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GRINDROD SHIPPING HOLDINGS LIMITED - Grindrod Shipping Holdings Ltd. Announces Proposed Selective Capital Reduction

Release Date: 05/04/2024 08:00
Code(s): GSH     PDF:  
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Grindrod Shipping Holdings Ltd. Announces Proposed Selective Capital Reduction

Registered in Singapore with registration number 201731497H
JSE Share code: GSH
ISIN: SG9999019087
Primary listing on NASDAQ Global Select Market
Secondary listing on the JSE Main Board

Grindrod Shipping Holdings Ltd. Announces Proposed Selective Capital Reduction

On April 4, 2024, Grindrod Shipping Holdings Ltd. (NASDAQ: GRIN) (JSE: GSH) ("Grindrod Shipping"
or "Company" or "we" or "us" or "our"), a global provider of maritime transportation services
predominantly in the drybulk sector, announced the proposed Selective Capital Reduction:


        The board of directors (the "Board") of Grindrod Shipping Holdings Ltd. (the "Company")
        wishes to announce that it proposes to seek the approval of the shareholders of the Company
        (the "Shareholders") at an extraordinary general meeting of the Company (the "EGM") to be
        convened, for a selective capital reduction exercise to be undertaken by the Company (the
        "Selective Capital Reduction") pursuant to sections 78G to 78I of the Companies Act 1967 of
        Singapore (the "Companies Act").


2.1     Background

        On 28 October 2022, Good Falkirk (MI) Limited ("GF") a wholly-owned subsidiary of Taylor
        Maritime Investments Limited ("TMI", and together with GF referred to as the "Non-
        Participating Shareholders") made a voluntary conditional cash offer (the "VGO") for all the
        issued ordinary shares in the capital of the Company ("Shares") (other than Shares held by GF
        and Shares held in treasury), in accordance with Rule 15 of The Singapore Code on Take-
        overs and Mergers (the "Code") and the rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
        (the "SEC").

        As at the close of the VGO at 11:59 p.m. (New York time) on 19 December 2022, the total
        number of Shares owned, controlled, or agreed to be acquired by GF and its concert parties
        and Shares validly tendered into the VGO amounted to an aggregate of 16,206,365 Shares,
        representing approximately 83.23% of the total number of issued Shares at such date.

        As at the date of this Announcement (the "Announcement Date"), GF holds 16,206,365 Shares,
        representing approximately 82.33%1 of the total number of issued Shares.

2.2     Company's proposal

        The Company proposes to implement the Selective Capital Reduction and cancel all the Shares
        held by the Shareholders, other than the Shares held by GF (such Shareholders whose Shares
        will be cancelled pursuant to the Selective Capital Reduction, referred to as the "Participating
        Shareholders"), comprising 3,479,225 Shares (the "Participating Shares").

  For the purposes of computation in this Announcement, the total number of issued Shares is 19,685,590 Shares;
the Company does not hold any Shares in treasury.

      The Participating Shareholders will receive US$14.25 for each Participating Share held
      that is cancelled as a result of the Selective Capital Reduction.

2.3   Reduction of share capital

      As at the Announcement Date, the Company's issued and paid-up share capital is
      US$290,193,001, comprising 19,685,590 Shares. There is only one class of shares in issue.
      The Company does not hold any Shares in treasury. There are no outstanding instruments
      convertible into, rights to subscribe for, or options in respect of, Shares or securities in the
      Company which carry voting rights.

      The Selective Capital Reduction will involve reducing the issued share capital of the Company
      from US$290,193,001 comprising 19,685,590 Shares to US$240,614,044.75 comprising
      16,206,365 Shares, representing a reduction of the total number of issued Shares by
      approximately 17.67%.

      The Selective Capital Reduction will be effected by:

      (a)     cancelling the amount of US$49,578,956.25 constituting the part of the total paid-up
              share capital of the Company held by the Participating Shareholders; and

      (b)     cancelling the 3,479,225 Participating Shares constituting the part of the total issued
              share capital of the Company held by the Participating Shareholders.

