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NEDBANK GROUP LIMITED - Results of Annual General Meeting

Release Date: 31/05/2024 15:00
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Results of Annual General Meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration number: 1966/010630/06
JSE share code: NED
NSX share code: NBK
A2X share code: NED
ISIN: ZAE000004875
JSE alpha code: NEDI
("Nedbank Group" or "the Group" or the "company")


Shareholders are advised that the voting results for the annual general meeting ("AGM") of Nedbank Group, held as a
hybrid meeting on Friday, 31 May 2024 were as follows:

  Resolution                                   Number of     Percentage         For**    Against**     Abstained
                                         ordinary shares    of ordinary             %            %           ***
                                                   voted      shares in                                        %
Ordinary Resolution 1.1: Election
of Mr J Quinn                                372 593 894         76.33%       100.00%        0.00%         0.41%

Ordinary Resolution 1.2: Election
of Dr TM Nombembe, who was
appointed as a director of the
company after the last AGM of
shareholders                                 372 591 182         76.33%        99.99%        0.01%         0.41%

Ordinary Resolution 2.1: Re-
election of Mr BA Dames, who is
retiring by rotation, as a director          372 483 610         76.31%        96.50%        3.50%         0.42%

Ordinary Resolution 2.2: Re-
election of Mrs NP Dongwana,
who is retiring by rotation, as a
director                                     372 518 612         76.32%        99.99%        0.01%         0.42%

Ordinary Resolution 2.3: Re-
election of Mr MC Nkuhlu, who is
retiring by rotation, as a director          372 562 247         76.33%        99.99%        0.01%         0.41%

Ordinary Resolution 3.1:
Reappointment of Ernst & Young
as external auditor                          374 456 403         76.72%        99.71%        0.29%         0.03%

Ordinary Resolution 3.2:
Appointment of KPMG Inc as
external auditor                             374 431 033         76.71%        99.88%        0.12%         0.03%

Ordinary Resolution 4.1: Election
of Mr S Subramoney as a member
of the Nedbank Group Audit
Committee                                    373 487 997         76.52%        98.97%        1.03%         0.22%

Ordinary Resolution 4.2: Election
of Mr HR Brody as a member of
the Nedbank Group Audit
Committee                                    373 488 028         76.52%        97.97%        2.03%         0.22%

Ordinary Resolution 4.3: Election
of Mrs NP Dongwana as a
member of the Nedbank Group
Audit Committee                              373 488 017         76.52%        99.99%        0.01%         0.22%

Ordinary Resolution 4.4: Election
of Mr EM Kruger as a member of
the Nedbank Group Audit
Committee                                    373 475 354         76.52%        99.19%        0.81%         0.23%

Ordinary Resolution 4.5: Election
of Ms P Langeni as a member of
the Nedbank Group Audit
Committee                                    373 471 190         76.51%        89.96%       10.04%         0.29%

Ordinary Resolution 4.6: Election
of Dr TM Nombembe as a
member of the Nedbank Group
Audit Committee                              373 504 090         76.52%        99.98%        0.02%         0.22%

Ordinary Resolution 5: Placing the
authorised but unissued ordinary
shares under the control of the
directors                                    374 430 272         76.71%        97.64%        2.36%         0.02%

Ordinary Resolution 6: Placing the
authorised but unissued
cumulative redeemable, non-
participating, preference shares
under the control of the directors           374 290 612         76.68%        97.05%        2.95%         0.05%

Advisory Endorsement 7.1:
Advisory endorsement on a non-
binding basis of the Nedbank
Group Remuneration Policy                    372 544 867         76.32%        90.61%        9.39%         0.42%

Advisory Endorsement 7.2:
Advisory endorsement on a non-
binding basis of the Nedbank
Group Remuneration
Implementation Report                        372 054 462         76.22%        92.78%        7.22%         0.51%

