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BELL EQUIPMENT LIMITED - Results of the Annual General Meeting of Bell Equipment Limited held on 31 May 2024

Release Date: 31/05/2024 16:25
Code(s): BEL     PDF:  
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Results of the Annual General Meeting of Bell Equipment Limited held on 31 May 2024

Bell Equipment Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 1968/013656/06
Share code: BEL
ISIN: ZAE000028304
("Bell Equipment" or "the Company")


At the annual general meeting ("AGM") of the shareholders of Bell Equipment Limited held on Friday, 31 May 2024, the ordinary and special
resolutions proposed at the meeting were unaltered from that reflected in the Notice of Annual General Meeting and were approved by the requisite
majority of votes.

Total number of shares in issue                                                                                                        95 629 385
Treasury shares (excluded from voting)                                                                                                     32 233
Total number of shares (voteable shares)                                                                                               95 597 152
Total number of shares represented (including proxies) at the General Meeting                                                          69 263 461
Proportion of total voteable shares represented at the General Meeting                                                                     72,45%

                                                             Votes cast disclosed as a                                                     Shares
                                                               percentage of the total                            Shares voted          abstained
                                                                number of shares voted         Number of        disclosed as a     disclosed as a
                                                                        at the meeting      shares Voted     percentage of the      percentage of
                                                                                                           total issued shares   the total issued
                                                                   For         Against                                                     shares
Ordinary Resolution Number 1: To elect A Goordeen as the
executive alternate director                                    99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 2.1: To re elect H van der
Merwe as a director who retires by rotation                     99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 2.2: To re elect D Lawrance as
a director who retires by rotation                              99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 2.3: To re elect U Maharaj as
a director who retires by rotation                              99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 3.1: Election of D Lawrance, a
non executive director, as a member of the audit
committee until the conclusion of the AGM to be held in
2025                                                            99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 3.2: Election of R Naidu, a non
executive director, as a member of the audit committee
until the conclusion of the AGM to be held in 2025              99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 3.3: Election of M Ramathe, a
non executive director, as a member of the audit
committee until the conclusion of the AGM to be held in
2025                                                            99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 3.4: Election of U Maharaj, a
non executive director, as a member of the audit
committee until the conclusion of the AGM to be held in
2025                                                            99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 4: Appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. as the independent auditors
of the company until the conclusion of the AGM to be held
in 2025                                                         99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 5: Placement of certain of the
authorised but unissued shares under the control of the
directors                                                       99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 6: Non binding advisory vote
on the Company's remuneration policy                            97,60%           2,40%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Ordinary Resolution Number 7: Non binding advisory vote
on the Company's remuneration implementation report             97,60%           2,40%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 1: General authority for the
provision of financial assistance in terms of Section 44 of
the Companies Act                                               99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 2: General authority for the
provision of financial assistance in terms of Section 45 of
the Companies Act                                               99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.1: Approval of the basis of the
remuneration payable to non executive director (Annual
retainer fees) - Non executive chairman                         99,99%           0,01%        68 993 161                72,15%              0,28%
Special Resolution Number 3.2: Approval of the basis of the
remuneration payable to non executive director (Annual
retainer fees) - Lead independent non executive director        99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.3: Approval of the basis of the
remuneration payable to non executive director (Annual
retainer fees) - Non executive directors                        99,90%           0,10%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.4: Fees paid per meeting to
the chairman of the board and the chairmen of the board
committees - Board                                              99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.5: Fees paid per meeting to
the chairman of the board and the chairmen of the board
committees - Audit committee                                    99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.6: Fees paid per meeting to
the chairman of the board and the chairmen of the board
committees - Risk and sustainability committee                  99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.7: Fees paid per meeting to
the chairman of the board and the chairmen of the board
committees - Nominations committee                              99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.8: Fees paid per meeting to
the chairman of the board and the chairmen of the board
committees - Remuneration committee                             99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.9: Fees paid per meeting to
the chairman of the board and the chairmen of the board
committees - Social, ethics and transformation committee        99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.10: Fees paid per meeting to
the chairman of the board and the chairmen of the board
committees - Ad hoc committees                                  99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.11: Fees paid per meeting to
the chairman of the board and the chairmen of the board
committees - Fees paid to lead independent non executive
director per board meeting                                      99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.12: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting - Board               99,98%           0,02%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.13: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting - Audit
committee                                                       99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.14: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting - Risk and
sustainability committee                                        99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.15: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting - Nominations
committee                                                       99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.16: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting -
Remuneration committee                                          99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.17: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting - Social, ethics
and transformation committee                                    99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.18: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting - Bell
Equipment audit services committee                              99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.19: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting - Ad hoc
committees                                                      99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 3.20: Fees paid to non
executive directors, including the chairman of the board,
the lead independent non executive director and the
chairmen of board committees, per meeting - Annual
general meeting                                                 99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%
Special Resolution Number 4: General authority to
repurchase shares                                               99,99%           0,01%        69 246 761                72,41%              0,02%

The special resolutions will, to the extent necessary, be filed and registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission.

Richards Bay
31 May 2024

Sponsor: Investec Bank Limited

Date: 31-05-2024 04:25:00
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