2.4   Cash Distribution

      The aggregate sum of US$49,578,956.25 arising from the Selective Capital Reduction will be
      returned to the Participating Shareholders in cash (the "Aggregate Cash Distribution"), on the
      basis of US$14.25 for each Participating Share held by each Participating Shareholder that is
      cancelled as a result of the Selective Capital Reduction (the "Cash Distribution per Share").

2.5   Funds for the Selective Capital Reduction

      The Selective Capital Reduction will be funded from existing cash and cash equivalents of the

2.6   Selective Capital Reduction conditional

      The Selective Capital Reduction will be conditional on the satisfaction of the conditions set out
      in paragraph 3 below.


      The Selective Capital Reduction will be conditional upon the following (the "Conditions"):

      Requirements under the Companies Act

      (a)     obtaining Shareholders' approval by way of a special resolution at an extraordinary
              general meeting of the Company to be convened to approve the Selective Capital
              Reduction pursuant to section 78G of the Companies Act;

      (b)     the grant of the order of the High Court of the Republic of Singapore ("Court") approving
              the Selective Capital Reduction (the "Court Order"), and such Court Order having
              become final;

      (c)     the lodgment of the Court Order (and such other documents as prescribed by section

               78I(3) of the Companies Act) with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
               of Singapore ("ACRA") within 90 days beginning with the date the Court Order is made,
               or within such longer period as ACRA may allow;

      South African regulatory approvals

       (d)     receipt of the approval of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (the "JSE") for the
               corporate action timetable and the circular to Shareholders in relation to the Selective
               Capital Reduction (the "Circular"); and

       (e)     receipt of the approval of the Financial Surveillance Department of the South African
               Reserve Bank ("SARB") for the release of the Circular.


4.1    Information on TMI

       TMI was registered in Guernsey under the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008 on 31 March
       2021. TMI's registration number is 69031 and it is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services
       Commission as a registered closed-ended collective investment scheme pursuant to the
       Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020, the Registered Collective Investment
       Scheme Rules 2021 and the Prospectus Rules 2021. TMI's ordinary shares were admitted to
       the premium listing segment of the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and began trading on
       the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on 27 May 2021.

       TMI specialises in the acquisition and chartering of vessels in the handysize and
       supramax/ultramax bulk carrier segments of the global shipping sector. TMI invests in a
       diversified portfolio of vessels which are primarily second-hand. The current portfolio numbers
       19 vessels in the geared dry bulk segment. The ships are employed utilising a variety of
       employment/charter strategies.

       Share capital

       As at the Announcement Date, TMI has an issued and fully paid share capital of
       US$333,479,334 comprising 330,215,878 ordinary shares.

       Board of directors of TMI

       As at the Announcement Date, the directors of TMI are Edward David Christopher Buttery ("Ed
       Buttery"), Christopher Richard Buttery, Sandra Platts, Charles Maltby, Trudi Clark, Francis
       Dunne and Henry Clavering Tollemache Strutt.

4.2    Information on GF

       GF is wholly-owned subsidiary of TMI which is incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall
       Islands. GF's principal business is to hold investments on behalf of TMI and its subsidiaries and
       affiliates. GF currently holds TMI's existing investment in the Company.

       As at the Announcement Date, GF has an issued and paid-up share capital of US$1 divided
       into 1 ordinary share.

       As at the Announcement Date, the corporate director of GF is TMI Director 1 Limited. The
       directors of TMI Director 1 Limited are Trudi Clark, Alexander Slee, and Sandra Platts.


5.1   Opportunity for Participating Shareholders to realise investment

      The Selective Capital Reduction is an internal corporate exercise that is proposed by the
      Company for the Participating Shareholders to have an opportunity to fully exit their investment
      in the Shares in return for cash. The Selective Capital Reduction would enable the Company to
      return the aggregate sum of US$49,578,956.25 in cash to the Participating Shareholders in
      respect of the cancellation of the Participating Shares held by them.

