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ATTACQ LIMITED - Results of annual general meeting

Release Date: 14/11/2024 17:40
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Results of annual general meeting

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1997/000543/06)
JSE share code: ATT ISIN: ZAE000177218
(Approved as a REIT by the JSE)
("Attacq" or "the company")


Shareholders are advised that at the annual general meeting of shareholders held on Thursday, 14 November 2024 (in
terms of the notice dispatched on 15 October 2024) all the resolutions tabled thereat were passed by the requisite 
majority of shareholders.

Details of the results of voting at the annual general meeting are as follows:

- total number of shares in issue as at the date of the annual general meeting: 746 198 337
- total number of shares that could have been voted at the annual general meeting, excluding 46 427 553 treasury
  shares: 699 770 784
- total number of shares that were present/represented at the annual general meeting: 577 703 291 being 82.56% of 
  the total number of shares that could have been voted at the annual general meeting.

Ordinary resolution number 1: Confirmation of re-appointment of external auditors

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 291, being 77.42%      577 690 791, being 99.999%      3 500, being 0.001%            9 000, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 2: Not filling a vacancy created by the pending retirement of S Shaw-Taylor

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      577 690 535, being 99.999%      3 500, being 0.001%            9 256, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 3: Re-election of retiring director – Ms IN Mkhari

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 291, being 77.42%      577 637 944, being 99.99%       56 347, being 0.01%            9 000, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 4: Re-election of retiring director – Mr JHP van der Merwe

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 291, being 77.42%      469 902 389, being 81.34%       107 791 902, being 18.66%      9 000, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 5.1: Re-appointment of Mr AE Swiegers as member and chairperson of the audit and risk

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 683 149, being 77.42%      577 489 140, being 99.97%       194 009, being 0.03%           20 142, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 5.2: The re-appointment of Ms HR El Haimer as member of the audit and risk committee

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 683 149, being 77.42%      411 254 708, being 71.19%       166 428 441, being 28.81%      20 142, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 5.3: The appointment of Ms FFT De Buck as member of the audit and risk committee

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 291, being 77.42%      577 679 088, being 99.997%      15 203, being 0.003%           9 000, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 6: General authority to place unissued shares under the control of the directors

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 291, being 77.42%      561 676 885, being 97.23%       16 017 406, being 2.77%        9 000, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 7: General authority to issue equity securities for cash

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      559 748 899, being 96.89%       17 945 136, being 3.11%        9 256, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 8: Specific authority to issue shares pursuant to a reinvestment option

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      565 483 131, being 97.89%       12 210 904, being 2.11%        9 256, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 9: Authorisation to sign documents giving effect to approved resolutions

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      577 690 535, being 99.999%      3 500, being 0.001%            9 256, being 0.001%

Ordinary resolution number 10.1: Non-binding advisory vote to support the remuneration policy

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 682 893, being 77.42%      499 952 500, being 86.54%       77 730 393, being 13.46%       20 398, being 0.003%

Ordinary resolution number 10.2: Non-binding advisory vote to support the remuneration implementation report

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 682 893, being 77.42%      547 040 495, being 94.70%       30 642 398, being 5.30%        20 398, being 0.003%

Special resolution number 1: Approval of non-executive directors' fees 2024/2025

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      527 470 954, being 91.31%       50 223 081, being 8.69%        9 256, being 0.001%

Special resolution number 2.1: Financial assistance in terms of section 44 of the Companies Act

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      577 277 358, being 99.93%       416 677, being 0.07%           9 256, being 0.001%

Special resolution number 2.2: Financial assistance in terms of section 45 of the Companies Act

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      577 690 535, being 99.999%      3 500, being 0.001%            9 256, being 0.001%

Special resolution number 3: Allotment and issue of shares to employees of Attacq under the Attacq long-term
incentive plan

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      537 191 008, being 92.99%       40 503 027, being 7.01%        9 256, being 0.001%

Special resolution number 4: General authority for an acquisition of shares issued by the company

Shares voted*                  For                             Against                        Abstentions^
577 694 035, being 77.42%      577 689 535, being 99.999%      4 500, being 0.001%            9 256, being 0.001%

* shares voted (excluding abstentions) in relation to the total shares in issue
^ in relation to the total shares in issue

14 November 2024

Equity sponsor
Java Capital

Date: 14-11-2024 05:40:00
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