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ACCELERATE PROPERTY FUND LIMITED - Takeover Regulation Panel ruling on the waiver of the requirement to make a mandatory offer

Release Date: 17/05/2024 16:00
Code(s): APF     PDF:  
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Takeover Regulation Panel ruling on the waiver of the requirement to make a mandatory offer

 (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
 Registration Number: 2005/015057/06
 LEI: 378900D514788C447E45
 Share Code: APF ISIN: ZAE000185815
 ("the Company" or "APF")
 (Approved as a REIT by the JSE)


 Shareholders of APF ("Shareholders") are referred to the:
 - circular distributed to them on 12 April 2024 (the "Circular") seeking Shareholder approval of the
   resolutions required to implement a proposed rights offer (the "Rights Offer"); and
 - finalisation announcement and results of general meeting released on SENS on 14 May 2024 (the
   "Finalisation and Results of General Meeting Announcement").

 The Finalisation and Results of General Meeting Announcement advised Shareholders that the
 resolution, contemplated in regulation 86(4) of the Companies Regulations, pertaining to the
 waiver of Shareholders' entitlement to a mandatory offer was approved by the requisite majority
 of independent Shareholders ("Waiver of Mandatory Offer Resolution").

 Following Shareholder approval of the Waiver of Mandatory Offer Resolution, an application was
 made to the TRP for an exemption from the obligation to make a mandatory offer to the
 Shareholders ("TRP Waiver Ruling").

 Shareholders are advised that the TRP has granted the TRP Waiver Ruling. The reasons for granting
 the TRP Waiver Ruling are available from APF on request by any Shareholder

 Shareholders are also advised that they may request the Takeover Special Committee to review
 the TRP Waiver Ruling. Any such request must be made in writing, specify the reasons for the
 request and be addressed to "The Executive Director, Takeover Regulation Panel" at any of the
 addresses specified below; provided that the request must reach the TRP within five business days
 of publication of this announcement (i.e. by no later than Friday, 24 May 2024):
 If delivered by hand, posted or couriered:
 The Executive Director
 Takeover Regulation Panel
 First Floor Block 2
 Freestone Park
 135 Patricia Road
 Atholl, Johannesburg

 If emailed:
 The Executive Director
 Takeover Regulation Panel

 The TRP Waiver Ruling proceedings will be regarded as complete after the expiry of the
 aforementioned five business day period if no Shareholder requests the Takeover Special
 Committee to review the TRP Waiver Ruling.


 The directors of APF collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the accuracy of the
 information contained in this announcement, and confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and
 belief, there are no facts which have been omitted which would make any statement in this
 announcement false or misleading, and that all reasonable enquiries to ascertain such facts have
 been made.

 17 May 2024

Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor: Bravura Capital (Pty) Limited

Date: 17-05-2024 04:00:00
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