILTER PLC - Notification of transactions by Directors and Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities

Release Date: 30/05/2024 16:00
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Notification of transactions by Directors and Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities

(Incorporated under the Companies Act 1985 with registered number 06404270
and re-registered as a public limited company under the Companies Act 2006)
Quilter plc (the "Company")
30 May 2024

Notification of transactions by Directors and Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities

The Company announces the following transactions by Directors and PDMRs in the Company's
ordinary shares of 8 1/6 pence each ("Shares") which took place on 28 May 2024 and 29 May 2024, in
connection with the Company's final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2023 ("2023 Final

Reinvestment of 2023 Final Dividend paid on Shares held under the Quilter Share Incentive Plan

 Director/PDMR                        No. of Shares                      Consideration
 Penny Cole                                47                               £1.179
 Stephen Gazard                            47                               £1.179
 Steven Levin                              47                               £1.179
 Andrew McGlone                            47                               £1.179
 Mark Satchel                              47                               £1.179

Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend equivalent in respect of conditional awards and
options over Shares (details provided in individual disclosures below)

 Director/PDMR                        No. of Shares                      Consideration
 Marcus Brookes                          33,050                               Nil
 Penny Cole                              19,564                               Nil
 Karin Cook                              66,168                               Nil
 Stephen Gazard                          36,940                               Nil
 Steven Levin                           106,164                               Nil
 Andrew McGlone                          39,828                               Nil
 Mark Satchel                           103,464                               Nil
 Hanlie van Staden                       18,457                               Nil
 Priti Verma                             16,424                               Nil

Reinvestment of 2023 Final Dividend paid on Ordinary Shares

 Director/PDMR                        No. of Shares                      Consideration
 Marcus Brookes                           3,761                              £1.15

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                                  Marcus Brookes

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                       Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director, Quilter
                                         Investors - PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment        Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                                  Quilter plc
b) LEI                                   54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted
a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction              i)    Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          ii)   Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                               equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                               under the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2022
                                               Restricted Stock Unit award).

                                          iv) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                              equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                   under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2021 Deferred
                                   bonus award).

                            v)     Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                   equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                   under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2022 Deferred
                                   bonus award).

                            vi) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                bonus award).

                            vii) Reinvestment of 2023 Final Dividend paid on Ordinary

c) Price(s) and volume(s)   Price(s)                        Volume(s)
                                 i)     Nil                   i)     10,807
                                 ii)    Nil                   ii)    9,377
                                 iii)   Nil                   iii)   3,139
                                 iv)    Nil                   iv)    1,793
                                 v)     Nil                   v)     3,249
                                 vi)    Nil                   vi)    4,685
                                 vii)   £1.15                 vii)   3,761

d) Aggregated information   i) Consideration price: Nil
   — Aggregated volume         Market value: £1.142
   — Price
                            ii) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                            iii) Consideration price: Nil
                                 Market value: £1.142

                            iv) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                            v) Consideration price: Nil
                               Market value: £1.142

                            vi) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                            vii) Acquisition price: £1.15

e) Date of the transaction               i) 2024-05-28
                                         ii) 2024-05-28
                                         iii) 2024-05-28
                                         iv) 2024-05-28
                                         v) 2024-05-28
                                         vi) 2024-05-28
                                         vii) 2024-05-29; 08:33 UTC time

f) Place of the transaction              i) Outside a trading venue
                                         ii) Outside a trading venue
                                         iii) Outside a trading venue
                                         iv) Outside a trading venue
                                         v) Outside a trading venue
                                         vi) Outside a trading venue
                                         vii) London Stock Exchange, Main Market (XLON)

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                                  Penny Cole

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                       Human Resources Director – PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment        Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                                  Quilter plc
b) LEI                                   54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted
a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction              i)   Reinvestment of 2023 Final Dividend paid on Shares
                                               held under the Quilter Share Incentive Plan.
                            ii)     Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                    equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                    the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Long Term
                                    Incentive award).

