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SENTINEL FINCO (RF) LIMITED - Sentinel Finco - Disqualification of Auditor

Release Date: 14/02/2025 17:00
Code(s): STF002 STF001     PDF:  
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Sentinel Finco - Disqualification of Auditor

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration No. 2020/178948/06)
Company Code: SNFI
("Sentinel Finco" or the "Issuer)

Disqualification of Auditor

In compliance with paragraph 6.15 of the JSE Limited ("JSE") Debt & Specialist Securities
Listings Requirements, Sentinel Finco (RF) Limited ("the Issuer") wishes to advise the
noteholders that the Issuer received an even-dated notification from Moore Stellenbosch Inc. at
the Audit Committee meeting of the Issuer, stating that Moore Stellenbosch Inc. is no longer
permitted by its regulator to perform the services required of the auditor of the Issuer, and
therefore cannot continue as the duly appointed auditor of the Issuer. The services of Moore
Stellenbosch, Inc to the Issuer are therefore terminated effective 14 February 2024.

The regulatory disqualification relates to recent changes in the treatment of network firms by the
Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors ("IRBA"), which no longer regards Moore South Africa
as a single firm. Moore Stellenbosch Inc, considered separately and independent of the Moore
South Africa network, does not meet the regulatory requirements to conduct the audit of the

The Issuer wishes to thank the auditor for its services to this point.

A further announcement will follow regarding the appointment of a new auditor by the Issuer.

14 February 2025

Debt Sponsor
Absa Corporate and Investment Bank, a division of Absa Bank Limited

Date: 14-02-2025 05:00:00
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