5.2   Certainty of a premium

      The Selective Capital Reduction provides an immediate and certain exit opportunity for
      Shareholders at an attractive premium to the Company's share price, without incurring
      brokerage and other costs. The Cash Distribution of US$14.25 per Share represents the
      following premia over:

      (a)       the last traded price per Share as quoted on the NASDAQ and the JSE respectively on
                28 March 2024, being the last practicable full day of trading in the Shares on the
                NASDAQ and the JSE, preceding the Announcement Date (the "Last Trading Day");

      (b)       the volume-weighted average price ("VWAP") per Share as transacted on the NASDAQ
                and the JSE respectively for the 30-day, 60-day, 90-day and 180-day periods
                respectively prior to the Last Trading Day.


                                                                                      Premium of Cash
                                Description                      Share price (1)   Distribution of US$14.25
                                                                                      over Share price (2)

       1.      Last traded price per Share on 28 March               US$10.35              37.7%
               2024, being the Last Trading Day

       2.      VWAP for the 30-day period prior to the               US$9.53               49.5%
               Last Trading Day

       3.      VWAP for the 60-day period prior to the               US$9.31               53.1%
               Last Trading Day

       4.      VWAP for the 90-day period prior to the               US$9.35               52.4%
               Last Trading Day

       5.      VWAP for the 180-day period prior to the              US$9.09               56.8%
               Last Trading Day

      (1) The Company's share price quoted on the NASDAQ based on data extracted from Bloomberg L.P. as at
            the Last Trading Day, rounded to the nearest two decimal places.

      (2) The percentage figures are rounded to the nearest one decimal place.


                                                                                              Premium of
                    Description           Share Price (1)      Exchange           USD
                                                                                              of US$14.25
                                                                  rate          converted
                                                                                              over Share
                                                              (USD/ZAR) (2)    share price
                                                                                   (3)          Price (4)

     1.      Last traded price per
             Share on 28 March                ZAR
                                                                    18.94      US$10.56          34.9%
             2024, being the Last            200.00
             Trading Day
     2.      VWAP for the 30-day              ZAR                   18.94       US$9.20          54.8%
             period prior to the Last        174.32
             Trading Day
     3.      VWAP for the 60-day              ZAR                   18.94       US$9.36          52.2%
             period prior to the Last        177.30
             Trading Day
     4.      VWAP for the 90-day              ZAR                   18.94       US$9.36          52.3%
             period prior to the Last        177.22
             Trading Day
     5.      VWAP for the 180-day             ZAR                   18.94       US$9.17          55.4%
             period prior to the Last        173.72
             Trading Day

    (1) The Company's share price quoted on the JSE based on data extracted from Bloomberg L.P. as at the Last
          Trading Day, rounded to the nearest two decimal places.

    (2) The rate extracted from Bloomberg L.P. as at the Last Trading Day, rounded to the nearest two decimal

    (3) The ZAR price converted to USD at the rate extracted from Bloomberg L.P. as at the Last Trading Day,
          rounded to the nearest two decimal places.

    (4) The percentage figures are rounded to the nearest one decimal place.


    ZICO Capital Pte. Ltd., as financial adviser to the Company in connection with the Selective
    Capital Reduction (the "Financial Advisor"), confirms that sufficient financial resources are
    available to the Company to fund the Aggregate Cash Distribution pursuant to the Selective
    Capital Reduction.


    The Securities Industry Council (the "SIC") has exempted the Selective Capital Reduction from
    certain provisions of the Code, including Rules 14, 15, 16, 17, 20.1, 21, 22, 28, 29 and 33.2 and
    Note 1(b) on Rule 19 of the Code, subject to the following conditions:

    (a)        the Non-Participating Shareholders and their concert parties will abstain and not vote
               on the special resolution relating to the Selective Capital Reduction at the EGM to be
               convened for the purposes of approving the Selective Capital Reduction;

        (b)    the directors of the Company who are also directors of the Non-Participating
               Shareholders, or who are acting in concert with the Non-Participating Shareholders and
               their concert parties, will abstain from making a recommendation to the Participating
               Shareholders on the Selective Capital Reduction; and

        (c)    the Company appoints an independent financial adviser to advise the Participating
               Shareholders on the Selective Capital Reduction.