                            iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                 equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                 the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024 Long Term
                                 Incentive award).

                            iv) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                under the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2022
                                Restricted Stock Unit award).

                            v)      Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                    equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                    under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2021 Deferred
                                    bonus award).

                            vi) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2022 Deferred
                                bonus award).

                            vii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                 equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                 under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                 bonus award).

c) Price(s) and volume(s)   Price(s)                          Volume(s)
                                  i)     £1.179                i)     47
                                  ii)    Nil                   ii)    6,340
                                  iii)   Nil                   iii)   6,957
                                  iv)    Nil                   iv)    1,633
                                  v)     Nil                   v)     380
                                  vi)    Nil                   vi)    1,110
                                  vii)   Nil                   vii)   3,144

d) Aggregated information   i) Consideration price: £1.179
   — Aggregated volume
   — Price                  ii) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                            iii) Consideration price: Nil
                                             Market value: £1.142

                                      iv) Consideration price: Nil
                                          Market value: £1.142

                                      v) Consideration price: Nil
                                         Market value: £1.142

                                      vi) Consideration price: Nil
                                          Market value: £1.142

                                      vii) Consideration price: Nil
                                           Market value: £1.142

e) Date of the transaction            i)      2024-05-28; 08:36 UTC
                                      ii)     2024-05-28
                                      iii)    2024-05-28
                                      iv)     2024-05-28
                                      v)      2024-05-28
                                      vi)     2024-05-28
                                      vii)    2024-05-28

f) Place of the transaction           i)      London Stock Exchange, Main Market (XLON)
                                      ii)     Outside a trading venue
                                      iii)    Outside a trading venue
                                      iv)     Outside a trading venue
                                      v)      Outside a trading venue
                                      vi)     Outside a trading venue
                                      vii)    Outside a trading venue

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                               Karin Cook

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                    Chief Operating Officer – PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment     Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                               Quilter plc
b) LEI                                54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted
a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction              i)    Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (Recruitment

                                          ii)   Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2022 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                               equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                               the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Long Term
                                               Incentive award).

                                          iv) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                              equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                              the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024 Long Term
                                              Incentive award).

                                          v)    Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2021 Deferred
                                                bonus award).

                                          vi) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                              equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                              under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2022 Deferred
                                              bonus award).

                                          vii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                                bonus award).
c) Price(s) and volume(s)     Price(s)                           Volume(s)
                                     i)     Nil                   i)     1,330
                                     ii)    Nil                   ii)    13,356
                                     iii)   Nil                   iii)   18,552
                                     iv)    Nil                   iv)    15,579
                                     v)     Nil                   v)     2,545
                                     vi)    Nil                   vi)    5,805
                                     vii)   Nil                   vii)   9,001
d) Aggregated information     i) Consideration price: Nil
   — Aggregated volume           Market value: £1.142
   — Price
                              ii) Consideration price: Nil
                                  Market value: £1.142

                              iii) Consideration price: Nil
                                   Market value: £1.142

                              iv) Consideration price: Nil
                                  Market value: £1.142

                              v) Consideration price: Nil
                                 Market value: £1.142

                              vi) Consideration price: Nil
                                  Market value: £1.142

                              vii) Consideration price: Nil
                                   Market value: £1.142

e) Date of the transaction    i)       2024-05-28
                              ii)      2024-05-28
                              iii)     2024-05-28
                              iv)      2024-05-28
                              v)       2024-05-28
                              vi)      2024-05-28
                              vii)     2024-05-28

f) Place of the transaction   i)       Outside a trading venue
                              ii)      Outside a trading venue
                              iii)     Outside a trading venue
                              iv)      Outside a trading venue
                              v)       Outside a trading venue
                              vi)      Outside a trading venue
                              vii)     Outside a trading venue

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                                  Stephen Gazard

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                       Chief Distribution Officer – PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment        Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                                  Quilter plc
b) LEI                                   54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted
a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction              i)    Reinvestment of 2023 Final Dividend paid on Shares
                                                held under the Quilter Share Incentive Plan.

