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AVENG LIMITED - Dealings in securities by directors and prescribed officers

Release Date: 27/09/2023 16:45
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Dealings in securities by directors and prescribed officers

Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
(Registration number: 1944/018119/06)
ISIN: ZAE000302618
("Aveng" or "the Company")


Shareholders are referred to the SENS announcement dated 13 September 2023 on the vesting and settlement
of Management Incentive Plan 2021 (“MIP”) shares. MIP participants were awarded shares and the South African
MIP participants have elected to dispose of their shares in order to settle their income tax obligations. The sale of
shares to settle the income tax on vested MIP shares is now complete.
In compliance with paragraphs 3.63 to 3.74 of the JSE Limited Listings Requirements (“JSE Listings
Requirements”), shareholders are advised of the following information relating to dealing in securities by directors
and prescribed officers of the Company.
The automatic vesting was at zero cost and subsequent disposal for tax transactions (“sale”), where applicable,
occurred in terms of the MIP. All vesting and deliveries of awards occurred off-market and all disposal transactions
occurred on-market following vesting.
Collectively, all the MIP participants increased their beneficial holding from 3.16% to 4.30%.

Sale of MIP 2021 shares:

Name of director                                  :       Sean Flanagan
Company                                           :       Aveng Limited
Position                                          :       Group Chief Executive Officer
Date of transactions                              :       20 – 26 September 2023
Nature of transaction                             :       On-market sale of shares to complete the settlement of
                                                          income tax on vested MIP shares
Number of shares sold                             :       125 618 shares
Weighted average selling price of sale            :       R6,50
Value of sale transaction                         :       R816 517
Lowest price per security                         :       R6,50
Highest price per security                        :       R6,50
Nature of interest                                :       Direct beneficial
Following the vesting and sale of shares to settle the income tax, Mr Flanagan’s beneficial holding is now 1.28%.

Name of director                                  :       Adrian Macartney
Company                                           :       Aveng Limited
Position                                          :       Group Finance Director and Chief Financial Officer
Date of transactions                              :       20 – 26 September 2023
Nature of transaction                             :       On-market sale of shares to complete the settlement of
                                                          income tax on vested MIP shares
Number of shares sold                             :       125 618 shares
Weighted average selling price of sale            :       R6.50
Value of sale transaction                         :       R816 517
Lowest price per security                         :       R6.50
Highest price per security                        :       R6.50
Nature of interest                                :       Direct beneficial
Following the vesting and sale of shares to settle the income tax, Mr Macartney’s beneficial holding is now

Name of prescribed officer                        :       Liesl Tweedie
Company                                           :       Aveng Limited
Position                                          :       Group Finance Executive
Date of transactions                              :       20 – 26 September 2023
Nature of transaction                             :       On-market sale of shares to complete the settlement of
                                                          income tax on vested MIP shares
Number of shares sold                             :       16 749 shares
Weighted average selling price of sale            :       R6.50
Value of sale transaction                         :       R108 869
Lowest price per security                         :       R6.50
Highest price per security                        :       R6.50
Nature of interest                                :       Direct beneficial
Following the vesting and sale of shares to settle the income tax, Ms Tweedie’s beneficial holding is now 0.17%.

Name of prescribed officer                        :       Reginald Engelbrecht
Company                                           :       Aveng Limited
Position                                          :       Chief Financial Officer of Moolmans
Date of transactions                              :       20 – 26 September 2023
Nature of sale transaction                        :       On-market sale of shares to complete the settlement of
                                                          income tax on vested MIP shares
Number of shares sold                             :       19 793 shares
Weighted average selling price of sale            :       R6.50
Value of the sales transaction                    :       R128 655
Lowest price per security                         :       R6.50
Highest price per security                        :       R6.50
Nature of interest                                :       Direct beneficial
Following the vesting and sale of shares to settle the income tax, Mr Engelbrecht’s beneficial holding is now

The necessary clearance in terms of paragraph 3.66 of the JSE Listings Requirements has been obtained.

27 September 2023
Melrose Arch

JSE Sponsor
Valeo Capital (Pty) Ltd

Edinah Mandizha
Group Company Secretary
Tel: 011 779 2800

Date: 27-09-2023 04:45:00
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