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TRUSTCO GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED - Meya Mining Announces NI 43-101 Technical Report For The Meya Diamond Mine Project (Technical Report)

Release Date: 02/09/2024 16:25
Code(s): TTO     PDF:  
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Meya Mining Announces NI 43-101 Technical Report For The Meya Diamond Mine Project (‘Technical Report’)

Incorporated in the Republic of Namibia
(Registration number 2003/058)
Registered as an external company in South Africa
(External registration number 2009/002634/10)
JSE share code: TTO
NSX share code: TUC
OTCQX share code: TSCHY
ISIN Number: NA000A0RF067
("Trustco" or "Company")


1.     Trustco Shareholders ("shareholders") are referred to the announcement published
       on SENS dated 5 June 2024 relating to Meya Mining, located within the eastern
       province of Sierra Leone, in which Trustco Group Holdings Ltd ("Trustco") mining
       portfolio holds a 19.5% interest.

2.     In the announcement, shareholders were informed about the Resource Estimate,
       which was prepared by Z Star Mineral Resource Consultants, Qualified Competent
       Persons as defined by the SAMREC reporting code, for the Meya River kimberlite
       domain (Meya River) only.

3.     Subsequently, Meya Mining has released the "NI 43-101 Technical Report for the
       Meya Diamond Mine Project, Sierra Leone" dated 27 August 2024 with an effective
       date of 19 August 2024 (the "Technical Report"). The Technical Report was
       prepared at a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) level and will be referred to
       as the "Technical Report" or "PEA" hereinafter. This report will be submitted to the
       Readers Panel of the JSE for review in terms of paragraph 12.4 of the Listings

4.      In accordance with paragraph 12.12(a)(i) of the Listings Requirements, Sean
        Duggan, Pri.Sci.Nat., M.Sc., Principal Mineral Resource Analyst and Director of Z
        Star Mineral Resource Consultants, has authored Section 14, as well as relevant
        content in Sections 1, 25, 26 of the Technical Report as a Qualified Person and has
        reviewed the inclusion of the summary of the report in this announcement. The
        technical report was authored in accordance with the NI 43-101 reporting code of
        the Technical Report as a Qualified Person. Mr Duggan has approved the Resource
        Estimate and its inclusion in this announcement, confirming the estimate is in
        accordance with the SAMREC reporting code.

5.      Casey Hetman, P. Geo., M.Sc., corporate consultant/practice leader of the mining
        and geology SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. in Vancouver, has authored Sections 4,
        5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, as well as relevant content in Sections 1, 25, 26 of
        the Technical Report as a Qualified Person and has reviewed the inclusion of the
        summary of the report in this announcement. The Technical Report was authored
        in accordance with the NI 43-101 reporting code.

6.      Jarek Jakubec, C.Eng., FIMMM, M.Sc., corporate consultant/practice leader of the
        mining and geology SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. in Vancouver, has authored
        Sections 3, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21.1.1, 21.2.1, 22, as well as relevant content in Sections
        1, 25, 26 of the Technical Report as a Qualified Person and has reviewed the
        inclusion of the summary of the report in this announcement. The Technical Report
        was authored in accordance with the NI 43-101 reporting code.

7.      The Technical Report presents the results of a PEA Report for the Meya Mine
        project, focused on the underground development of the Meya River kimberlite dyke
        zone. The PEA is based on a diamond resource estimate by Z Star Mineral
        Resource Consultants, as mentioned in the aforementioned SENS announcement,
        which still applies (5 June 2024).

8.      The PEA study evaluates the potential viability for underground mining of the Meya
        River domain using the Long Hole Open Stoping (LHOS) method and applying
        Tomra sorting technology to eliminate run of mine waste rock from the diamond
        bearing kimberlite prior to treating the material through a dense media separation
        (DMS) plant. The process plant includes a series of Tomra XRT units to recover
        large diamonds, as the Meya Project has proved to be a large stone producer.

9.      The PEA resulting economic analysis indicates the potential for positive returns of
        post-tax net present value (NPV) of $US95.1M discounted at 10% over seven years
        life of mine.

10.     It is important to note that this technical report only covers a 1.3 km strike length
        portion of the Meya River domain, which has a strike length of 2.8 km down to 800m
        below the surface. Thus, less than 3% of the intrinsic geo-economic potential within
        the license area, considering that at least 16 more domains need to be evaluated in
        the coming years. Meya Mining intends to continue the resource development
        campaign on the remaining domains, with the aim to add additional resource on an
        annual basis over the remaining 20 year license period. The Meya River domain
        provides a solid cornerstone from which the mine will continue to expand. The mine
        is expected to reach steady state commercial production during the forthcoming
        financial year.

The NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Meya Diamond Mine Project, Sierra Leone dated
27 August 2024 with an effective date of 19 August 2024 is available at the Company's
website at

Windhoek, Namibia,
2 September 2024

Komada Holdings (Pty) Ltd
Company Secretary and Investor Relations Services to Trustco Group
Holdings Limited

JSE Sponsor
Vunani Sponsors

NSX Sponsor
Simonis Storm Securities Proprietary Limited – Windhoek

OTCQX Sponsor
J.P Galda & Co – New York

Date: 02-09-2024 04:25:00
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