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RMB CIS MANCO (PTY) LIMITED - Distribution announcement - Salient dates - RMBT40

Release Date: 04/03/2014 15:03
Code(s): RMBT40     PDF:  
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Distribution announcement - Salient dates - RMBT40

RMB Top 40 Exchange Traded Fund
(Formerly Bips Top 40)
A portfolio in the RMB Collective Investment Scheme (“the portfolio”) registered in terms of the Collective
Investment Schemes Control Act, 45 of 2002
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Date of incorporation: 15 October 2008)
Share Code: RMBT40
ISIN: ZAE000164521


Notice is hereby given that the following dates are of importance in regard to a possible quarterly
distribution by RMB Top 40 to holders of RMB Top 40 Securities.

Announcement of distribution amount
(if any) and payment date will be made by no later than:          Friday, 28 March 2014
Last day to trade "CUM" distribution:                             Friday, 28 March 2014
Securities trade "EX" distribution:                               Monday, 31 March 2014
Record date:                                                      Friday, 04 April 2014

A copy of the ETF issue document can be found at

04 March 2014
Sponsor: Bridge Capital Advisors (Pty) Limited

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