                                          ii)   Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                               equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                               the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024 Long Term
                                               Incentive award).

                                          iv) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                              equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                              under the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2022
                                              Restricted Stock Unit award).
                             v)     Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                    equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                    under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2021 Deferred
                                    bonus award).

                             vi) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                 equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                 under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2022 Deferred
                                 bonus award).

                             vii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                  equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                  under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                  bonus award).

c) Price(s) and volume(s)    Price(s)                        Volume(s)
                                  i)     £1.179                i)     47
                                  ii)    Nil                   ii)    11,527
                                  iii)   Nil                   iii)   9,982
                                  iv)    Nil                   iv)    5,835
                                  v)     Nil                   v)     1,372
                                  vi)    Nil                   vi)    3,292
                                  vii)   Nil                   vii)   4,932
d) Aggregated information    i) Consideration price: £1.179
   — Aggregated volume
   — Price                   ii) Consideration price: Nil
                                 Market value: £1.142

                             iii) Consideration price: Nil
                                  Market value: £1.142

                             iv) Consideration price: Nil
                                 Market value: £1.142

                             v) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                             vi) Consideration price: Nil
                                 Market value: £1.142

                             vii) Consideration price: Nil
                                  Market value: £1.142

e) Date of the transaction   i) 2024-05-28; 08:36 UTC
                             ii) 2024-05-28
                                         iii) 2024-05-28
                                         iv) 2024-05-28
                                         v) 2024-05-28
                                         vi) 2024-05-28
                                         vii) 2024-05-28
f) Place of the transaction              i) London Stock Exchange, Main Market (XLON)
                                         ii) Outside a trading venue
                                         iii) Outside a trading venue
                                         iv) Outside a trading venue
                                         v) Outside a trading venue
                                         vi) Outside a trading venue
                                         vii) Outside a trading venue

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                                  Steven Levin

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                       Chief Executive Officer – Director and PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment        Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                                  Quilter plc
b) LEI                                   54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted
a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction              i)    Reinvestment of 2023 Final Dividend paid on Shares
                                                held under the Quilter Share Incentive Plan.

                                          ii)   Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                   the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2022 Long Term
                                   Incentive award).

                            iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                 equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                 the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Long Term
                                 Incentive award).

                            iv) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024 Long Term
                                Incentive award).

                            v)     Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                   equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                   under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2021 Deferred
                                   bonus award).

                            vi) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2022 Deferred
                                bonus award).

                            vii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                 equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                 under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                 bonus award).

c) Price(s) and volume(s)   Price(s)                        Volume(s)
                                 i)     £1.179                i)     47
                                 ii)    Nil                   ii)    10,374
                                 iii)   Nil                   iii)   41,427
                                 iv)    Nil                   iv)    35,999
                                 v)     Nil                   v)     1,794
                                 vi)    Nil                   vi)    5,087
                                 vii)   Nil                   vii)   11,483

d) Aggregated information   i) Consideration price: £1.179
   — Aggregated volume
   — Price                  ii) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                            iii) Consideration price: Nil
                                 Market value: £1.142

                            iv) Consideration price: Nil
                                            Market value: £1.142

                                        v) Consideration price: Nil
                                           Market value: £1.142

                                        vi) Consideration price: Nil
                                            Market value: £1.142

                                        vii) Consideration price: Nil
                                             Market value: £1.142

e) Date of the transaction              i) 2024-05-28; 08:36 UTC
                                        ii) 2024-05-28
                                        iii) 2024-05-28
                                        iv) 2024-05-28
                                        v) 2024-05-28
                                        vi) 2024-05-28
                                        vii) 2024-05-28

f) Place of the transaction             i) London Stock Exchange, Main Market (XLON)
                                        ii) Outside a trading venue
                                        iii) Outside a trading venue
                                        iv) Outside a trading venue
                                        v) Outside a trading venue
                                        vi) Outside a trading venue
                                        vii) Outside a trading venue

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                                 Andrew McGlone

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                      Chief Executive Officer, Quilter Cheviot and Quilter Cheviot
                                        Financial Planning – PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment       Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                                 Quilter plc
b) LEI                                  54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted

a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction              i)    Reinvestment of 2023 Final Dividend paid on Shares
                                                held under the Quilter Share Incentive Plan.

