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REMGRO LIMITED - Report on proceedings at the annual general meeting and change to the board of directors

Release Date: 04/12/2023 16:55
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Report on proceedings at the annual general meeting and change to the board of directors

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1968/006415/06)
ISIN: ZAE000026480
JSE and A2X Share code: REM
("Remgro" or "the Company")


At the 2023 annual general meeting ("AGM") of the shareholders of Remgro held on Monday, 4 December 2023
all the ordinary and special resolutions proposed were approved by the requisite majority of votes.

Ordinary Resolution Number 8, with regards to the appointment of director Thabi Leoka, was withdrawn at
the AGM and therefore not voted on, as the director has advised the Board that she is no longer available
to serve as an independent non-executive director of the Company. With effect from today, the director is
no longer a director of the Company.

Remgro confirms the voting statistics from the AGM as follows:

Resolutions           Votes cast disclosed as a     Number of shares    Shares voted disclosed    Shares abstained
                      percentage in relation to     voted               as a percentage in        disclosed as a
                      the total number of shares                        relation to the total     percentage in relation
                      voted at the meeting          Ordinary shares     issued share capital*     to the total issued
                                                    ("Ord")                                       share capital*
                      Ordinary shares ("Ord")       B ordinary shares   Ordinary shares ("Ord")
                      B ordinary shares ("B Ord")   ("B Ord")           B ordinary shares ("B     Ordinary shares ("Ord")
                                                                        Ord")                     B ordinary shares ("B
                      For          Against

Ordinary Resolution   100% Ord     0% Ord           366 006 823 Ord     69.16% Ord                0.63% Ord
Number 1 - Approval   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
of annual financial

Ordinary Resolution   99.29% Ord   0.71% Ord        366 352 559 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord
Number 2 -            100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
Appointment of

Ordinary Resolution   53.39% Ord   46.61% Ord       366 361 369 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord
Number 3 - Election   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
of director,
Mr N P Mageza

Ordinary Resolution   99.62% Ord   0.38% Ord        366 361 369 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord
Number 4 - Election   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
of director,
Mr G G Nieuwoudt

Ordinary Resolution   99.61% Ord   0.39% Ord        366 361 369 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord
Number 5 - Election   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
of director,
Mr K S Rantloane

Ordinary Resolution   85.17% Ord   14.83% Ord       366 354 544 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord
Number 6 - Election   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
of director,
Mr J P Rupert

Ordinary Resolution   97.64% Ord   2.36% Ord        366 356 949 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord           
Number 7 - Election   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
of director,
Mr N J Williams

Ordinary Resolution   Withdrawn
Number 8 –
Appointment of
Dr T Leoka

Ordinary Resolution   95.21% Ord   4.79% Ord        366 301 200 Ord     69.22% Ord                0.58% Ord
Number 9 - Election   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
of member of the
Audit and Risk
Ms S E N De Bruyn

Ordinary Resolution   47.30% Ord   52.70% Ord       366 299 200 Ord     69.22% Ord                0.58% Ord
Number 10 -           100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
Election of member
of the Audit and
Risk Committee,
Mr N P Mageza

Ordinary Resolution   47.27% Ord   52.73% Ord       366 356 949 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord
Number 11 -           100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
Election of member
of the Audit and
Risk Committee,
Mr P J Moleketi

Ordinary Resolution   45.91% Ord   54.09% Ord       364 878 371 Ord     68.95% Ord                0.85% Ord
Number 12 -           100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
Election of member
of the Audit and
Risk Committee,
Mr F Robertson

Ordinary Resolution   74.32% Ord   25.68% Ord       366 357 824 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord
Number 13 – General   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
authority to place
5% of the unissued
ordinary shares
under the control
of the directors

Ordinary Resolution   65.02% Ord   34.98% Ord       364 877 856 Ord     68.95% Ord                0.85% Ord
Number 14 – Non-      100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
binding advisory
vote on
Remuneration Policy

Ordinary Resolution   66.99% Ord   33.01% Ord       364 882 246 Ord     68.95% Ord                0.85% Ord
Number 15 – Non-      100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
binding advisory
vote on

Special Resolution    95.92% Ord   4.08% Ord        366 352 124 Ord     69.23% Ord                0.57% Ord
Number 1 - Approval   100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord    100% B Ord                0% B Ord
of directors'

Special Resolution    97.73% Ord   2.27% Ord        366 336 469 Ord      69.22% Ord               0.57% Ord
Number 2 - General    0% B Ord     0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord     0% B Ord                 100% B Ord
authority to
repurchase shares

Special Resolution    99.33% Ord   0.67% Ord        366 356 949 Ord      69.23% Ord               0.57% Ord
Number 3 - General    100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord     100% B Ord               0% B Ord
authority to
provide financial
assistance for the
subscription and/or
purchase of
securities in the
Company or in
related or inter-
related companies

Special Resolution    99.98% Ord   0.02% Ord        366 358 949 Ord      69.23% Ord               0.57% Ord
Number 4 - General    100% B Ord   0% B Ord         39 056 987 B Ord     100% B Ord               0% B Ord
authority to
provide financial
assistance to
related and inter-
related companies
and corporations

*Total issued share capital is 529 217 007 ordinary shares with total voteable shares, excluding Treasury
shares, being 515 185 343 ordinary shares and 39 056 987 B ordinary shares.

Shareholders are advised that Remgro wishes to engage its shareholders on the Company's Remuneration
Policy and Remuneration Implementation Report.

Remgro's 2023 Remuneration Policy and Remuneration Implementation Report were voted against by more than
25% of the votes exercised by Remgro's ordinary shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at
the AGM. It should be noted, however, that the non-binding advisory resolutions on the endorsement of the
Company's Remuneration Policy and Implementation Report were approved by the requisite majority of the
combined votes exercised by Remgro's ordinary and "B" ordinary shareholders present in person or
represented by proxy at the AGM (83.11% and 84.05% respectively).

To better understand the reasons why more than 25% of the ordinary shareholders voted against the non-
binding advisory endorsement relating to the Company's Remuneration Policy and Implementation Report, and
to enable the Remuneration and Nomination Committee to consider these concerns on behalf of the Board of
the Company, an invitation is being extended to such dissenting shareholders to engage with Remgro, in
line with the recommendations of the King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa, 2016 and
paragraph 3.84(j)of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements.

Dissenting shareholders are invited to engage with Remgro as follows:

  -   shareholders are invited to attend virtual engagement sessions, to be hosted via a Teams video

  -   shareholders wishing to participate in these sessions are requested to please register their
      interest by emailing the Company Secretary,, by no later than close of business
      on Monday, 11 December 2023. Once registered, shareholders will be emailed a meeting request for
      the Teams session; and

  -   any concerns, questions or recommendations on the Remuneration Policy and Remuneration
      Implementation Report should be submitted to the Company Secretary by email to,
      by close of business on Monday, 11 December 2023.

4 December 2023

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

Date: 04-12-2023 04:55:00
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