8.1     Non-Participating Shareholders and their concert parties

8.1.1   As at the Announcement Date, the Non-Participating Shareholders and parties acting in concert
        with them own or control in aggregate 16,419,947 Shares, representing approximately 83.41%
        of all the Shares, details of which are set out in the Appendix.

8.1.2   Save as disclosed in this Announcement (in particular the Appendix), and based on the latest
        information available to the Non-Participating Shareholders, neither the Non-Participating
        Shareholders nor parties acting in concert with them:

        (a)    owns, controls or has agreed to acquire any:

               (i)     Shares;

               (ii)    securities which carry voting rights in the Company; and

               (iii)   convertible securities, warrants, options or derivatives in respect of such
                       Shares or securities which carry voting rights in the Company,

               (collectively, the "Company Securities");

        (b)    has received any irrevocable undertakings from any party to vote in favour of the
               Selective Capital Reduction;

        (c)    has dealt for value in any Company Securities during the period commencing three
               months preceding the Announcement Date;

        (d)    has entered into any arrangement (whether by way of option, indemnity or otherwise)
               in relation to the Shares which might be material to the Selective Capital Reduction; or

        (e)    has in respect of the Company Securities:

               (i)     granted a security interest over any Company Securities to another person,
                       whether through a charge, pledge or otherwise;

               (ii)    borrowed from another person any Company Securities (excluding borrowed
                       Company Securities which have been on-lent or sold); or

               (iii)   lent any Company Securities to another person.

8.2     Directors of the Company

        As at the Announcement Date, none of the directors of the Company: (a) has any direct or
        deemed interests in the Company Securities, or (b) has dealt for value in any Company
        Securities during the three-month period immediately preceding the Announcement Date.

8.3     Financial Advisor

        As at the Announcement Date, none of the Financial Advisor, its related corporations or any
        funds whose investments are managed by the Financial Advisor on a discretionary basis (a)
        owns or controls any Company Securities; or (b) has dealt for value in any Company Securities
        during the three-month period immediately preceding the Announcement Date.

8.4     IFA

        As at the Announcement Date, none of the IFA (as defined below), its related corporations or
        any funds whose investments are managed by the IFA on a discretionary basis (a) owns or
        controls any Company Securities; or (b) has dealt for value in any Company Securities during
        the three-month period immediately preceding the Announcement Date.


        None of the Non-Participating Shareholders, their concert parties, and/or the Company has
        received any irrevocable undertaking from any Shareholder to vote in favour of the Selective
        Capital Reduction.


        Shareholders' approval is being sought for the Selective Capital Reduction in accordance with
        the provisions of the Companies Act. Pursuant to section 78G of the Companies Act, the
        Selective Capital Reduction requires:

        (a)      a special resolution2 to be passed by the Shareholders approving the Selective Capital
                 Reduction; and

        (b)      the approval and confirmation by the Court of the Selective Capital Reduction.

        Upon the Court Order being made and having become final, the Selective Capital Reduction
        will take effect upon the lodgement of a copy of the Court Order, together with the other
        documents as prescribed under the Companies Act, with ACRA within 90 days beginning from
        the date the Court Order is made, or within such longer period as ACRA may allow.


11.1    Appointment of IFA

        In connection with the Selective Capital Reduction, the Board wishes to announce that CEL
        Investment Corporate Finance Pte. Ltd. has been appointed as the independent financial
        adviser (the "IFA") to advise the directors of the Company who are considered independent for
        the purposes of the Selective Capital Reduction (the "Independent Directors").