                                          ii)   Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2022 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          iv) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          v)    Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2021 Deferred
                                                bonus award).

                                          vi) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2022 Deferred
                                                bonus award).

                                          vii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                                under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                                bonus award).
c) Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)                        Volume(s)
                                         i)     £1.179                 i)     47
                                         ii)    Nil                    ii)    7,780
                                         iii)   Nil                    iii)   12,248
                                         iv)    Nil                    iv)    10,285
                                         v)     Nil                    v)     1,466
                                         vi)    Nil                    vi)    3,314
                                         vii)   Nil                    vii)   4,735

d) Aggregated information             i) Consideration price: £1.179
   — Aggregated volume
   — Price                            ii) Consideration price: Nil
                                          Market value: £1.142

                                      iii) Consideration price: Nil
                                           Market value: £1.142

                                      iv) Consideration price: Nil
                                          Market value: £1.142

                                      v) Consideration price: Nil
                                         Market value: £1.142

                                      vi) Consideration price: Nil
                                          Market value: £1.142

                                      vii) Consideration price: Nil
                                           Market value: £1.142

e) Date of the transaction            i) 2024-05-28; 08:36 UTC
                                      ii) 2024-05-28
                                      iii) 2024-05-28
                                      iv) 2024-05-28
                                      v) 2024-05-28
                                      vi) 2024-05-28
                                      vii) 2024-05-28

f) Place of the transaction           i) London Stock Exchange, Main Market (XLON)
                                      ii) Outside a trading venue
                                      iii) Outside a trading venue
                                      iv) Outside a trading venue
                                      v) Outside a trading venue
                                      vi) Outside a trading venue
                                      vii) Outside a trading venue

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                                  Mark Satchel

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                       Chief Financial Officer – Director and PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment        Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                                  Quilter plc
b) LEI                                   54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted

a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction              i)    Reinvestment of 2023 Final Dividend paid on Shares
                                                held under the Quilter Share Incentive Plan.

                                          ii)   Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2022 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).

                                          iv) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                                equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                                the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024 Long Term
                                                Incentive award).
                            v)     Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                   equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                   under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2021 Deferred
                                   bonus award).

                            vi) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                   equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                   under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2022 Deferred
                                   bonus award).

                            vii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                   equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                   under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                   bonus award).

c) Price(s) and volume(s)   Price(s)                        Volume(s)
                                 i)     £1.179                i)     47
                                 ii)    Nil                   ii)    23,341
                                 iii)   Nil                   iii)   34,042
                                 iv)    Nil                   iv)    28,587
                                 v)     Nil                   v)     2,671
                                 vi)    Nil                   vi)    5,652
                                 vii)   Nil                   vii)   9,171

d) Aggregated information   i) Consideration price: £1.179
   — Aggregated volume
   — Price                  ii) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                            iii) Consideration price: Nil
                                 Market value: £1.142

                            iv) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                            v) Consideration price: Nil
                               Market value: £1.142

                            vi) Consideration price: Nil
                                Market value: £1.142

                            vii) Consideration price: Nil
                                 Market value: £1.142

e) Date of the transaction               i) 2024-05-28; 08:36 UTC
                                         ii) 2024-05-28
                                         iii) 2024-05-28
                                         iv) 2024-05-28
                                         v) 2024-05-28
                                         vi) 2024-05-28
                                         vii) 2024-05-28

f) Place of the transaction              i) London Stock Exchange, Main Market (XLON)
                                         ii) Outside a trading venue
                                         iii) Outside a trading venue
                                         iv) Outside a trading venue
                                         v) Outside a trading venue
                                         vi) Outside a trading venue
                                         vii) Outside a trading venue

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                                  Hanlie van Staden

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                       Director of Strategy and Transformation – PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment        Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                                  Quilter plc
b) LEI                                   54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted

a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction             i)   Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                              equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                              the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Long Term
                                              Incentive award).
                                      ii)    Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                             equivalent in respect of award of nil-cost options under
                                             the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024 Long Term
                                             Incentive award).