Special Resolution 1.1:
Remuneration of the non-
executive directors: Group
Chairperson (all-inclusive fee)              373 436 281         76.51%        99.67%        0.33%         0.23%

Special Resolution 1.2:
Remuneration of the non-
executive directors: Lead
Independent Director (additional
40%)                                         373 421 787         76.50%        99.30%        0.70%         0.24%

Special Resolution 1.3:
Remuneration of the non-
executive directors: Nedbank
Group board member                           373 431 849         76.51%        99.32%        0.68%         0.23%

Special Resolution 1.4: Committee
members' fees: Nedbank Group
Audit Committee                              373 428 282         76.51%        99.96%        0.04%         0.24%

Special Resolution 1.5: Committee
members' fees: Nedbank Group
Credit Committee                             373 428 839         76.51%        99.96%        0.04%         0.24%

Special Resolution 1.6: Committee
members' fees: Nedbank Group
Directors' Affairs Committee                 373 428 400         76.51%        99.96%        0.04%         0.24%

Special Resolution 1.7: Committee
members' fees: Nedbank Group                 373 417 618         76.50%        99.70%        0.30%         0.24%
Information Technology

Special Resolution 1.8: Committee
members' fees: Nedbank Group
Remuneration Committee                        373 416 614         76.50%        99.71%       0.29%         0.24%

Special Resolution 1.9: Committee
members' fees: Nedbank Group
Risk and Capital Management
Committee                                     373 423 132         76.50%        99.96%       0.04%         0.24%

Special Resolution 1.10:
Committee members' fees:
Nedbank Group Transformation,
Social and Ethics Committee                   373 425 138         76.50%        99.71%       0.29%         0.24%

Special Resolution 1.11:
Committee members' fees:
Nedbank Group Sustainability and
Climate Resilience Committee                  373 319 735         76.48%        99.96%       0.04%         0.24%

Special Resolution 1.12:
Committee members' fees: Ad hoc
meeting fee                                   373 416 183         76.50%        98.60%       1.40%         0.24%

Special Resolution 2.1:
Remuneration of non-executive
director appointed as Acting
Group Chairperson                             373 425 255         76.50%        98.88%       1.12%         0.24%

Special Resolution 2.2:
Remuneration of non-executive
director appointed as Acting Lead
Independent Director                          373 425 276         76.50%        99.96%       0.04%         0.24%

Special Resolution 2.3:
Remuneration of non-executive
director appointed as Acting Board
Committee Chairperson                         373 428 989         76.51%        99.96%       0.04%         0.24%

Special Resolution 3: General
authority to repurchase ordinary
shares                                        373 515 810         76.52%        99.96%       0.04%         0.22%

Special Resolution 4: General
authority to provide financial
assistance to related and
interrelated companies                        374 473 333         76.72%        99.31%       0.69%         0.02%

Special Resolution 5.1: Increase
in authorised A preference shares             374 357 227         76.70%        98.38%       1.62%         0.04%

Special Resolution 5.2: Reduction
of par value of the A preference
shares                                        374 965 556         76.82%        99.79%       0.21%         0.03%

Special Resolution 6: Amendments
to the MOI and terms of the A non-
redeemable, non-cumulative,
perpetual preference shares                   374 968 005         76.82%        99.19%       0.81%         0.03%

Ordinary Resolution 7: Placing the
authorised but unissued A non-
redeemable, non-cumulative, non-
participating, perpetual preference           373 936 025         76.61%        97.48%       2.52%         0.72%
shares under the control of the

*       Based on 488 105 724 shares in issue at the date of the AGM.
**      In relation to the total number of shares voted at the AGM.
***     In relation to the total number of shares in issue at the date of the AGM.

Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of Nedbank Group shareholders
present or represented by proxy at the AGM.

31 May 2024

Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited
Merrill Lynch South Africa (Pty) Limited

Sponsor to Nedbank Group in Namibia:
Old Mutual Investment Services (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd

Date: 31-05-2024 03:00:00
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