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LEWIS GROUP LIMITED - Directors Dealings in Securities

Release Date: 14/06/2024 17:00
Code(s): LEW     PDF:  
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Directors Dealings in Securities

Lewis Group Limited
Registration Number: 2004/009817/06
Share Code: LEW
ISIN Code: ZAE 000058236
Bond Code: LEWI
("Lewis" or "the Company")

Directors Dealings in Securities

In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Listings Requirements,
the following should be noted:

1.    The Lewis 2019 Executive Retention Scheme – Exercise of Matching
      Share Option

In terms of the Lewis 2019 Executive Retention Scheme, the following executive
directors, elected on 10 June 2024 to exercise their matching share awards
which were granted on 9 June 2021 (refer to SENS announcement dated 11
June 2021):

                                                      Matching     Total
 Executive       Designation                          Share        Value
 J. Enslin       Executive Director, Lewis Group Ltd 126 533       R 6 427 876
 J. Bestbier     Executive Director, Lewis Group Ltd 78 047        R 3 964 788
 W. Achmat       Director, Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd     38 947       R 1 978 508
 D.M. Oliphant Director, Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd       61 698       R 3 134 258

The awards were acquired for no consideration and are in respect of ordinary
shares. The implied value was calculated using the share price of R 50.80 as
at the close of business on 7 June 2024.
2.    The Lewis 2019 Executive Performance Scheme – Vesting of Awards

The 3 year short term share awards granted to the directors on 9 June 2021
(refer to SENS announcement dated 11 June 2021) vested on 10 June
2024.The awards referred to above that vested are as follows:

                                                        Share        Total
 Executive       Designation                            Awards       Value
 J. Enslin       Executive Director, Lewis Group Ltd 202 362         R 10 279 990
 J. Bestbier     Executive Director, Lewis Group Ltd 123 618         R 6 279 794
 W. Achmat       Director, Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd       66 821       R 3 394 507
 D.M. Oliphant Director, Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd         66 386       R 3 372 409

The awards were acquired for no consideration and are in respect of ordinary
shares. The implied value was calculated using the share price of R 50.80,
being the closing price on 7 June 2024.

3.    Sale of Shares

The executive directors have sold ordinary shares on-market on 10 June 2024
at a price of R 51.07 to settle the tax on the above awards as follows:

                                                          No.    of Total
 Executive        Designation                             Shares     Value

 J. Enslin        Executive Director, Lewis Group Ltd     157 870    R 8 062 421

 J. Bestbier      Executive Director, Lewis Group Ltd     96 799     R 4 943 525

 W. Achmat        Director, Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd        50 769     R 2 592 773

 D.M. Oliphant    Director, Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd        61 480     R 3 139 784

4.        Short Term Awards – Lewis Executive Performance Schemes

In terms of the Lewis 2021 Executive Performance Scheme and the 2023
Executive Performance Scheme, executives have been offered the right to
acquire shares of the Company for no consideration subject to the
achievement of performance targets. The share awards under this scheme will
lapse, should the executive terminate his or her employment before the
completion of the period of the award, other than in the event of death, ill-
health, retirement or retrenchment.

The Lewis Remuneration Committee ("Committee") have agreed to grant the
executives a three-year award (short term award as defined in the various
scheme rules) under this scheme, details which are set out below.

The performance targets are set by the Committee at the beginning of the each
of the three years and are based on a weighting set for each executive
depending on their daily employment responsibilities, of the following:

     -   Headline earnings per share;
     -   Quality of the debtors book;
     -   Gross margin.

The following executive directors have been granted awards on 12 June 2024
under the Lewis 2021 Executive Performance Scheme and the 2023 Executive
Performance Schemes:
                                                         Maximum No.        Implied
 Executive      Designation                              of shares for      Value
 J. Enslin      Executive Director, Lewis Group Ltd           305 632          R 15 520 000

 J. Bestbier    Executive Director, Lewis Group Ltd           127 019          R 6 450 000

 W. Achmat      Director, Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd              67 152          R 3 410 000

 D.M. Oliphant Director, Lewis Stores (Pty) Ltd                72 076           R 3 660 000

The above values are implied values based on a market price of R50.78,
determined as an average of the last three trading day's closing price before the
award date calculated in terms of the rules of the scheme.

All the transactions as set out in 1 to 4 above were for the direct benefit of the
directors. The requisite clearances have been obtained.

Cape Town
14 June 2024
Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited

Debt Sponsor: Absa Bank Limited, acting through its Corporate and Investment
Banking Division

Date: 14-06-2024 05:00:00
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