                                      iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                             equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                             under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                             bonus award).

c) Price(s) and volume(s)             Price(s)                           Volume(s)
                                             i) Nil                         i) 7,857
                                             ii) Nil                        ii) 8,319
                                             iii) Nil                       iii) 2,281

d) Aggregated information             i)      Consideration price: Nil
   — Aggregated volume                        Market value: £1.142
   — Price
                                      ii)     Consideration price: Nil
                                              Market value: £1.142

                                      iii)    Consideration price: Nil
                                              Market value: £1.142

  Date of the transaction             i)      2024-05-28
                                      ii)     2024-05-28
                                      iii)    2024-05-28

f) Place of the transaction           i)      Outside a trading venue
                                      ii)     Outside a trading venue
                                      iii)    Outside a trading venue

1 Details of the person discharging
  responsibilities/person closely
a) Name                               Priti Verma

2 Reason for the notification
a) Position/status                    Chief Risk Officer – PDMR
b) Initial notification/Amendment     Initial notification

3 Details of the issuer, emission
  allowance market participant,
  auction platform, auctioneer or
  auction monitor
a) Name                                  Quilter plc
b) LEI                                   54930092XIVK28RZGM95

4 Details of the transaction(s):
  section to be repeated for (i) each
  type of instrument; (ii) each type
  of transaction; (iii) each date; and
  (iv) each place where transactions
  have been conducted

a) Description of the financial          Ordinary shares with a nominal value of 8 1/6 pence each
   instrument, type of instrument        ("Shares")
   Identification code
b) Nature of the transaction             i)    Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                               equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                               under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (Recruitment

                                         ii)   Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                               equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                               under the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2023 Interim
                                               Restricted Stock Unit award).

                                         iii) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Final Dividend
                                               equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                               under the Quilter Performance Share Plan (2024
                                               Restricted Stock Unit award).

                                         iv) Conditional entitlement to 2023 Interim Dividend
                                               equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                               under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2022 Deferred
                                               bonus award).

                                         v)    Conditional entitlement to 2023 Interim Dividend
                                               equivalent in respect of conditional award over Shares
                                               under the Quilter Share Reward Plan (2023 Deferred
                                               bonus award).

c) Price(s) and volume(s)                      Price(s)                            Volume(s)
                                                      i)     Nil                     i)     5,471
                                                      ii)    Nil                     ii)    3,641
                                                      iii)   Nil                     iii)   3,176
                                                      iv)    Nil                     iv)    869
                                                      v)     Nil                     v)     3,267

d) Aggregated information                      i)       Consideration price: Nil
   — Aggregated volume                                  Market value: £1.142
   — Price
                                               ii)      Consideration price: Nil
                                                        Market value: £1.142

                                               iii)     Consideration price: Nil
                                                        Market value: £1.142

                                               iv)      Consideration price: Nil
                                                        Market value: £1.142

                                               v)       Consideration price: Nil
                                                        Market value: £1.142

e) Date of the transaction                     i)       2024-05-28
                                               ii)      2024-05-28
                                               iii)     2024-05-28
                                               iv)      2024-05-28
                                               v)       2024-05-28

f) Place of the transaction                    i)       Outside a trading venue
                                               ii)      Outside a trading venue
                                               iii)     Outside a trading venue
                                               iv)      Outside a trading venue
                                               v)       Outside a trading venue


Clare Barrett
Company Secretary
+ 44 (0)207 002 7072

30 May 2024

J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa Proprietary Limited

Date: 30-05-2024 04:00:00
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