11.2    Fairness opinion by IFA

        The IFA will be providing, in the Circular, a fairness opinion addressed to the Independent
        Directors, on the financial terms of the Selective Capital Reduction to the Participating
 A special resolution requires the approval of at least 75 per cent. of all Shares voted by Shareholders present
and voting at the EGM.


       The Circular setting out the relevant information relating to the Selective Capital Reduction and
       containing the advice of the IFA and the recommendation of the Independent Directors, together
       with the notice of the EGM (the "Notice") to be convened to seek the approval of the
       Shareholders for the Selective Capital Reduction, will be despatched to Shareholders in due
       course. The Circular will contain the information required to be included under Rule 13e-3 of
       the SEC promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act") and
       will be filed with the SEC as an exhibit to a Transaction Statement on Schedule 13e-3 of the
       SEC. A copy of the Circular and the Notice will also be made available by the Company to
       Shareholders through the SENS electronic platform of the JSE, the electronic platform of the
       NASDAQ, and on the Company's website at Please refer to the
       Company's website for further announcements in relation to the Selective Capital Reduction.


13.1   Non-Participating Shareholders and their concert parties

       The Non-Participating Shareholders and their concert parties will abstain and not vote on the
       special resolution relating to the Selective Capital Reduction at the EGM to be convened for the
       purposes of approving the Selective Capital Reduction. In this regard:

       (a)     Taylor Maritime Group Limited ("TMG"), a company incorporated in the Republic of the
               Marshall Islands, is acting in concert or presumed to be acting in concert with the Non-
               Participating Shareholders; and

       (b)     Temeraire Holding (MI) Limited ("Temeraire"), a company incorporated in the Republic
               of the Marshall Islands, is acting in concert or presumed to be acting in concert with the
               Non-Participating Shareholders.

       Accordingly, Non-Participating Shareholders that hold Shares, TMG, and Temeraire, will
       abstain and not vote on the special resolution relating to the Selective Capital Reduction at the
       EGM to be convened for the purposes of approving the Selective Capital Reduction. For the
       avoidance of doubt, TMG and Temeraire are not prohibited from participating in the Selective
       Capital Reduction, although they will abstain from voting on the aforementioned special

13.2   Abstaining directors

       The directors of the Company who are also directors of the Non-Participating Shareholders, or
       who are acting in concert with the Non-Participating Shareholders and their concert parties, will
       abstain from making a recommendation to the Participating Shareholders on the Selective
       Capital Reduction.


14.1   Nasdaq

       If the Selective Capital Reduction becomes effective, all the Shares will be owned by GF. The
       Company will be delisted from NASDAQ. Upon the Selective Capital Reduction becoming
       effective, the Company intends to as soon as practicable voluntarily delist the Shares from
       NASDAQ and will issue an announcement of the delisting of the Shares on NASDAQ.

14.2   JSE
14.2.1 If the Selective Capital Reduction becomes effective, all the Shares will be owned by GF. In
       that event, it is expected that the JSE will initiate the removal of the Shares from the list
       maintained by the JSE of securities admitted to listing (the "List"). The approval of the SARB
       to such a delisting has already been obtained.

14.2.2 It is anticipated that the removal of the Shares from the List will take effect within 30 JSE
       business days3 after the publication by the Company of an announcement that the Selective
       Capital Reduction has become effective.

14.3       Implications of delisting

           Delisting of the Shares from NASDAQ and the cancellation of the listing on the List maintained
           by the JSE would significantly reduce the liquidity and marketability of the Shares. Delisting of
           the Shares from the JSE would significantly reduce the liquidity and marketability of the Shares
           held on the South African register.


