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EXEMPLAR REITAIL LIMITED - Acquisition of Eerste Rivier Mall

Release Date: 10/06/2024 17:30
Code(s): EXP     PDF:  
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Acquisition of Eerste Rivier Mall

Exemplar REITail Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2018/022591/06)
Approved as a REIT by the JSE
JSE share code: EXP ISIN: ZAE000257549
LEI: 3789000558287E37F130
("Exemplar" or "the Company")



      Shareholders are advised that Exemplar has concluded an agreement (the "Agreement") to acquire Erf 2001,
      Eerste Rivier Township, City of Cape Town, Division of Stellenbosch, Province of the Western Cape and the
      remaining extent of Erf 1824, Eerste Rivier Township, City of Cape Town, Division of Stellenbosch, Province of
      the Western Cape (together, the "Property") as well as the assets and liabilities attached to the Property
      (collectively, the "Enterprise") from Erf 1824 Eerste Rivier Proprietary Limited (the "Seller") (the
      "Acquisition"). The Seller is wholly owned by Klein Welmoed Trust, whose beneficiaries are Acorn Trust and
      The Kiplingcotes Trust. The beneficiaries of Acorn Trust and The Kiplingcotes Trust are all individuals, none of
      whom are a related party to Exemplar. The Acquisition is subject to the fulfilment of the conditions precedent
      detailed in paragraph 2 below.

      The shopping centre known as Eerste Rivier Mall is constructed on the Property. Further information on the
      Property is included in paragraph 3 below.

      The Acquisition marks Exemplar's first steps into the Western Cape. With its sound governance and infrastructure
      development plans, the Western Cape makes a compelling investment case, and the Acquisition is in line with
      the Company's strategy to expand its presence in the province.


      2.1.   Purchase consideration

             The consideration payable for the Property is R282 000 000 (the "Purchase Price"), which shall be paid
             to the Seller in cash on the date of registration of transfer of the Property in the name of the Company (the
             "Transfer Date").

             If the Transfer Date occurs after 15 October 2024, the Purchase Price shall be adjusted upwards by 0.5%
             of the Purchase Price per month with effect from 1 September 2024.

      2.2.   Effective date

             The effective date of the Acquisition (the "Effective Date") is the first day of the month following:

             -     the date of fulfilment of the last of the conditions precedent detailed in paragraph 2.3 below (the
                   "Unconditional Date"); and
             -     the delivery by Exemplar to the Seller of an irrevocable bank guarantee equal to the Purchase Price,
                   which must be delivered by no later than 5 business days following the Unconditional Date.

      2.3.   Conditions precedent

             The Acquisition is subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions precedent:

             On or before 30 June 2024:

             -     The board of directors of the Seller has passed a resolution approving the entry of the Seller into the
             -     The shareholders of the Seller have passed a special resolution approving the disposal of the
                   Enterprise in terms of section 112(2) of the Companies Act, No 71 of 2008;
             -     The board of directors of Exemplar has passed a resolution approving the entry of the Company into
                   the Agreement; and
             -     Exemplar gives the Seller written notice that it is satisfied with the outcome of its due diligence
                   investigation into the affairs of the Enterprise.

             On or before 31 August 2024:

             -     The receipt of the unconditional approval of the Competition Authorities, or if the approval is
                   conditional, such conditions being acceptable to Exemplar and the Seller;
             -     Each tenant to the existing leases of the Enterprise consents to the assignment by the Seller of all its
                   rights and obligations in and to those leases to Exemplar;
             -     Each tenant to the tenant lease securities (being all deposits, guarantees, suretyships and other
                   documents providing any security for the tenants' obligations under the existing leases of the
                   Enterprise) consents to the assignment by the Seller of all its rights and obligations in and to the
                   tenant lease securities to Exemplar;
             -     Each tenant to the existing leases of the Enterprise waives any pre-emptive right which it may have
                   against the Seller under an existing lease to purchase the Property, and consents in writing to the
                   Acquisition; and
             -     The existing bond holder over the Property gives its written consent to the Acquisition.

             The conditions precedent may not be waived, but the date for fulfilment thereof may be extended by way
             of agreement between Exemplar and the Seller.