15.1       Board of the Company. The directors of the Company (including any who may have delegated
           detailed supervision of this Announcement) have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the
           facts stated and all opinions expressed in this Announcement (other than paragraphs 4 and 8.1
           above and the Appendix to this Announcement for which the TMI Board and/or the GF Board
           have taken responsibility, and all other facts relating to, and opinions expressed by, TMI and/or
           GF) are fair and accurate and that no material facts have been omitted from this Announcement,
           and they jointly and severally accept responsibility accordingly. Where any information in this
           Announcement has been extracted or reproduced from published or publicly available sources
           (other than paragraphs 4 and 8.1 above and the Appendix to this Announcement for which the
           TMI Board and/or the GF Board have taken responsibility, and all other facts relating to, and
           opinions expressed by, TMI and/or GF), the sole responsibility of the Board has been to ensure,
           through reasonable enquiries, that such information is accurately and correctly extracted from
           such sources or, as the case may be, reflected or reproduced in this Announcement.

15.2       TMI Board. The directors of TMI (including any who may have delegated detailed supervision of
           this Announcement) (the "TMI Board") have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts
           stated and all opinions expressed in paragraphs 4, 8.1, and 13.1 above and the Appendix to
           this Announcement (other than all facts relating to, and opinions expressed by, the Company and
           the Financial Advisor) are fair and accurate and that no material facts have been omitted from this
           Announcement, and they jointly and severally accept responsibility accordingly. Where any
           information in paragraphs 4, 8.1, or 13.1 above or the Appendix to this Announcement has been
           extracted or reproduced from published or publicly available sources (other than all facts relating
           to, and opinions expressed by, the Company and the Financial Advisor), the sole responsibility of
           the TMI Board has been to ensure, through reasonable enquiries, that such information is
           accurately extracted from such sources or, as the case may be, reflected or reproduced in
           paragraphs 4, 8.1, and 13.1 above and the Appendix to this Announcement.

15.3       GF Board. The directors of GF (including any who may have delegated detailed supervision of
           this Announcement) (the "GF Board") have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts
           stated and all opinions expressed in paragraphs 4, 8.1, and 13.1 above and the Appendix to
           this Announcement (other than all facts relating to, and opinions expressed by, the Company and
           the Financial Advisor) are fair and accurate and that no material facts have been omitted from this
           Announcement, and they jointly and severally accept responsibility accordingly. Where any
           information in paragraphs 4, 8.1, or 13.1 above or the Appendix to this Announcement has been
           extracted or reproduced from published or publicly available sources (other than all facts relating

    "JSE business days" being any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or any other day on which the JSE is closed.

       to, and opinions expressed by, the Company and the Financial Advisor), the sole responsibility of
       the GF Board has been to ensure, through reasonable enquiries, that such information is
       accurately extracted from such sources or, as the case may be, reflected or reproduced in
       paragraphs 4, 8.1, and 13.1 above and the Appendix to this Announcement.

Company Contact:                                   Investor Relations:
Edward Buttery                                     Email:
Grindrod Shipping Holdings Ltd.
1 Temasek Avenue, #10-02 Millenia Tower,
Singapore, 039192

By Order of the Board
5 April 2024
Sponsor: Grindrod Bank Limited



Based on the latest information available to the Non-Participating Shareholders and responses
received pursuant to enquiries made by the Non-Participating Shareholders, the holdings of
Company Securities of the Non-Participating Shareholders and the following persons who are
acting in concert with them as at the Announcement Date, are set out below:

        Name                        Direct Interest                            Total Interest

                        No. of Shares                 %(1)          No. of Shares               %(1)

         TMI                    0                   0.00            16,206,365 (2)           82.33(2)

           GF             16,206,365               82.33             16,206,365               82.33

        TMG                 138,828                 0.71               138,828                  0.71

     Temeraire               74,754                 0.38                74,754                  0.38

        TOTAL             16,419,947               83.41             16,419,947               83.41


(1) Calculated based on 19,685,590 Shares in issue. The percentage figures are rounded to the nearest two
    decimal places.

(2) TMI is deemed to have an interest in the Shares held by GF, given that GF is a wholly-owned subsidiary of


Date: 05-04-2024 08:00:00
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