      2.4.   Other material terms

             The Agreement contains undertakings and warranties which are normal for a transaction of this nature.

             Exemplar shall prepare an adjustment account in respect of the Enterprise as at the Effective Date and
             deliver the adjustment account to the Seller no later than 45 days after the Transfer Date.

             The adjustment account shall reflect the following as credits to the Seller:

             -     all rentals and other income payable under the existing leases prior to the Effective Date and collected
                   after the effective date by Exemplar; and
             -     all deposits paid by the Seller and held with any service provider of the Enterprise.

             The adjustment account shall reflect the following as debits to the Seller:

             -     all amounts of municipal fees, surcharges on fees, Property rates, municipal taxes and other
                   municipal charges for any period before the Effective Date not paid as at that date and subsequently
                   paid by Exemplar;
             -     all rentals and other income paid to the Seller for the periods on or after the Effective Date; and
             -     any other expenses incurred for periods prior to the Effective Date and subsequently paid by

             Payment of any amounts due to either Exemplar or the Seller in terms of the adjustment account shall not
             constitute part of the Purchase Price and shall be effected separately from the payment of the Purchase


                                                                average                       Value attributed to
                                                           basic rental          Purchase      the Property as at
       Property   Geographical                      GLA          per m2     Price for the        1 September 2024
       name       location          Sector         (m2)          (R/m2)      Property (R)                     (R)
       Eerste     Stellenbosch,     Retail       16 599         R163.35      R282 000 000            R282 000 000
       Rivier     Western Cape

      The Purchase Price is considered to be the Property's fair market value, as determined by the directors of the
      Company. The directors of the Company are not independent and are not registered as professional valuers or as
      professional associate valuers in terms of the Property Valuers Profession Act, No.47 of 2000.


      Set out below are the forecast revenue, operational net income, net profit after tax and earnings available for
      distribution relating to the Enterprise (the "Forecast") for the 6 months ending 28 February 2025 and the
      12 months ending 28 February 2026 (the "Forecast Period").

      The Forecast has been prepared on the assumption that the Effective Date is 1 September 2024 and on the basis
      that the forecast includes forecast results for the duration of the Forecast Period.

      The Forecast, including the assumptions on which it is based and the financial information from which it has been
      prepared, is the responsibility of the directors of the Company. The Forecast has not been reviewed or reported
      on by independent reporting accountants.

      The Forecast presented in the table below has been prepared in accordance with the Company's accounting
      policies, which are in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

       Rand                                               Forecast for the 6 months      Forecast for the 12 months
                                                            ending 28 February 2025         ending 28 February 2026
       Rental and recovery income                                        22 732 517                      48 204 341
       Contracted                                                        18 045 209                      32 203 530
       Uncontracted                                                       4 687 308                      16 000 811
       Net property income                                               13 181 773                      27 600 763
       Net after tax profit                                              13 181 773                      27 600 763
       Total comprehensive (loss)/profit for the period                   (316 988)                       1 071 613
       Profit available for distribution (cps)                               (0.10)                            0.32

      The forecast incorporates the following material assumptions in respect of revenue and expenses:

      1.     The forecast is based on information derived from the management accounts, budgets, and rental contracts
             provided by the Seller's property manager.
      2.     Contracted revenue is based on existing lease agreements including stipulated increases, all of which are
             valid and enforceable.
      3.     Where leases expire during the forecast period, it is assumed that the lease is renewed on the same terms
             and conditions as the existing lease.
      4.     Net property income excludes the effects of straight lining rental income.
      5.     Total comprehensive (loss) / profit for the period includes the effects of finance costs.
      6.     Property operating expenditure has been forecast by the property manager on a line-by-line basis based on
             a review of historical expenditure.
      7.     No fair value adjustment is recognised.
      8.     There will be no unforeseen economic factors that will affect the lessees' abilities to meet their
             commitments in terms of existing lease agreements.


      The Acquisition is a category 2 transaction for Exemplar in terms of the JSE Listings Requirements and
      accordingly does not require the approval of Exemplar shareholders.

10 June 2024

Java Capital

Date: 10-06-2024 05:30:00
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